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another journey begin

Posted: December 2nd, 2020, 4:48 pm
by Papazol
So, new exp, new pet bosses and time to post some strategies.
I didn't check any lists or something else, so I will post what I found.
1. Crystalsnap
Boneshard - 1,1,-
Zandalari Kneebiter - 2,2,-

Started from Blistering Cold, Chop - swap on kneebiter - Black claw, Hunting party. Round 6 win.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 7th, 2021, 4:54 pm
by Papazol
Woot, forums are back! :D Ok, so

2. Kosmos
Same team

Boneshard - 1,1,-
Zandalari Kneebiter - 2,2,2

a little longer fight. You may change Boneshard on Crazy carrot
Started from Blistering Cold, Chop - swap on Kneebiter - Black claw, Hunting party, Bloodfang, swap on Boneshard and repeat.

3. Digallo

Unborn val'kyr -1,2,1
Zandalari Kneebiter - 2,2,2
any pet with high hp bar, like Graves

So, Val'kir - Doom, Haunt, Kneebiter - Black claw, Hunting party, dies. 3d pet comes to battlefield and makes 1 hit.

4. The Countess

Unborn val'kyr -1,2,1
Zandalari Kneebiter - 2,2,2

Val'kir - Pass, Doom, Haunt, Kneebiter - Black claw, Hunting party, win.

5. Sewer creeper

Unborn val'kyr -1,2,1
Zandalari Kneebiter - 2,2,2

Val'kir - Doom, Haunt, Kneebiter - Black claw, Hunting party, win.

6. Mistwing

Unborn val'kyr -1,2,1
Infected squirrel - 2,1,2

Val'kir - Doom, Haunt, Squirrel - Rabid strike, Stampede, win.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 7th, 2021, 7:34 pm
by Papazol
7. Briarpaw

Alarm-o-bot 2,1,2

8. Chittermaw

Direhorn runt 2,-,-
Zao, Calfling of Niuzao 1,2,1
Another Trample beast, I say Spawn of Garalon, (actualy, killed for achiev with Drain blood :lol: )

So, Direhorn starts Trample till death, Zao - Wish, Trample, Charge, Trample. Zao and Chittermaw die. If no, next Direhorn finishes with Trample.

9. Gelatinous

Blossoming ancient -2,2,2

BRD last boss fight. Slow and dumb. Ironbark spam with Photo and Sunlight buffs up.

10. Glurp

Actualy I did it with Soul-traded's life exchange. but not too many players have it. So,

Court scribe 2,2,2
Any critter with 1400 hp/289+ spd and Stampede
Almost any Hare/Rabbit, I used Rabbit with 1500+ hp/289+ spd with 2,2,1

So, Court starts - Doom, Shock, Amplify, hooked critter - Stampede, critter dies, Rabbit - Flurry*2, hooked Court - Amplify, Court dies, Rabbit Flurry*1-2, Dodge or Borrow.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 17th, 2021, 10:39 am
by Papazol
Pet masters

Gorgemouth (critter team)

1. Beetle - 1,2,2
2-3. Rabbit or Hare - 1,2,1

Another Apocalypse fight. Only thing to control - impale every 3d round - 1,4,7,10,13,16. So, Beetle starts from Apocalypse-Surv-switch or 1st Hare - Burrow, Pass, Dodge, Pass*2, Burrow - 1st Hare dies. 2d Hare - Pass, Burrow, Pass, Dodge. 2d Hare dies. Beetle - Surv.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 17th, 2021, 1:32 pm
by Rosqo
You can put strategies up on Xu-fus it's where alot of people go.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 17th, 2021, 5:55 pm
by Papazol
Thenia (critter team)

1. Giant sewer rat - -,2,1
2. Lovebird hatchling - 2,1,2
3. Any Scarab with highest str you have and hp higher Lovebird - 2,-,1

Easy fight - Rat starts from Fang, Stampede, is switched on Lovebird - Predatory strike - Glimmerfly dies, - Lovestruck, switch back on Rat - Fang and Rat dies if Grazer uses Surge, OR Stampede till dies. Scarab - Flank if Rat had chance to use Stampede, OR Swarm, Flank - Grazer dies, - Swarm, - Scarab dies. Lovebird - Predatory strike, Alpha strike. Win.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 19th, 2021, 9:39 am
by Papazol
Zolla (critter team)

1. Crispin - 1,2,2
2. Muck Slug - 2,1,2
3. Lovebird hatchling - 2,1,2

Just crush this rusty scrap. Crispin starts from Flamethrower - Burn - Crouch - Burn*... till dies. Slug starts from Acidic goo- Quick sand - Slime - Acidic goo - Slime or Sand till dies. Lovebird - Lovestruck - Alpha strike - Primal strike. Win.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 19th, 2021, 5:44 pm
by Papazol
Stratios (critter team)

