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Breed ID acronyms ?

Posted: January 3rd, 2013, 2:28 pm
by Dragonwizard
I was a avid collector prior to MoPs release (160+ pets then) and now that I have time I'm loving the whole pet battle aspect of the game.

I have been reading the forums here for a while now and have been seeing a lot of people commenting on get breed ID 4, 7, 8 etc for certain pets. I understand the whole ID thing (thanks to all of you guys :) ) but when I see people saying "should I get a S/S or P/S" I have no clue what they are talking about. I looked around and haven't found anything to say what ID a S/S is or anything like it. If someone could just let me know all the different acronyms and what each means or even point me in the right direction on where to find that information I would truely appriciate it.

Re: Breed ID acronyms ?

Posted: January 3rd, 2013, 2:31 pm
by Suspiro
Dragonwizard wrote:I was a avid collector prior to MoPs release (160+ pets then) and now that I have time I'm loving the whole pet battle aspect of the game.

I have been reading the forums here for a while now and have been seeing a lot of people commenting on get breed ID 4, 7, 8 etc for certain pets. I understand the whole ID thing (thanks to all of you guys :) ) but when I see people saying "should I get a S/S or P/S" I have no clue what they are talking about. I looked around and haven't found anything to say what ID a S/S is or anything like it. If someone could just let me know all the different acronyms and what each means or even point me in the right direction on where to find that information I would truely appriciate it.
03/13: B/B
04/14: P/P
05/15: S/S
06/16: H/H
07/17: H/P
08/18: P/S
09/19: H/S
10/20: P/B
11/21: S/B
12/22: H/B

Re: Breed ID acronyms ?

Posted: January 3rd, 2013, 3:18 pm
by Quintessence
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe each stands for the following:

P = power
S = speed
H = health
B = balanced (??)

So for a "P/S", it would mean Power/Speed....? Err, right?

Re: Breed ID acronyms ?

Posted: January 3rd, 2013, 3:25 pm
by Suspiro
Quintessence wrote:Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe each stands for the following:

P = power
S = speed
H = health
B = balanced (??)

So for a "P/S", it would mean Power/Speed....? Err, right?

Re: Breed ID acronyms ?

Posted: January 3rd, 2013, 6:07 pm
by Druegar
03/13 = B/B = all stats equally weighted
04/14 = P/P = Highest Power with low Health and Speed
05/15 = S/S = Highest Speed with low Health and Power
06/16 = H/H = Highest Health with low Power and Speed
07/17 = H/P = Good Health and Power (low Speed)
08/18 = P/S = Good Power and Speed (low Health)
09/19 = H/S = Good health and Speed (low Power)
10/20 = P/B = Good Power with lower but equally weighted Health and Speed
11/21 = S/B = Good Speed with lower but equally weighted Health and Power
12/22 = H/B = Good Health with lower but equally weighted Power and Speed

Technically speaking, using numerals to indicate breed also informs the gender of the pet. But since gender is neither determinable nor currently useful in-game, I much prefer the use of letters. I find it far easier to remember what four letters correspond to rather than what ten numbers correspond to.

BTW, this chart illustrates this concept quite well.

Re: Breed ID acronyms ?

Posted: January 3rd, 2013, 7:10 pm
by Dragonwizard
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot