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Pets not gaining much XP
Posted: February 8th, 2023, 11:08 am
by Leximus
I am having an issue with pet leveling. I’m in the garrison trying to level some level 1 pets, wearing a safari hat, and have a pet treat up, and my level one only gained 2 levels when it used to get up to about level 10. Anyone else having the same issue? Or did they change the XP with the last patch?
Any clarification would help. Thanks!
Re: Pets not gaining much XP
Posted: February 8th, 2023, 7:26 pm
by Gráinne
They changed the XP from Garrison battles long, long ago. Legion, I think.
Of the Garrison battles, only Squirt, aka Tyri, Deebs & Puzzle gives any decent XP. Squirt is up every 15th day,
The other 14 days are the other battles, which give less XP than a wild battle; hardly any at all.
The Powerlevceling Guide might be helpful for suggesting alternatives. ... ling_Guide
Re: Pets not gaining much XP
Posted: May 10th, 2023, 9:14 am
by Uduwudu
They also changed about a month or so ago, maybe earlier, the amount of experience the level 23 pets were getting as the extra pet on regular pet battles ... it's down (maybe) about 25% or so, maybe more, but it's still OK ... you just have to do one more round on another battle to get that 23 to 25.
I'm OK with that nerf, really, and it's still easy ... so if you get a Level 1 and you are adept at playing with Squirt, then take that new pet to 15/16/17 and on the regular fights you can easily find one spot for one shot, and then return to the regular battlers and finish the fights, and get the XP on your lower level.
All in all, I use the stones only to level to that mid area plus a bit, and then I use that pet as the 3rd in the regular battles all over.
the XP seems to be the same wether you do it in one place or another. I find it no different in Zaralek than in the Dragon Isles ... although I have yet to see pets in The Forbidden Reach.
Re: Pets not gaining much XP
Posted: May 10th, 2023, 7:25 pm
by Moozipan
The big turtle in Bastion is an easy 6 levels on a level 1 pet with only two moves. Every time I go by there I run a few pets through just to get them over that super low level hump.
Re: Pets not gaining much XP
Posted: August 4th, 2023, 10:29 am
by Uduwudu
Level 1?
Goodness ... with some 1450 pets, I don't think I have any that low ... 1 at 23 another at 16, both being used as my 3rd pets in regular pet battles.