Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

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Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 2nd, 2017, 6:28 am

So, we get new achievement, what could be new chalenge. Let's check it. This post will contain some notes about it.
... with magic family:
1. [pet]Gusting grimoire[/pet] - Shadow shock/Amplify magic/Curse of doom
2.[pet]Lofly libram[/pet] - Shadow shock/Amplify magic/Curse of doom
3.[pet]Count scribe[/pet] - Shadow shock/Amplify magic/Curse of doom
My favorite "3 books" team easy kills it in 12 rounds

... with beast family:
1. [pet]Corgnelius[/pet] - Bark/Cute face/Puppy parade
2. [pet]Lost netherpup[/pet] - Shadow shock/Howl/Maul
3. Any snake with 270+ speed
I desided to do this fight some exotic way, but it took some atemtps. So I started from Cute face and restarted fight before Pilfer missed his Antaen cannon. After it Corgnelius just spamed Puppy parade and dies exactly after next cannon. Netherpup started from shadow shock*2-howl-shadow shock till Pilfer dies.

...with humanoid family:
1. [pet]Lil' bad wolf[/pet] - Claw/Dodge/Howl
2. [pet]Sister of temptation[/pet] - Shadow shock/Curse of doom/Lovestuck
3. Any humanoid pet
Another fun fight. Start from Dodge, swap on Sister - Curse - Lovestuck, swap on Wolf - Howl - Dodge - Claw, swap on Sister... Eventualy wolf dies and Sister finishes Pilfer.

...with dragonkin family
1. [pet]Ageless bronze drake[/pet] - Devastate/Breath/Time stop
2. [pet]Nether faerie dragon[/pet] - Slicing wind/Life exchange/Moonfire
3. [pet]Sprite darter hatchling[/pet] - Slicing wind/Life exchange/Moonfire
Nice, nice. Devastate, swap on Nether - Slicing wind-Life exchange - Nether dies. Bronze drake - Time stop - Breath - Devastate, swap on Darter-Slicing wind-Life exchange - Darter dies. Bronze drake - Time stop - Breath - Devastate-Breath. Win.

... with flying family
1. [pet]Yellow moth[/pet] - Alpha strike/Cocoon strike/Moth dust
2. [pet]Bloodgazer hatchling[/pet] - Savage talon/Falcosaur swarm!/Predatory strike
3. [pet]Brilliant spore[/pet] - Reckless strike/Spiked skin/Explode
Any moth starts from Cocoon strike, swap on Bloodgazer - Swarm!-Savage talon-Predatory strike, Bloodgazer dies. Brilliant spore - Reckless strike- Explode. Moth - Cocoon strike-Dust-Alpha strike. Win.

... with undead family
1. [pet]Restless shadeling[/pet] (273 spd) - Shadow shock/Death and decay/Phase shift
2. [pet]Unborn Val'kir[/pet] - Shadow slash/Curse of doom/Haunt
3. [pet]Blighted squirrel[/pet] - any/any/Stampede
I created fun fight, but for some reasons it droped me out in round I had win. May be bug. So I created another one. :lol:
So, Phase shift-Death and decay, swap on Val'kir - Doom-Haunt, Squirrel-Stampede till Squirrel dies, Val'kir or Shade finishes Pilfer. Win.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 2nd, 2017, 11:02 am

...with critter family
1. [pet]Egbert[/pet] - Peck/Adrenaline rush/Feigh death
2. [pet]Darkmoon rabbit[/pet] - Huge, Sharp teeth!/Dodge/Stampede
3. [pet]Mr. Wiggles[/pet] Diseased bite/Buried treasure/Headbutt
Egbert starts Feigh death, Darkmoon rabbit - Teeth!-Stampede-Dodge-Teeth!-Stampede and dies. Mr.Wiggles - Deseased bite-Headbutt-Deasised bite. Win.

