Daily garrison reset time?

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Joined:December 31st, 2012
Pet Score:14426
Daily garrison reset time?

Post by Annieb » December 28th, 2015, 12:06 pm

Is it 3(?ish) a.m. local time, another time? Anyone know?

I'm in EU and want to maximise my daily xp spree during the pet event with Squirt on thursday. (we're one day offset from the US schedule). Trying to figure out what time to aim for... I have 3 alts which I'm going to try to ding 100 this week during my vacation time also... Pet battling in the garrison using my other account is a pretty decent xp grind for alts.

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Re: Daily garrison reset time?

Post by Merana » December 28th, 2015, 12:54 pm

Yes it's 3 a.m. server time when daily quests and the menagerie visitors in your garrison reset. If you're logged in while it happens the previous menagerie visitor might stick around for a little longer but you won't be able to interact with them, relogging fixes that.

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Joined:December 31st, 2012
Pet Score:14426

Re: Daily garrison reset time?

Post by Annieb » December 28th, 2015, 12:58 pm

Thanks! I'm usually abed long before that, but this time I'm planning on destroying my sleep habits for a day or so in order to maximise my leveling/xp'ing! :lol:

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