1,001 Pet Battle Tips

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Skyquake » March 3rd, 2013, 6:31 pm

Frogs and toads dealing critter damage are a generic "hard counter" to undead: they deal strong damage and take weak damage. All frogs and toads have identical abilities. However, the Leopard Tree Frog is breed 5/15, the fastest. Its Tongue Lash hits a third time if it goes first. Turtles are also aquatics with a fast attack (Powerball). But a frog who also always strikes first and has the critter DOT Swarm of Flies would edge them out for best vs. undead in my opinion.

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Hyfigh » March 8th, 2013, 3:26 pm

Hey! New to the forum, familiar with the site. I'm a fledgeling pet battler, so pardon some of my ignorance. I have quite a few theory-craft teams rolling in my head and would like some experienced member feedback. I apologize profusely if these have been posted already. With 46 pages of posts I find it a daunting task to make sure these weren't covered previously.

Team 1: The King Crab Shuffle - x3 Emperor Crabs (P/P/P). Why does it work? Whirlpool, heal, swap. It's that simple. It provides steady, reasonable damage along with steady, reasonable healing. The swapping also helps spread the damage out. OP crabs are OP.
Team 2: Chum the Waters - Darkshore Cub (P/P/P), Snarly, Gazelle (3,13 - unsure it's shorthand translation). Why does it work? Snarly has a bleed and Blood in the Water, which allows BitW to auto-hit. It also makes the Cub's Maul hit way harder. The Cub can heal himself for a substantial amount of damage. The Gazelle can replenish Snarly when the time is right.
Team 3: The Herd - x3 Gazelle (3, 13). Why does it work? Bleat + Nature's Ward + Stampede makes for a pretty nasty combo. The fact that the HoT lasts through swaps means that they'll all stay pretty close to full health throughout the battle.
Team 4: The Shepherd and His Flock - Fjord Worg Pup (P/P/P), x2 Gazelle (3, 13). Why does it work? The Worg's burst with Howl and two Bite's, or Howl, Leap, Flurry is pretty amazing (from the numbers I've crunched). The Gazelle work similar to the tactic used in Herd. This team is fairly versatile in it's damage type's, too.
Team 5: Crocs, and Worgs, and Bears Oh My! - Darkshore Cub (P/P/P), Snarly, Fjord Worg Pup (P/P/P). Very similar to Chum the Waters, but the Worg helps create a better sense of sustained burst.

Let me know if I'm off my rocker on anything!

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Pubrulz » March 26th, 2013, 11:45 am

For those that want to collect the pandas by doing the Beasts of Fable daily, here are some formulas to get through it easily (not always fast, but almost guaranteed to win)

For any of the beasts:
Start with Nether Fairy Dragon or Sprite Darter Hatchling using Arcane Blast, Life Exchange, and Moonfire
Hit with MF, then hit with AB, until 1/3 or less life left, then hit the LE. This will full heal your pet, and get over 1K hit on the enemy.
When NFD is dead, switch to the Kun-Lai Runt using Takedown, Frost Shock, and Deep Freeze
Start by using Frost Shock, then hit with Deep Freeze for the guaranteed stun, then finish off with Takedown.
If the beast is even still left alive at this point, any of your other battle pets can finish it off.

For any of the critters:
Any three spiders, all using Strike, Brittle Webbing, and Leech Life.
Start with BW, then on the first and third round of webbing, use LL to regen. On the 2nd round of the webbing, you can hit with Strike.
This strategy is slow, but gets you a win in almost all cases.

For any of the aquatics:
Use any 3 moths, all using Alpha Strike, Cocoon Strike, and Moth Dust
I tend to start with MD, then AS, using CS when needed to avoid big attacks from the boss (such as the dive from the badger, or pump mark 2 on the snapping turtle).

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Drybones_ » April 18th, 2013, 2:03 pm

If you're looking for a good pet, look no further than Cornish Rex Cat! (That is, if you have a battle stone capable of making it a rare). With a shockingly good 341 attack on it, it makes a decent pet if you are needing a beast pet. Don't believe me? Go look at it yourself at level 25 as a rare. I even have one as one of my level 25 pets. Trust me, this pet is awesome.

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Chato » April 29th, 2013, 12:06 am

Hi, im new here and first time posting,

don't know if someone has said this already but an easy way to farm most of the beast of fable is with the following pets.