... with elemental family
1. [pet]Ruby droplet[/pet] - Acid touch/Bubble/Drain blood
2. [pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet] - Sulfuras smash/Magma trap/Sons of the flame
3. [pet]Tainted Waveling[/pet] - Poison spit/Acidic goo/Creeping ooze
I did this fight with few different elemental teams, but think this one is easier from them.
Droplet starts from Drain blood-Acid-Bubble-Acid-Drain, swap on Lil' Ragnaros - Sons-Magma trap, swap on Waveling - Poison-Acid-Creeping... till Waveling dies, Lil' Ragnaros finishes with Sulfuras.

... with aquatic family
1. [pet]Puddle terror[/pet] - Water jet/Clobber/Dive
2. [pet]Toothy[/pet] - Rip/Surge/Blood in the watter
3. [pet]Tideskipper[/pet] (H/S) - Crush/Body slam/Clobber
Not too cool fight, but still doable. Terror starts from Clobber-Jet-Dive, swap on Toothy - Rip-Surge-Blood in the watter-Surge... After Toothy dies, Terror continues Clobber-Jet-Dive, swap on Tideskipper - Crush- Clobber-Crush*... Tideskipped has die from Cannon, so Terror starts - Jet*2-Clobber-Jet-Dive (to avoid Jar's weakness)-Jet... If you lucky on some point Pilfer dies.

... with mechanical family
1. [pet]Draenei micro defender[/pet] - Metal fist/Reflective shield/Explode
2. [pet]Darkmoon zeppelin[/pet] - Missile/Explode/Decoy
3. Any mech pet.
Defender starts from Reflective shield-Fist*2-Explode. Zeppelin starts from Decoy-Missile-Explode. Win.

Pilfer defeated by all familia. Fastest - Mech, hardiest -Aquatic.
Last edited by Papazol on September 3rd, 2017, 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Peanutty » September 2nd, 2017, 1:06 pm

Thank you so much for posting an aquatic strategy. I did all the other families on Pilfer yesterday (still parked there actually) and couldn't get aquatic done. I even had someone else working on it at the same time. The lowest we managed was around 500 health on him.

Edit: So far I cannot replicate this, with about 30 attempts. Lowest I've gotten him to is around 100. I cannot get the Tideskipper (mine is H/P) to survive the extra round to take the big blast. I even borrowed a H/H Tideskipper and it can't survive that additional round.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Sellys » September 2nd, 2017, 3:51 pm

I would guess you need an H/S Tideskipper so you're faster and get two rounds of stunnage.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 3rd, 2017, 5:26 pm

Peanutty wrote:Tideskipper (mine is H/P) to survive the extra round to take the big blast.
Tnx for comment. Yes, I used H/S pet.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 3rd, 2017, 6:36 pm

Next pet Minixis
... with mechanical family
1. [pet]Draenei micro defender[/pet] - Metal fist/Reflective shield/Explode
2. [pet]Darkmoon zeppelin[/pet] - Missile/Explode/Decoy
3. Any mech pet.
Same like against Pilfer, Defender starts from Reflective shield-Fist*2-Explode. Zeppelin starts from Decoy-Missile till 2d Cannon, after Mimixis first time dies, - Explode. Win.

...with humanoid family
1.[pet] Lil' bad wolf[/pet] - Claw/Dodge/Howl
2. [pet]Sister of temptation[/pet] - Shadow shock/Curse of doom/Lovestuck
3. [pet]Kun-lai runt[/pet] - Takedown/Frost shock/Deep freeze
Start from Dodge, swap on Sister - Curse -Shadow shock - Lovestuck, swap on Wolf - Howl - Dodge - Claw, swap on Sister- Curse - Lovestuck, swap on Wolf - Dodge-Howl- Claw*2, Wolf dies. Runt - Frosth shock-Deep freeze-Frost shock. Win.
Difference with Pilfer fight - Sister takes dmg in first round, we let Wolf die from 3d cannon.

...with dragonkin family
1. [pet]Ageless bronze drake[/pet] - Devastate/Breath/Time stop
2. [pet]Nether faerie dragon[/pet] - Slicing wind/Life exchange/Moonfire
3. [pet]Sprite darter hatchling[/pet] - Slicing wind/Life exchange/Moonfire
Time stop-Breath-Devastate, swap on Nether - Slicing wind*...-Life exchange -Slicing wind*...- Nether dies. Bronze drake - Time stop - Breath - Devastate, swap on Darter-Slicing wind*... Easy fight. Won it without 2d dragon death.

