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Pvp pet battle cheating?

Posted: September 23rd, 2020, 8:18 am
by Aerozia
so i am doing pvp pet battles for the achieve, im on critters rn. a guy comes in with a moth a turtle and graves, i beat him with my critters, i que again, someone different, then i que again and get the first guy again, we go a couple rounds and then his waits. his timer goes down and.... nothing. i waited literally 10 minutes, and then he did his attack... and another and another. his one pet killed ALL of my pets and i didnt get to attack AT ALL. WTF? literally his pet just attacked and attacked and attacked.

Re: Pvp pet battle cheating?

Posted: September 23rd, 2020, 10:48 pm
by Melipets
To me, it sounds more like a bug than cheating, like maybe your connection dropped but didn't completely disconnect? I have had it skip a turn when I got a lag spike. If there is a way for a player to trigger that though, that's alarming.

Re: Pvp pet battle cheating?

Posted: September 26th, 2020, 7:57 am
by Jerebear
Was this during the turtle's power ball move? There is a bug that will freeze the battle for you when that move is done by the opponent. It even happens in PvE battle occasionally.