EZ Mode for almost all BFA trainers

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EZ Mode for almost all BFA trainers

Post by Mokrath » October 20th, 2018, 2:44 am

If you're like me, sometimes you want to just get your world quests done quick and easy.
I have found that almost every BFA trainer and mini-boss battle can be beaten using just 3 Nexus Whelplings for a team.
Most of them only require 1-2 Whelplings to defeat.
The strategy is completely mindless for most of the fights: Arcane Storm on CD- Mana Surge on CD - fill with Tail Sweep as needed.

The only fights this has failed me on so far have been Eddie Fixit, of Automated Chaos, due to mech pets resisting magic damage, Kwint from Not So Bad Down Here, and Leana Darkwind from Captured Evil.
I'm pretty sure only those 3 can't be Nexus Whelp'd. *edit* Forgot about Chitara, a single Clockwork Gnome usually does the trick for that fight, requiring multiple hits to break the armor buff.

As far as the rest of the fights go for Crawg in the Bog you may need to swap whelplings to avoid Bloodtusk getting a full heal and the other fight to watch out for is the one that has the Blinding Poison, trainer Zujai of Small Beginnings.

Anyway, not the cleanest strat for any of these fights but it requires almost no thinking outside of two of the fights it works on.
For reference I have 2 P/P Nexus Whelplings and 1 P/S Nexus Whelpling and always lead with a P/P whelp.
All three use 1/2/2 for move sets.
Last edited by Mokrath on October 20th, 2018, 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: EZ Mode for almost all BFA trainers

Post by Gráinne » October 20th, 2018, 5:18 pm

I'm a little ashamed I didn't think of that. :P Here's the one I've been using

[pet]Ikky[/pet]: Black Claw -> Flock (-> Savage Talon if the first opponent pet is still alive).
If the first opponent pet dies during Flock, you have a choice of applying Black Claw or Flock to the second opponent before you die.

[pet]Zandalari Anklerender[/pet] / Kneebiter / Footslasher: Black Claw -> Hunting Party -> Leap.
If Ikky already applied Black Claw, you don't need to apply it again. If Ikky already applied Shattered Defenses from Flock, you might want to take advantage of that with Leap before you start your run. Depends.

[pet]Iron Starlette[/pet]: Wind-Up -> Supercharge -> Wind-Up.
If there is a barrier like Bubble or an avoidance move coming, do
Wind-Up -> Powerball (however many times) -> Supercharge -> Wind-Up.
Finish up if necessary with Wind-Up -> Wind-Up or Powerballs.

Not all battles will necessarily use this exact formula, but that's the default.

Comments on Breeds:

I'm using a P/B Anklerender just because. I'm pretty sure that a P/P or S/S would be at least as effective.

I'm using a H/H Starlette because it survives AoE in the back line better and because of the extra health when it resurrects after Failsafe. I think a P/P would probably be at least as good, though, because Wind-Up -> Wind-Up on its own without Supercharge is so much more effective.

This has beaten all except Rogue Azerite. In that battle, an S/S [pet]Slithershock Elver[/pet] with Dodge, attack, Dive, attack and repeat just destroys the first two pets, leaving an easy win.

Of course, in the case of some, like Jammer or Crawg, you can just save time by using the Starlette up front.

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Re: EZ Mode for almost all BFA trainers

Post by Uduwudu » October 25th, 2018, 12:50 pm

Mokrath wrote: I have found that almost every BFA trainer and mini-boss battle can be beaten using just 3 Nexus Whelplings for a team.
Most of them only require 1-2 Whelplings to defeat.
The strategy is completely mindless for most of the fights: Arcane Storm on CD- Mana Surge on CD - fill with Tail Sweep as needed.
Heck, you can use a Stormborne Whelpling as a 2nd ... and I do quite often. That's one less Nexus Whelpling to get! :P

The number of fights that the Iron Starlette (only one of the breeds seems to work correctly, btw) handles on his own is fun ... and you can always use the Alarm-o Bot as a backup ... works great.

Ikky is outstanding!

The 2 Zandalari's that have the Black Claw and Rampage are cool, too.

One other "bomb" which is my clean up broom on levelling fights ... the Eldritch Manafiend! Bomb and a half and he loves them critters and fliers. Fast and easy ... close that fight and your level 22 or 23 or 24 just got more XP!

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Re: EZ Mode for almost all BFA trainers

Post by Whoppadoo » October 25th, 2018, 4:12 pm

the pet battle trainers do seem kind of simple, I have to admit, and like the previous posters stated u don't need any hard to get pets to usually beat them all, even though some people like the challenge of figuring out new ways to defeat them. I can usually survive with a full team of nexus whelpings or the stormborne guys and/or a team of ikkys seem to always do the trick :D

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Re: EZ Mode for almost all BFA trainers

Post by Digem » October 26th, 2018, 8:50 am

Considering I always try to level a pet in any pet battle I do I try to figure out ways to do so . Then once I do I see how low of a pet I can carry thru. Most of the BFA ones I can do with pets around level 10 or higher , a few I can do as low as level 1 and some require pets in the 20s but all can carry a pet thru. The single beast pet tamers offer next to no xp do they aren’t worth it but the rest offer pretty decent xp . I always try to level pets as it kills two birds with one stone as I am going to do the WQ anyway

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Re: EZ Mode for almost all BFA trainers

Post by Vaeevictiss » December 12th, 2018, 8:50 pm

Yeah, the TriNexus has been my go to team since they were available. It would handle almost all the teams in Legion and WoD as well.

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