1. Lovebird hatchling - 2,1,2
2. Any Bandicoon with 289 str p/s (I used Auburn Ringtail ) - 1,1,2
3. Nether roach - 2,2,1

So, Lovebird starts from Alpha strike*3, till Shelby hp stays on 100+. Lovestruck - Primal strike-Lovebird dies. Ringtail - Powerball-Surv-Bite*2-Littlehoof dies, Bite-Shelby dies-Surv-Bite-Ringtail dies. Nether roach - Nether blast*... Win.

Interesting fight. Shelby has not die from Lovebird, we need swap for extra dmg. First time ever I see Bandicoons can be uses for something.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 21st, 2021, 4:53 pm
by Papazol
Addius the Tormentor (critter team)

1. Roach with the highest hp - -,2,2
2. Blind rat - -,2,-
3. Sneaky Marmot 1,2,1

One more Apocalypce fight. Just 1 thing you may do is block one of mind games. So you may use Marmot blind powder turn 8, or Blind rat lullaby turn 13. In both cases your team (including back line Roach) does not suffer from 1 Grave destruction.
For example, Roach starts from Apoc-Surv-switch on Marmot - Blind powder - Chomp - Borrow ...

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 21st, 2021, 5:49 pm
by Papazol
Rotgut (critter team)

1. Sneaky marmot - 1,2,1
2. Blind rat - 1,2,2
3. Any Rabbit or Hare with 322 spd - 1,2,1

"Corean random" (c)(tm) fight. Result depends Chomp dmg, Flurry and Bone barrage procs. But still doable.
So, marmot starts from Blind-Chomp-Burrow-Blind-Chomp*2 - first leftovers should die and (in the best scenario) marmot still has few hp to dmg 2d leftovers. In avr scenario they die same time, and in worst one 1st Leftovers stays on field and Marmot dies (need to replay). In 1 and 2 variants Blind rat comes to field and Lullaby 2d Leftovers - Sneak attack*2-Call darkness - Sneak attack - Blind rat dies, but 3d Leftovers dies too. So, Hare against half (in the best case) or full hp 2d Leftovers.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 24th, 2021, 10:30 am
by Papazol
Glitterdust (critter team)

1. Nether roach - 2,2,2
2. Dust bunny - 1,1,1
3. Sneaky marmot - 1,2,2

Beasts is realy big problem for critter family, so Apocalypse is the best way to have deal with them.
Roach starts from Apoc-switch on Dust bunny - Smoke bomb - Burrow - Scratch*3-Smoke bomb-Burrow - Bunny dies. We don't want bunny kills Slugger. If Slugger dies from 2d Burrow - repeat. So Sneaky marnot on field - Chomp - Slugger dies, Smoke bomb-chomp or pass-Blind powder-swap on Roach-Runehoof dies, - Nether blast till win. If Roach dies, Marmot easy finish it.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 25th, 2021, 7:03 pm
by Papazol
Faryl (critter team)

1. Nether roach - 2,2,2
2. Muck slug - 1,-,2
3. Blind rat - 1,2,2

Random fight, what depends of Star tail dmg done.
So, Nether roach starts from Apoc-Nether blast *3. Higher hp Nether roach has after it - higher chance to win. 500+ gives you a chance. Roach swaps on Slug - Quicksand - Ooze touch*2. If Slug dies before 2d touch we will lose. If does not die after 2d touch, we may just pass. Blind rat starts from Call darkness - Sneack attack till Niddlenose dies. So after last Brite comes to field it uses Cyclone. Blind rat uses Lullaby and pass*2 or switch on Roach. This depends of Niddlenose attacks.
Rat may die from poison or from Cyclone. If it happens during sleep Roach comes to field and uses Surv. on 2d round of sleep or right after it.
In the best scenario Rat and Brite die both from Apoc, and backline Roach still has some hp for Cyclone.
So, fight is too random but still duable. Like half time.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 5:26 am
by Papazol
Sylla (critter team)