Corefire Imp this pet is amazing and quite easy to get. start with this one and use Inmolation first and then Wild Magic.
swap to any pet that has stampede stampede. I have a rare Giraffe Calf
use stampede and by the end of the stampede most of them are either dead or under 300 hp

what makes this combo great is that wild magic adds 75 to each attack against the target, inmolation hits each round while the imp is in the backrow and with stampede's dmg debuff it hits for 300 each round. plus each hit of stampede hits for 200+ each and hits 3 times per round. great combo that i just found out and wanted to share.

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Rakrath » April 30th, 2013, 9:53 am

Chato wrote:Hi, im new here and first time posting,

don't know if someone has said this already but an easy way to farm most of the beast of fable is with the following pets.

Corefire Imp this pet is amazing and quite easy to get. start with this one and use Inmolation first and then Wild Magic.
swap to any pet that has stampede stampede. I have a rare Giraffe Calf
use stampede and by the end of the stampede most of them are either dead or under 300 hp

what makes this combo great is that wild magic adds 75 to each attack against the target, inmolation hits each round while the imp is in the backrow and with stampede's dmg debuff it hits for 300 each round. plus each hit of stampede hits for 200+ each and hits 3 times per round. great combo that i just found out and wanted to share.

good pvp player will see and swap out the "wild magic" affected pet, or will try to avoid. But i too like the MultiDot Theme in pet battles, its lot of fun to see really big numbers ^^

Some combos i use so far:
Mechanical Yeti (Lightning Weather)
Clockwork gnome (Turret ^^)
Kneebiter Zandalari

First, ligning weather, then swap and Turret, then Kneebiter and Black Claw
Each hit of the Turret will hit for 400+(2x 200+) (remeber it shots 3 times each round ^^)

very weak against elementals (ignore weather, less damage from mechanical source)

Another MultiDotBackground Combo:
Fel Flame (Imolate, Scorched Earth, Immolation)
Corefire Imp (, wild magic, Imolation)
Here u r free either take either oily smeeling or so with korrosion or kneebiter with black claw
(its so fun to see people realize: wtf, whats going on here, y my pet got down from 800+ to zero within just applying a debuff, most people dont recognize the 2 background dots/scorched earthdot .. ^^)

Start with fel flame
Imolate, Scorched Earth, Immolation (The good Thing about the weather here is, it gives u some bonus but its not neccesary, if it cause people to swap pets to change weather u won 1 turn, except its Sandweather ^^)
Change to Corefire Imp, Apply wild magic and then Immolation
Now change to ur third pet and add again Blckclaw or Korosion (u already have at least 2 Background Dots from the Background)
From now on act situational.

Those are general ideas behind those strategies, but like mostly in pvp u should act very on situation(another swapping strategy, finish first some pets inbetween, delay weather to anti weather another team and so on).

Edit: Ah yeah, with 5.3 those combos are getting nerfed, but we will see how hard it affects.


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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Bulletdance » May 4th, 2013, 11:06 am

I'm not sure if anyone has posed it yet, but using Life Exchange against the Beats of Legend makes them super easy.

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Exel » May 18th, 2013, 12:15 pm

Bulletdance wrote:I'm not sure if anyone has posed it yet, but using Life Exchange against the Beats of Legend makes them super easy.
Good tip, one other move that works great is Trample, since it takes 10% of their huge HP, more than you could do with regular attacks.

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Anasa » May 23rd, 2013, 4:49 pm

Bulletdance wrote:I'm not sure if anyone has posed it yet, but using Life Exchange against the Beats of Legend makes them super easy.
No longer works as of 5.3. Their health pools have been halved, as has the damage they take.

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Ril » May 24th, 2013, 4:13 am

For BoF, the "Roach Approach" is the way to go against any opponents you can't reliably down in 15 rounds or less. Just use apocalypse in the first round, then use avoiders, CCers and healers to survive long enough. Striders are pretty good at CCing and healing, for instance.

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Kaijjiam » May 31st, 2013, 5:28 pm

Snakes, in my opinion are under utilized, as are most beasts , snakes offer very nice attacks.Bite,Poison Fang,Hiss, Counterstrike, Burrow and Vicious Fang is the most common abilities snakes have.
(Though Elder Python has Sting Huge Fang and Slither)

depending on the setup of your attacks they can take down Chrominius and [pet]Lil' Deathwing[/pet]. Just Poison Fang Counterstrike and when timed attack comes or you take to much damage Burrow . Not to mention the fact beasts do an extra 25% more dammage when at half heath combine with an HoT pet and it's a vicious combo. ...Just avoid machines...