... with flying family
1. [pet]Yellow moth[/pet] - Alpha strike/Cocoon strike/Moth dust
2. [pet]Direbeak hatchling[/pet] - Falcosaur swarm!/Reckless strike/Predatory strike
3. [pet]Brilliant spore[/pet] - Reckless strike/Blinding powder/Explode
Minixis is realy slow, so team can be more aggresive. Any moth starts from Cocoon strike, swap on Direbeak - Swarm!-Reckless strike-Predatory strike, Direbeak dies. Brilliant spore - Reckless strike- Blinding powder-Reckless strike-Explode. Win.

BUG! If boss pet has to die from Blistering cold under debuff, you will be droped from fight right before it.
I found it on Pilfer and checked it now ;)

... with undead family.
1. [pet]Spectral spinner[/pet] - Bone bite/Blinding poison/Spectral strike
2. [pet]Boneshard[/pet] - Chop/Blistering cold/Ice spike
3 (bugged) [pet]Blighted squirrel[/pet] - any/any/Stampede
3a. [pet]Mr. Bigglesworth[/pet] - Pounce/Frost nova/Howling blast or Ice tomb
Idea was defeat it by dot under Stampede debuff. But for now it drops you from fight, so I made another team.
So, Spinner starts from Blinding poison, swap on Boneshard - Cold-Spike*3-Cold, Boneshard dies. Spinner - Blinding poison, swap on cat, Frost nova-Blast or Tomb-Pounce*...-Frost nova, cat dies. Spinner Blinding poison-Spectral strike-Bone bite*...
You win even if Boneshard misses all Cold spikes, and win realy fast if all 3 hit.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 4th, 2017, 1:03 pm

...with critter family.
1. Any scarab (289 power or more) - Flank/Survival/Apocalypse
2-3. Any hare (High hp) - Flurry/Dodge/Burrow
Easy fight if you have 2 fat rabbits and strong bug. So, Survival-Apocalypse, swap on 1st hare - Dodge-Flurry*...Burrow-hare dies from cannon. 2d hare starts from Flurry*2-Dodge... actualy you may not deal dmg from hare at all. 2d hare should die from Cannon in turn 16 so Apocalypse kills Minixis and it left with 450 hp and 2 rounds recharging. So scarab has 3 rounds to kill it with Flank. Win.

...with magic family.
1. [pet]Abyssius[/pet] - Immolation/Flamethrower/Volkano
2-3.Any Lantern - Burn/Flash/Soul ward
Just burn it down with rude force.

...with elemental family.
1. [pet]Lava crab[/pet] - Survival/Cauterize/Conflagrate
2. [pet]Fel flame[/pet] - Burn/Immolate/Conflagrate
3. [pet]Searing scorchling[/pet] - Burn/Immolate/Conflagrate
Crab starts from Survival-Conflagrate, swap on Flame - Immolate-Conflagrate-Burn-Immolate, flame dies. Crab - Survival-Conflagrate, swap on Scorchling - Conflagrate. Win.

...with beast family.
1. [pet]Scalded Basilisk Hatchling [/pet]- Crystal prison/Feign death/Thrash
2. [pet]Zandalary kneebiter[/pet] - Hunting party/Black claw/Bloodfang
3. Any beast pet with 1300 hp or less.
So, Basilisk starts from Prison-Thrash-Feign death, Kneebiter - Black claw - Hunting party-Bloodfang, Kneebiter dies. Basilisk -Prison-Thrash*... Win.

...with aquatic family.
1. [pet]Puddle terror[/pet] - Water jet/Clobber/Dive
2. [pet]Pengu[/pet] - Surge/Slippery Ice/Ice lance
3. [pet]Mr. Chilly[/pet] - Surge/Slippery Ice/Ice lance
Terror starts from Clobber-Water jet-Dive, swap on Pengu - Slippery Ice-Ice lance*... Pengu dies. Terror - Clobber-Water jet-Dive, swap on Mr.Chilly - Slippery Ice-Ice lance*... Mr.Chilly dies. Terror - Clobber-Water jet-Dive-Jet*... Win.

