Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

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Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Painbow » November 20th, 2015, 4:02 pm

I've spent countless hours researching pet battles to improve my pets for each tamer and I have seen a lot of really great suggestions. Sifting through opinions and suggestions is very time consuming, so I'm wondering if anyone has put together a list of the "Objectively best pets and breeds to use against tamers." I use Donna's No-bs WoD tamer guide which was awesome which I still use to this day.

But then reading some comments I've recently found better and faster teams for the MoP tamers such as Wastewalker Shu using Sprite Darter Hatchling, Darkmoon Zeppelin, and then a leveling pet. It was way better than the last team I was using (almost all from the 5.4 guide on these forums). Then I found a better team for Whispering Pandaren Spirit etc.

Anyway, without making this a huge post, can someone direct me to one forum or site where the best teams for the tamers is? Or if you know that your teams really are the best there is, would you be willing to export your Rematch tabs for us? I'm sure many people would appreciate it and I would put it in the guide I'm intending to make!

Thank you.

My MoP Tamer Rematch Export:
Aki the Chosen:66741:1180:110:919:364:277:384:278:710:0:0:0:0:P:500:0:0:0:0:20:
Burning Pandaren Spirit:68463:1155:406:436:490:1179:803:423:538:0:0:0:0:P:500:0:0:0:0:20:
Courageous Yon:66738:1167:525:597:612:0:0:0:0:338:777:646:209:P:0:0:0:0:0:20:
Farmer Nishi:66734:383:118:230:297:0:0:0:0:338:777:646:209:P:300:1:0:0:0:20:
Flowing Pandaren Spirit:68462:548:112:162:170:0:0:0:0:1209:118:123:564:P:700:0:9:0:0:20:
Hyuna of the Shrines:66730:1167:525:597:612:0:0:0:0:140:504:506:508:P:0:0:0:0:0:20:
Seeker Zusshi:66918:173:803:509:423:0:0:0:0:140:504:506:508:P:0:0:0:0:0:20:
Thundering Pandaren Spirit:68465:743:445:369:564:339:777:282:334:0:0:0:0:P:0:0:0:0:0:20:
Wastewalker Shu:66739:87:421:440:595:339:777:282:779:0:0:0:0:P:500:1:0:0:0:20:
Whispering Pandaren Spirit:68464:557:421:277:595:0:0:0:0:1152:110:362:593:P:0:0:0:0:0:20:
My WoD Tamer Rematch Export:
Cymre Brightblade:83837:746:356:511:513:0:0:0:0:1161:122:168:405:P:180:0:4:0:0:20:
Tarr the Terrible:87110:1238:422:218:321:0:0:0:0:1394:1273:665:663:P:0:0:0:0:0:20:

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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Iibis » November 20th, 2015, 4:07 pm

I think it would be nice if you (and others that would like to share!) also included notes and which breeds you're using in addition to your raw Rematch strings, because it can be quite difficult to see what the idea is behind each team. I'm always interested in trying new teams to see if there's something I like more than the current one, but seeing just Rematch strings doesn't really make me want to try them out when I don't even know if they're actually something I'm already using.

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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Painbow » November 20th, 2015, 4:18 pm

Iibis wrote:I think it would be nice if you (and others that would like to share!) also included notes and which breeds you're using in addition to your raw Rematch strings, because it can be quite difficult to see what the idea is behind each team. I'm always interested in trying new teams to see if there's something I like more than the current one, but seeing just Rematch strings doesn't really make me want to try them out when I don't even know if they're actually something I'm already using.
Yeah that's why I like posts like Donna's no-bs WoD tamers here: http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13853

I actually use all of her suggestions and even use the Hatespark team there for Taralune. I just wish there was one resource to find the scientifically best teams without the hours and hours of research.

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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Jerebear » November 22nd, 2015, 5:28 pm

I have a couple of updated ones I use for the MoP tamers, but there isn't a really awesome place to post them. If you are interested, I could post some here or elsewhere.
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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Sepsis » November 23rd, 2015, 9:26 am

It's been months since I've done the MoP trainers, but I did update a bunch of my teams when I did. A reason to dive back into pet battles before Legion would be great if someone would like to keep a thread going.