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Andimayra » July 30th, 2013, 8:11 am

CelestialAxis wrote:Minfernal - Impossible to get, right? My husband and I read a great way to find one is to create a DK on a low-pop server, preferably non-US. So we both created DKs on a Brazilian server, did the starting area quests, then immediately went to Felwood. My husband killed battle pets in the zone until Minfernal spawned for me. It only took 15 min.! We'll try another day to get him his. :)
I did same and got me a green one!.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Steady1 » August 14th, 2013, 5:58 pm

Crusi wrote:I have leveled most of my pets in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and more precisely in between of the two faction hubs.
All pets there are Aquatic and Flying. So my winning team consisted of
a)the pet i wished to level
b)the versatile Nether Faerie Dragon who has an advantage over both Aquatic and Flying and
C)the awesome Ethereal Soul-Trader that has the best attacks against Flying.

with this set, leveling my 75 pets to level 25 was a piece of cake :)
I find another great lvling area is right next to the Legendary Kafi in Kun-Lai and here is why.
Number 1: you never run out of pet spawns to battle.
Number 2: every battle starts against a summit kid. They have a host of skills they usually use on their first turn that will not kill a lvl 1 pet. This makes it great for leveling rock bottom pets.
Number 3: you only run into beasts, critters and fliers. This is really nice if you are working on upgrading uncommons commons or poors of these kind. There seems to be a strong correlation between the pet class you fight and the variety of pet stones you get as a reward for winning. In addition, when you are upgrading your cageable pets you will find that you run out of humanoid, aquatic, undead, dragonkin and magic rather quickly. You are then left to upgrade dozens of beasts fliers critters and mechanicals. Summit kid battles provide 3 of those 4 EXCLUSIVELY.

Pet leveling here just requires a rare H/P or even better a P/P cat of some sort. Speed is less necessary since the majority of pets you fight are not terribly fast. Best pet is feline familiar for the shield. The key with the cat is to use devour when the target is low enough to be killed by it. You get a great heal and I find that I very rarely need to bandage or even use my self pet heal, let alone run off to a stable master.

Other tips for the legendary pet battles (haven't read the whole forum here so forgive me if i am repeating someone's previous post.

All beast legendaries can be killed swiftly by the following team
mech yeti, menagerie construct, darkmoon tonk
Use the big dmg abilities and start with the yeti. All will die in 4-6 rounds . Time your recoveries in the 3rd slot abilities so that you use them just b4 you will take a killing blow. Your pet dies - resurrects - casts the monster damage and then dies in the next round so you don't have to wait for that annoying recovery!

All critter legendaries can be killed swiftly by the following team
3 foxes.
Depending on the fight you may want to use your fastest fox first and cast the group speed buff for the rest of your pets. Otherwise cast your howl followed by your single damage first slot ability. Usually you will lose 1 or 2 foxes but often you will kill it with a single fox.
EZ PZ (watch out for that fat Racoon's devour---you know who I am talking about!)

Finally, all aquatic pets can be killed by the following team
I don't carry many duplicate pets so I use
Gilnean Raven, Crow, Hawk Owl--all rare of course (if you are blessed to have the spectral tiger cub like I am this should be your anchor pet (last pet slot). Prowl + spectral strike while darkness is up is a show stopper).

You want to get darkness down followed by nocturnal strike. On the turtle legendary make sure your first slot skill does not require you to go first. For whatever reason the other skill gets very heavily blocked by his shield. Other than that its no problem. For the water strider legendary its basically darkness,strike, basic attack until your pets are all dead. Typically takes 5-7 rounds. For the Vale just make sure to let him break his own beaver dam. Use the time to swap pets around if you need to. Its always fun to watch him hit the wall with submerge and avoid all that damage. Finally for the big puffer fish....same strat; darkness-nocturnal strike followed by as many 1st skill spammables as you can get b4 your pet dies. This one is the most tricky and if you get unlucky with the timing of the boss's skills, you may need to do it twice. However, its a hellofalot faster than using a cockroach and sitting on your ass for 15 rounds.

Hope this helps folks. You can always msg me on the site for any other advice.

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Luc80 » September 9th, 2013, 10:57 am

Thanks for the tips :)

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Vek » September 10th, 2013, 4:22 am

One problem many have in pvp is that they are too predictable. Always using attacks in the same order for example. You really need to mix it up sometimes.

Example. Facing a Kun-Lai Runt they usually do Frost Shock -> Deep Freeze. Unless you are down to the last pet, just switch pets after Frosth Shock and their 100% stun will drop to 25%. Sure sometimes you will still get stunned but much less likely.