Minixis defeated by all familia.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Q8e192 » September 4th, 2017, 3:05 pm

Papazol wrote:Next pet Minixis
... with mechanical family
1. [pet]Draenei micro defender[/pet] - Metal fist/Reflective shield/Explode
2. [pet]Darkmoon zeppelin[/pet] - Missile/Explode/Decoy
3. Any mech pet.
Same like against Pilfer, Defender starts from Reflective shield-Fist*2-Explode. Zeppelin starts from Decoy-Missile till 2d Cannon, after Mimixis first time dies, - Explode. Win.

...with humanoid family
1.[pet] Lil' bad wolf[/pet] - Claw/Dodge/Howl
2. [pet]Sister of temptation[/pet] - Shadow shock/Curse of doom/Lovestuck
3. [pet]Kun-lai runt[/pet] - Takedown/Frost shock/Deep freeze
Start from Dodge, swap on Sister - Curse -Shadow shock - Lovestuck, swap on Wolf - Howl - Dodge - Claw, swap on Sister- Curse - Lovestuck, swap on Wolf - Dodge-Howl- Claw*2, Wolf dies. Runt - Frosth shock-Deep freeze-Frost shock. Win.
Difference with Pilfer fight - Sister takes dmg in first round, we let Wolf die from 3d cannon.

...with dragonkin family
1. [pet]Ageless bronze drake[/pet] - Devastate/Breath/Time stop
2. [pet]Nether faerie dragon[/pet] - Slicing wind/Life exchange/Moonfire
3. [pet]Sprite darter hatchling[/pet] - Slicing wind/Life exchange/Moonfire
Time stop-Breath-Devastate, swap on Nether - Slicing wind*...-Life exchange -Slicing wind*...- Nether dies. Bronze drake - Time stop - Breath - Devastate, swap on Darter-Slicing wind*... Easy fight. Won it without 2d dragon death.

... with flying family
1. [pet]Yellow moth[/pet] - Alpha strike/Cocoon strike/Moth dust
2. [pet]Direbeak hatchling[/pet] - Falcosaur swarm!/Reckless strike/Predatory strike
3. [pet]Brilliant spore[/pet] - Reckless strike/Blinding powder/Explode
Minixis is realy slow, so team can be more aggresive. Any moth starts from Cocoon strike, swap on Direbeak - Swarm!-Reckless strike-Predatory strike, Direbeak dies. Brilliant spore - Reckless strike- Blinding powder-Reckless strike-Explode. Win.

BUG! If boss pet has to die from Blistering cold under debuff, you will be droped from fight right before it.
I found it on Pilfer and checked it now ;)

... with undead family.
1. [pet]Spectral spinner[/pet] - Bone bite/Blinding poison/Spectral strike
2. [pet]Boneshard[/pet] - Chop/Blistering cold/Ice spike
3 (bugged) [pet]Blighted squirrel[/pet] - any/any/Stampede
3a. [pet]Mr. Bigglesworth[/pet] - Pounce/Frost nova/Howling blast or Ice tomb
Idea was defeat it by dot under Stampede debuff. But for now it drops you from fight, so I made another team.
So, Spinner starts from Blinding poison, swap on Boneshard - Cold-Spike*3-Cold, Boneshard dies. Spinner - Blinding poison, swap on cat, Frost nova-Blast or Tomb-Pounce*...-Frost nova, cat dies. Spinner Blinding poison-Spectral strike-Bone bite*...
You win even if Boneshard misses all Cold spikes, and win realy fast if all 3 hit.
Its not really a bug ... its just the animation takes too long. I think after ANY pet battle (win, lose, or draw) there is a "3 sec" animation cut-off before you exit the battle. If the animation such as Boneshard (or missle turret or any others) take more than 3 sec, you'll still exit the pet battle. You'll still get credit if you win tho ;)