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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Painbow » November 24th, 2015, 9:13 am

Jerebear wrote:I have a couple of updated ones I use for the MoP tamers, but there isn't a really awesome place to post them. If you are interested, I could post some here or elsewhere.
This website is a very awesome place to post them! In fact, right here is perfect! :mrgreen:

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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Jerebear » November 24th, 2015, 10:39 pm

I'll have to go through my list and see what others I have, but here are 4 updated ones that I use. Note that the breeds are very specific. I haven't tested other breeds, though I note some thoughts on other breeds and alternate pets below each strat. Those are just musings. I've only tested the breeds mentioned. Most of the teams can handle a single crit pretty well. None of the teams are particularly mult crit safe:

Thundering Pandaren Spirit - Location: Kun-Lai Summit
Team 1: 16 rounds
  • 1: (S/S)[pet]Death Adder Hatchling[/pet] [-] (2,1,2)
    2: Carry pet
    3: (H/H)[pet]Iron Starlette[/pet] [-] (1,2,1)

    vs Pandaren Earth Spirit
    • - Blinding Poison > Puncture Wound > Viscious Fang x4
    vs Sludgy
    • - Blinding Poison > Puncture Wound > Viscious Fang (You die here)
      - Select Carry Pet and then Switch to Iron starlette > Wind-up > Toxic Smoke > Wind-up
    vs Darnak
    • - Wind-up > Supercharge > Wind-up
You must use an S/S Death Adder Hatchling to be faster than Sludgy or you die too early.
It's possible to use other Starlette breeds, but the chance of failure increases as Sludgy can do 1202-1405 non-crit damage. A P/S Starlette has 1400 HP.

Courageous Yon - Location: Kun-Lai Summit
Team 1: 11 rounds
  • 1: (P/P)[pet]Iron Starlette[/pet] [-] (1,2,1)
    2: Carry pet
    3: (H/P)[pet]Menagerie Custodian[/pet] [-] (1,1,2)

    vs Piqua
    • - Wind-up > Supercharge > Wind-up
    vs Lapin
    • - Toxic Smoke > Wind-up > Wind-up > Toxic Smoke
      - If your starlette is still alive, Lapin is dead. If so skip to Bleat
      - If your starlette died, select your carry pet and swap to Menagerie Custodian > Zap to kill Piqua
    vs Bleat
    • - If you killed Piqua with the Menagerie Custodian, then Shock and Awe > Ion Cannon
      - If your starlette is still alive, Toxic Smoke until it dies (1-2 rounds)
      - Select Carry Pet and swap to Menagerie Custodian > Shock and Awe if Bleat has more than 800 HP > Ion Cannon
You must use a P/P breed Starlette in order to take out Piqua before he goes into Flock.
You can probably substitute the Menagerie Custodian for another 2-hit beast killer like Tranquil Mechanical Yeti or Darkmoon Tonk, but the chance of failure increases due to lower health and smaller hits
If you use the Menagerie Custodian, it must be H/P or chance of failure can increase.

Burning Pandaren Spirit - Location: Townlong Steppes
Team 1: 11-12 rounds
  • 1: (P/P)[pet]Crusher[/pet] [-] (1,1,1)
    2: Carry pet
    3: (N/A)[pet]Azure Whelpling[/pet] [-] (2,1,1)

    vs Crimson
    • - Body Slam > Shell Armor > Body Slam > Acid Touch
    vs Pandaren Fire Spirit
    • - Acid Touch > Body Slam > Acid Touch > Body Slam (Crusher may die)
      - If Crusher dies before the PFS, select carry pet and swap to Azure Whelpling > Breath until PFS dies
    vs Glowy
    • - Acid Touch (Crusher may die) > Body Slam (Crusher will die) > Select Carry Pet, Swap to Azure Whelpling
      - Arcane Storm if dragon racial is not up and Glowy has more than 1200 HP > Surge of Power
You must use a P/P breed Crusher, but you can probably use a P/P Ore Eater instead (with a slightly higher chance of failure).
You can probably substitute the Azure Whelpling for another 2-hit flyer killer like Chrominius or Empowered Mana Fiend, but the chance of failure slightly increases.

Seeker Zusshi - Location: Townlong Steppes
Team 1: 11-12 rounds
  • 1: (P/P)[pet]Kelp Scuttler[/pet] [-] (1,1,2)
    2: Carry pet
    3: (N/A)[pet]Veilwatcher Hatchling[/pet] [-] (1,2,2)

    vs Diamond
    • - Spiny Carapace > Rip > Blood in the Water
    vs Mollus
    • - Rip > Spiny Carapace > Rip/Pass (Kelp Scuttler dies)
      - Select Carry Pet, Swap to Veilwatcher Hatchling > Flock (kills Mollus on 2nd round)
    vs Skimmer
    • - Last round of flock > Predatory Strike (Skimmer may die here) > Peck (Skimmer will die)
There are various alternates for the Kelp Scuttler. Just make sure it is a P/P Breed with the same moveset.
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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Painbow » November 25th, 2015, 7:41 am

Oh man I get to use my S/S death adder in PvE. Nice! I haven't used most of these pets but I have them. That's awesome. I wish I were more creative to come up with better teams, but that's not me.flac.