Direhorns are also often very predictable, and will be even more so after 5.4 when Trihorn Charge will get a 1 turn CD. It is often very easy to first avoid the Primal Cry, which will then screw them out of their Horn Attack stun. Or just plan your own moves according to if Horn Attack is off CD. But facing a competent Direhorn player is surely a pain.

Another thing I love is when facing an opponent with Cocoon Strike. Often it's easy to predict when they will use it. If they are faster, which they often are, I just pass that turn. I get hit for about 100 dmg or so. Then when I am faster I use a two turn attack like Burrow or Lift-Off. This means they will miss their attack when they attack from the cocoon and in the turn after they are faster again and got nothing to hit, meaning two wasted turns for them.

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Vek » September 10th, 2013, 4:41 am

Another tip on how to do the legendaries.

Lucky Yi. I use a 341 Power Zandalari Anklerender. Just Black Claw -> Hunting Party. Dead. If not then finish it off with a Leap.

Greyhoof/Gorespine/Kafi. I use a 341 Speed Zandalari Kneebiter and Darkmoon Tonk. Black Claw - Hunting Party. Usually the raptor dies and I just Ion Cannon to finnish it off.

Skitterer Xi'a. 341 Power Zandalari Anklerender and Sea Gull. Black Claw - Leap - Hunting Party. Then raptor dies and the bird just use Slicing Wind with each hit hitting for over 600.

No-No. Not sure my tactics here are very efficient, but with the barrier and dive I find it hard to setup a proper attack. I use a fast bird to attack first. If he dives, I use Lift-Off. If he uses the barrier I switch in Chrominius and time the attack so I get Howl when he destroys his own barrier. Then use big hit. Finish off with bird.

Ti'un/Dos-Ryga. Pandaren Water Spirit/Chrominius/Bird(on Dos-Ryga I use a Gilnean Raven) . Geyser -> Whirlpool -> Switch to Crhominius -> Howl -> Surge of Power. Usually dead or just finish off with bird.

Ka'wi/Nitun. 341 Speed Zandalari Kneebiter/325 speed Lil'Bad Wolf. Usually it is sufficcient with Black Claw - Hunting Party. But sometimes the bad Wolf has to finish them off with Claw.(or if it's really needed Dodge -> Howl -> Claw)

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Seren » September 10th, 2013, 10:43 am

I like to level low lvl pets in the valley of the four winds where all the dailies for halfhill are done. There are mostly critters there so I use my rare sand kitten lvl 25 in the battle. I start the fight with 2 low lvl characters and finish them off with the sand kitten. Since I am fighting 3 lvl 25s with basically 1 lvl 25 I have already gotten 3 drops of the flawless critter battlestone. I like the sand kitten because of its devour ability. Which gives me back health on a finishing move. I end most fights with full hp even though I battle 3 lvl 25s.

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Abashera » September 27th, 2013, 8:53 am

On Hunting Hard to Find Breeds.

Always leave the poor breed Rare for someone else.

I've done this so many times I can't count. You're looking for that Minfernal or Emerald Proto Whelp on a crowded server with crazy CRZ. The CRZ makes it hard to find even ONE battle-pet, let alone the breed you want in a rare. On my main server there are up to 6 people hovering over the Minfernal spawn area at any one time, and I had to make Death Knights on two dead servers to get mine (I still use those two servers for hard to get pets).

So I'm looking for another P/P Emerald Proto Whelp, and every once in a while I find a rare of some other (lower) breed. Leave it for someone else to get, someone who doesn't know about or care about breeds, and just wants a rare.

Leaving the rare for them, will satisfy their need, and they won't be back again to take your breed. I've even called out locally that there's a rare, and had people come to get it and thank me.

...One less competition. :)

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Woodent » October 3rd, 2013, 7:59 am

[pet]Pandaren Monk[/pet] kills Yu'la solo with Blackout Kick- Takedown- Staggered-2xTakedown-Blackout Kick-Takedown. I guess it could have been even faster if I had thought of putting any kind of crow on the team for Call Darkness, so that Fury of 1,000 Fists could be used instead of Blackout Kick

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Re: 1,001 Pet Battle Tips

Post by Abashera » October 6th, 2013, 10:37 pm

Sorry if this is like a double-post...


I originally wanted to to post that tip in this thread, but I couldn't find it, being kinda new to this site. And what do you know, it's here in the "Pet Battles" section. DERP! :D

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