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 5th, 2017, 7:31 pm


... with humanoid family.
1. [pet]Stunted yeti[/pet] - Trash/Mangle/Rampage
2. [pet]Sporeling sprout[/pet] - Charge/Creeping fungus/Spore shrooms
3. [pet]Squirky[/pet] - Punch/Stampede/Bubble
Woah, I like achev more and more.
So, we start from Yeti and it is swaped on Sprout - Fungus-Shrooms-Charge, is swaped on Squirky - Stampede, is swaped on Yeti - Rampage, Yeti dies. Sporeling - Fungus-Shrooms-Charge, is swaped on Squirky - Stampede, Squirky dies. Sprout - Charge. Win.
Fight is realy close, so Snozz hasn't crit our pets or we will lose.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 6th, 2017, 2:44 am

...with flying family
1. [pet]Direbeak hatchling[/pet] - Falcosaur swarm!/Reckless strike/Predatory strike
2. [pet]Crow[/pet] - Alpha strike/Call darkness/Murder
3. [pet]Gilnean raven[/pet] - Alpha strike/ Call darkness/Nocturnal strike
Easy fight. Hatchling starts from Swarm!, is swaped on higher hp raven - Call darkness-Murder, is swaped on lower hp raven - Call darkness-Nocturnal strike. WIn.

...with undead family.
1. [pet]Infested bear cub[/pet] - Roar/Hibernate/Maul
2. [pet]Fungal abomination[/pet] - Absorb/Creeping fungus/Spore shrooms
3. [pet]Blighted squirrel[/pet] - Woodchipper/Adrenaline rush/Stampede
So, bear is swaped on abomination. Abomination - Shrooms-Fungus, is swaped on Squirrel - Woodchipper-Stampede, is swaped on bear - Maul. Win.

... with critter family.
1. [pet]Imperial silkworm[/pet] - Consume/Moth balls/Burrow
2. [pet]Blind rat[/pet] - Sneak attack/Crouch/Call darkness
3. [pet]Alpine chipmunk[/pet] (289 spd) - Woodchipper/Adrenaline rush/Stampede
Silkworm is swaped on Rat - Crouch-Call darkness, is swaped on Squirrel - Woodchipper-Stampede. If squirrel dies on this point we are lose. If no (even if 5 hp left), we may win. Squirrel is swaped on Silkworm - Moths balls, Snozz has speed debuff. Silkworm dies. Squirell with 289 spd is faster, applies Stampede and dies. Blind rat - Call darkness-Sneak atack.
To win we have to be realy lucky and Snozz doesn't get any crits. So it is doable 1 time in 20 fights. May be P/S Blind rat (289 spd) make it easier but I haven't this breed. Still done, so...

...with magic family.
1. [pet]Trunks[/pet] - Smash/Etherial/Headbutt
2. [pet]Sanctum cub[/pet] - Pounce/Leap/Black claw
3. [pet]Sapphire cub[/pet] - Pounce/Rake/Stone rush
Magic family is soo good.
So, Trunks starts from Etherial-Headbutt-Smash, is swaped on Sanctum cub - Black claw-Leap-Pounce, is swaped on Saphire cub - Pounce*... Win.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Sellys » September 6th, 2017, 12:17 pm

What breed of Sanctum Cub did you have? I tried something similar, didn't work for me. Ended up swapping Trunks for a P/P minfernal which worked.

EDIT: Think I just got really unlucky when I tried that. Got double tapped by both flanks on the sapphire cub, which killed it.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Kiljare » September 6th, 2017, 2:45 pm

Dragons and Elementals for Snozz, just... such a nightmare. Dragons on Shadeflicker as well. Some of these really seem to demonstrate what areas some families are lacking in.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 6th, 2017, 5:22 pm

...with beast family.
1. [pet]Scalded basilisk hatchling[/pet] - Bite/Feigh death/Screech
2. [pet]Alterac brew-pup[/pet] - Bite/The good stuff/Call the Pack
3. [pet]Alpine foxling[/pet] - Bite/Howl/Dazling dance
Don't think it is the best team, but too lazy to find another.
Basilisk starts Feigh death, swap on Alterac brew-pup - Call the Pack-Bite, is swaped on Basilisk - Screech-Bite-Screech, is swaped Alpine foxling - Howl-Bite*... Win.