Thanks a lot, man. This is going to be fun.

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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Jerebear » November 25th, 2015, 6:30 pm

No problem. I hope I didn't make any mistakes typing that out and that it is understandable. The Yon and Burning spirit ones have a few oddities depending on when your first pet dies, so if it isn't clear let me know.

For wastewalker Shu, here is a quick unformatted level 1 pet strat

Syd the Squid, Carry Pet, Empowered Manafiend

Tidal Wave x3
Bubble to block whirlpool (only this one, ignore the others)
Tidal Wave until Syd dies (round 12 normally)
Select carry pet and swap immediately to Empowered Manafiend
Arcane Explosion 3x (or until backline pets both die if Syd was crit killed early)
Arcane Storm
[if Crusher has > 892 HP then Arcane Explosion once more]
Surge of Power

It's usually 18 rounds, but can be 19 depending on his healing.

This isn't the fastest strat, but it does allow a level 1 carry.
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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Jerebear » December 4th, 2015, 12:04 pm

Found a faster more reliable strat for Wastewalker Shu, but it does require one of the Lil' XT variants, so not for everyone. Allows for a level 2+ beast pet carry or a level 1+ otherwise (Rematch can provide that for you if you set minimum health to 116 and mark it as mech damage in your team preferences).

I posted it in the 5.4 guide:

The only major gotcha in the strat is you have to make sure you don't crit kill Pounder (the elemental) too quickly. He needs to die no earlier than the final round of Sandstorm. Luckily you can pass (or recast whirlpool) a round or two if needed (when he is 308 HP or less and Sandstorm still has multiple rounds left).

It is taking me 16 round most of the time, occasionally 17 if dive hits really low.
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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Vhale » December 13th, 2015, 8:38 pm

I just want to say thank you to everyone posting these guides. I recently came back from a hiatus and can't quite recall the finer details of how I killed some of these on the first go. So reading posts like this has helped me re-figure out how to beat these fellows. And helped point me to some pets I may have missed such as Iron Starlette, had I gone straight to WoD.


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Re: Objectively best pets for MoP/WoD Tamers

Post by Sepsis » December 20th, 2015, 11:13 pm

Sorry it took me so long to get in on this, holidays been keeping me busy but I finally got some time this afternoon to really go over things again. I'll keep on the other battles to see if there's anything of worth.

I'm gonna start off with Aki since I found all my friends have been using the same old inefficient setup.

Aki the Chosen (9 rounds)
Zandalari Anklerender (P/P)
Clockwork Gnome

vs Chirrup
- Hunting Party > Leap (Chirrup dies)
vs Stormlash
- Black Claw (you die)
- Build Turret (Stormlash dies)
vs Whiskers
- Swap to Carry pet > Swap back
- Build Turret > Metal Fist
*The one possible wrinkle would be if Dive both hits high and crits.

Mo'ruk (13 rounds)
Mechanical Axebeak (P/P)
Nexus Whelpling (P/P)

vs Woodcarver
- Haywire > Decoy > Alpha Strike
vs Lightstalker
- Swap to Carry pet > Swap to Nexus Whelp
- Arcane Storm > Mana Surge
vs Needleback
- Mana Surge (you die)
- Alpha Strike > Haywire

Flowing Pandaren Spirit (12-13 rounds)

vs Marley
- Thunderbolt > Alpha Strike > Lift-Off > Alpha Strike (if needed)
vs Tiptoe
- Alpha Strike + Thunderbolt till dead
vs Pandaren Water Spirit
- Swap to Carry pet > Swap to Chromie
- Howl > Surge of Power

Whispering Pandaren Spirit ( 12-15 rounds)
Fragment of Anger
Crusher P/P

vs Dusty
- Start with Carry pet and pass > Swap to Fragment
- Spirit Spikes > Spiritfire Beam > Spiritfire Bolt
- with luck the spikes can kill Dusty, or at least get him low
vs Whispertail
- Spiritfire Beam on CD, Spirit Spikes (if not on undead round) > Spiritfire Bolt
- You should be able to get Whispertail down at least 50% before dying
- Bring in Crusher > Body Slam > Acid Touch (if needed)
vs Pandaren Air Spirit
- Shell Armor > Body Slam > Acid Touch > Body Slam
*If possible use a carry pet that can eat the Moth Dust, otherwise start with the Fragment and wait till Cocoon Strike to use Spirit Spikes, bring in carry after you die.
This of course adds time and RNG to the fight.

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