1. Blind rat - 1,2,2
2. Slug with spd more than 260, like Muck slug - 1,2,1
3. Darkmoon rabbit - 2,2,1

Random fight,what can be done or undone few different ways, but I am lazy to create something better.
Rat starts from lullaby - Call darkness - Sneak attack* till Fang dies. Next stage depends from Rat spd and hp. If Fang misses Screech or some dps abilities, rat can do some dmg or even one more time sleep Ash. If Rat misses some atacks it may sleep Fang and Call darkness-Sneak atack Ash. Mainly, Rat dies from Ash.
Slug starts from Skin - Ooze touch-Dive-Ooze touch* till Ash dies. Main idea - avoid 2d Scorched earth (11 round). So, Slug can make 1 hit to Swarm before dies.
Darkmoon rabbit - Dodge - Teeth!-Burrow - Win.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 5:20 pm
by Papazol
Dundley Stickyfingers (critter team)

1. Lovebird hatchling - 2,1,2
2. Nether roach - 2,-,-
3. Any Hare (322+ spd) - 2,2,1

Lovebird starts from Lovestruck - swap on Nether roach - Nether blast*... till Roach dies. Lovebird - Alpha strike till Whirly dies, Lovestruck - Primal strike-Alpha strike-dies. Hare finishes Traiblazer. Just need to avoid Spirit Claws - round 17 Dodge, round 19 Burrow.

Critter Team wins 9 fights!

Any ideas, what family should be next?

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 4:23 pm
by Papazol
Addius the Tormentor (humanoid team)

1. Some pet with huge atack like Ranishu runt or pet with Immolation (I used Murkidan just for use )
2. Rotten little helper - 2,2,1
3. Grumpling - 2,2,2

So, Ranishu runt starts from Call lightning - Mind games - stun, switch on Rotten helper - Ice tomb - Greench gift - helper dies,
Grumpling - Frost shock or Deep freeze - Win.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 30th, 2021, 5:50 am
by Papazol
Sylla (humanoid team)

1. Qiraji Guardling (289+ spd) - 1,2,2
2. Curious wolvar pup - 2,1,2
3. Grumpling - 2,2,2

Easy fight, what can be even easier with some luck.
Qiraji starts from Kick - Sandstorm - Crush*... till Fang dies.
2d time Kick for Ash - Sandstorm-Crush*... till Swarm dies.
Depends left hp - Crush*1 or Kick-Crush*2- Qiraji dies.
Last 2 pets just destroy Ash.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: January 31st, 2021, 3:09 pm
by Papazol
Gliterdust (humanoid team)

1. lil' Bad Wolf - 1,2,1
2. Rotten little helper - 2,2,1
3. K'uddly - 1,1,2

Easy OP fight with a little random.
Wolf starts from Howl-Dodge-Claw*... Critter dies.
For beast we have to use Howl right before Wolf dies, what is a litle random.
Helper - Greench' gift - Ice lance - if we be good with Howl beast dies. If no, I recomend to replay, but it still winable.
So, Helper atacks fly from Ice tomb and like instantly dies.
K'uddly - Slap-Worst fear (under stun effect) - Call darkness - Win.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: February 1st, 2021, 2:29 pm
by Papazol
Eyegor (humanoid team)

1. Grumpling 2,2,2
2. Rotten little helper 2,2,1
3. Any strong atack pet (I used Qiraji guardling 325 pow) 1,2,2

"Permanent rotation" fight. Grump - Shock-Freeze-swap on Helper-Ice tomb-Greench gift-Ice lance-after spider is stuned, swap on Grump-Shock-Freeze-Snowball*... till Grump dies. Helper - Ice tomp-Greench gift-Helper dies. Guard - Crush - Sandstorm - Win.

Re: another journey begin

Posted: February 1st, 2021, 2:44 pm
by Papazol
Stratios (humanoid team)

1. Grumpling 2,2,2
2. Rotten little helper 2,2,1
3. Qiraji guardling (325 pow) 1,2,2

Almost same rotation.
Grump - Shock-Freeze, swap on Helper - Greench gift-Ice lance-Ice tomb -Helper dies. Qiraji - Kick - Crush - Sandstorm - Crush*... Win

Re: another journey begin

Posted: February 2nd, 2021, 5:02 pm
by Papazol
Faril (humanoid team)

1. Whomper - 1,1,1
2. Murkalot - 2,1,1
3. K'uddly - 1,1,2

Unfair, low chance fight with rare pet (Murkalot) used. I start to love Faril more and more.

Main work is on Whomper - Flash freeze-Deep freeze-Snow ball*2-Flash freeze-Snow ball.
Whomper should to stay for this point. If no, need to replay. Actualy, Whomper may even kill Niddlenose with snow balls. In many cases he can be slept or killed before.
Murkalot - Blessed hammer*... till Brute come to field - Inspiration
K'uddly - Worst fear - Call darkness. If Worst fear hits (50/50) and after Call darkness Cyclone does not kill Murkalot and K'uddly - Win.