...with mech family.
1. [pet]Darkmoon zeppelin[/pet] - Missile/Explode/Decoy
2. [pet]Cogblade raptor[/pet] - Bite/Screech/Exposed wounds
3. [pet]Fluxfire feline[/pet] - Pounce/Overtude/Prowl
Zeppelin is swaped on Raptor - Wounds-Screech*2, is swaped on Feline - Pounce*3, is swaped on Zep - Decoy-Explode. Raptor - Screech-Bite. Win.
Last edited by Papazol on September 6th, 2017, 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 6th, 2017, 6:39 pm

Kiljare wrote:Dragons and Elementals for Snozz, just... such a nightmare. Dragons on Shadeflicker as well. Some of these really seem to demonstrate what areas some families are lacking in.
Nope. Aquatic family is much much worse for all cases.

Snozz with dragonkin family.
1. [pet]Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon[/pet] - Breath/Celestial blessing/Life exchange
2. [pet]Infinite hatchling[/pet] - Breath/Temporal anomaly/Early advantage
3. [pet]Emmigosa[/pet] - Claw/Wind magic/Surge of power
Start from Yu'la, is swaped on Hatchling - Advantage-Temporal anomaly, is swaped (or dies) on Emmigoza - Claw-Wind magic-Claw, is swaped on Yu'la-Breath-Life exchange-Breath, is swaped (or dies) on Emmigoza-Surge of power. Possible win.
Dragon team needs like 100-150 dmg more, so win conditions are Infinite hatchling death and good dmg roll from Breath and Claw. It is like 1 win in 5 atempts.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 6th, 2017, 7:20 pm

...with elemental family.
1. [pet]Nightmare treant[/pet] - Poison lash/Nightmare/Call darkness
2. [pet]Crazy carrot[/pet] - Jab/Aged yolk/Blistering cold
3. [pet]Ominous flame[/pet] - Spiritfire bolt/Scorched earth/Forboding curse
Treant is swaped on Carrot - Jab-Blistering cold, is swaped on Flame - Curse-Scorched earth-Curse, is swaped on Treant - Poison-Nightmare-Call darkness, is swaped on Flame - Forboding curse-Spiritfire bolt or Spiritfire bolt. Possible win.
Win cinditions - carrot dies or has less hp than flame, few crits from dots, treant didn't die before Call of darkness cast.
With all random things win is like 1 from 5.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Ziv » September 7th, 2017, 1:33 am

2. Infinite hatchling - Breath/Temporal anomaly/Early advantage

I can not believe I have 930+ pets. Missing Infinite Hatchling. This is the LAST piece I need to complete the entire meta. *facepalm* Has anyone found or figured out strats without the Infinite Hatchling?

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 7th, 2017, 4:02 am

Ziv wrote:2. Infinite hatchling - Breath/Temporal anomaly/Early advantage

I can not believe I have 930+ pets. Missing Infinite Hatchling. This is the LAST piece I need to complete the entire meta. *facepalm* Has anyone found or figured out strats without the Infinite Hatchling?
New pet, [pet]Discarded experiment[/pet], has frost shock like ability. You may try to build team around it and call darkness. I just haven't it yet so cant check, sorry.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 7th, 2017, 5:34 am

Snozz with aquatic family.
1. Gulp froglet - Frog kiss/Toxic skin/Swarm
2. Tiny blue carp - Surge/Wind magic/Mana surge
3. Toothy - Rip/Surge/Blood in the Water
Froglet is swaped on Carp - Surge-Wind magic-Surge, is swaped on Toothy - Rip-Blood in the Water-Surge, is swaped on Froglet - Swarm, Froglet dies, Carp or Toothy - Surge. Win.

Snozz defeated by all familia.

And looks like I randomly started from strongest pet, lol.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 7th, 2017, 6:38 am


... with aquatic family.
1. [pet]Gulp froglet[/pet] - Frog kiss/Toxic skin/Swarm
2. [pet]Tiny blue carp[/pet] - Surge/Wind magic/Mana surge
3. [pet]Toothy[/pet] - Rip/Surge/Blood in the Water
Same team, same logic. A bit different fight. Froglet is swaped on Carp - Surge-Surge-Wind magic-Surge, Carp dies.Toothy - Rip-Blood in the Water-Surge, Thoothy dies. Froglet - Swarm. Win.

...with humanoid family.
1. [pet]Anubisath Idol[/pet] - Demolish/Sandstorm/Deflection
2. [pet]Crusher[/pet] - Acid touch/Shell armor/Demolish
3. [pet]Terky[/pet] - Puch/Lucky dance/Clobber
Fun fight. Anub is swaped on Crusher - Shell armor-Acid touch*2 (you may risk and Demolish), is swaped on Terky - Clobber-Lucky dance, is swaped on Anub or Crusher - Demolish*3. You need to get at last 1 crit to win. If Bucky isn't dead yet finish it with Sandstorm or Acid tourch.
Anub may be changed on [pet]Baby Winston[/pet] for stabile win.

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Re: Family Fighter. Unexpected journey

Post by Papazol » September 7th, 2017, 8:40 am

...with dragonkin family.
1. [pet]Blue dragonhawk hatchling[/pet] - Quills/Conflagrate/Flame breath
2. [pet]Infinite hatchling[/pet] - Breath/Temporal anomaly/Early advantage
3. [pet]Emmigosa[/pet] - Claw/Wind magic/Surge of power
After Snozz this fight looks too easy.
Dragonhawk is switched on Infinite hatchling - Advantage-Breath-Anomaly, hatchling dies, Emmigosa - Breath-Wind magic Breath, is swaped on Blue dragonhawk - Flame breath-Conflagrate-Quills. Win.

...with flying family
1. [pet]Direbeak hatchling[/pet] - Falcosaur swarm!/Reckless strike/Predatory strike
2. [pet]Crow[/pet] - Alpha strike/Call darkness/Murder
3. [pet]Gilnean raven[/pet] - Alpha strike/ Call darkness/Nocturnal strike
Hatchling starts from Swarm!, is swaped on higher hp raven - Call darkness-Murder, is swaped on lower hp raven -Nocturnal strike-Alpha strike*2, is swaped on Direbeak - Predatory strike. Win.

...with undead family.
1. [pet]Infested bear cub[/pet] - Roar/Hibernate/Maul
2. [pet]Fungal abomination[/pet] - Absorb/Creeping fungus/Spore shrooms
3. [pet]Blighted squirrel[/pet] - Woodchipper/Adrenaline rush/Stampede
So, bear is swaped on abomination. Abomination - Absorb-Shrooms-Fungus, is swaped on Squirrel - Woodchipper-Stampede, is swaped on bear - Maul. Win.

... with critter family.
1. [pet]Darkmoon hatchling[/pet] - Trample/Screech/Predatory strike
2. [pet]Crispin[/pet] - Woodchipper/Adrenaline rush/Nut barrage
3. [pet]Alpine chipmunk[/pet] - Woodchipper/Adrenaline rush/Stampede
Darkmoon is swaped on squirrel with higher hp - Adrenaline rush-Woodchipper-Stampede, squirrel dies. Squirrel with lower hp - Adrenaline rush-Nut barrage-Woodchipper. Win. If for some reasons your 2d squirrel dies too fast - darkmoon just finished it by predatory strike.

...with magic family.
1. [pet]Enchanted pen[/pet] - Quills/Evanescence/Forboding curse
2. (Yes, I understand, but wana use it somewere :) ) [pet]Ethereal soul-trader[/pet]- Beam/Inner vision/Life exchange
3. [pet]Enchanted broom[/pet] - Batter/Sweep/Wind-up
So, Pen is swaped on Soul-trader-Beam*2-Life exchange, is swaped on Broom - Wind-up*2, Broom dies. Pen - Curse-Evanescence-Quills*... Win.

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