Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

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Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Notamonk » January 4th, 2013, 11:47 am

So last night I just beat Aki the Chosen.. wow was that tough; but I managed to luckily enough beat her and get the quest to beat the Pandaren spirit tamers.

Basically I got my butt handed to me on a silver platter and was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what pets I should be using to counter this guy. Last night my team consisted of a Toad, Fluxfire Feline, and Flayer Youngling... farthest I got was last pet and that was because I was lucky enough to dodge the elementals Mudslide.

I think the overall issue with my pet selection is that none of them had any avoidance abilities (i.e Evanescence, Lift off, Dive, Burrow, etc.) Except Reflection but its on a 5 round cd and with the amount of damage that these guys dish out by the time its off cd I'm dead our about to die. -_-" lol


I just recently updated my pet collection so if you'd like to look it up and see what pets I have available its up to date. :]

Here is a link to a list of all of my pets with all of their info, etc. Very handy tool if you guys haven't heard of it yet.
Last edited by Notamonk on January 4th, 2013, 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Jordicus » January 4th, 2013, 12:30 pm

Earth Spirit was the toughest for me. Start with a Critter vs the Elemental to avoid the stuns.

Don't remember my lineup since I have never gone back to the Earth Spirit once I beat him since he was such a pain...! ;)

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Mathew013 » January 4th, 2013, 12:43 pm

using to counter this guy

That'd be "gal" ;)

But my line up includes Clockwork Gnome, a croc and a moth.

With my Gnome out first, I hope for Stormlash to come out first.
Why? I know it'll lay down its Call Lightning - which is why I choose Build Turret.
Then Metal fist or Blitz, until I can lay another Turret. While Stormlash will eventually KO my gnome,
the extra boost from Call Lightning will KO the dragon.
The critter will likely come next, and my croc with its Rip & Blood in the Water usually
do enough damage to KO it. (don't forget, Call Lightning is still in effect)
and a good moth will counter whatever's left of the aquatic.

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Shakesbeard » January 4th, 2013, 12:49 pm

Notamonk wrote: I just recently updated my pet collection so if you'd like to look it up and see what pets I have available its up to date. :]
it doesn't say what level they are.

Jordicus gave you the key, critter for earth spirit. i've done it with rapana whelk, and with a fast gazelle fawn... a fast rabbit with burrow and block would work too - critters avoid multi-round cc, and also take less elemental damage.

the other 2 pets have abilities that don't really match their type... critter with magic, and beast with elemental (and beast). one thing i did a lot when i was first working out how to do all the spirits and pandaria tamers, was start each battle, and mouseover each tamer pet, look at each type and at each ability type they have. you've probably levelled enough pets that you know what each ability is, but if not look it up. tamer pets are not as simple as putting a mech on a beast or a beast on a critter... you have to find a pet with abilities that have some sort of advantage over each. either by type (strong defense or offense), or with an avoid (block/liftoff/burrow/dive).

don't know how many 25's you have, but if you don't have anything that you think would work for earth spirit, go tame a rapana whelk, a spider in krasarang, and experiment with something for that beast i guess... i use darkmoon zep, and use decoy on a couple big hits. i do earth spirit with just rapana and zep, and a lowbie for xp.

this thread has a bad title but i wrote what pets i use for all tamers including spirits, and i do them all with only 1 or 2 25's, and a lowbie for xp. except Aki, still working on 2-pet for her.
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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Contesa » January 4th, 2013, 1:28 pm

Shakesbeard wrote:except Aki, still working on 2-pet for her.
From your icon, I'm guessing you have a Magical Crawdad. I know you have a Darkmoon Zep. Those are the 2 I use to beat Aki and get a lowbie exp. I start with Crawdad vs. Stormlash, and open with Shield then Wish then Snap him to death. Chirrup will be up next, and he can't really hurt the Crawdad as long as shield is up. As long as I don't forget to watch whether dive is off cooldown when I bring in the lowbie (oops!) this works well for me.

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Zaelo » January 4th, 2013, 1:30 pm

Get a snail. Any Snail.

Snails are the MPVs against the Pandaren Spirits, or most Elementals anyway.
Definitely a must have against the Earth and Burning Spirits anyway. I guess there could be better choices against the other two, since they use Flying and Water abilities instead of Elemental abilities.

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Byntaran » January 4th, 2013, 1:36 pm

Earth Spirit stuns + High speed = painful.

Started with a Roach. Hissed his speed down. Fired off Cataclysm. Hiss again. Switched pets. Next pets power move, and usually manage to kill him. With good luck, Cataclysm can almost completely eliminate 1/3 of the battle. Just remember to bring your Roach out before impact. (Unless you have a mechanical or undead on their last hit anyway.)

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Notamonk » January 4th, 2013, 2:01 pm

Mathew013 wrote:
using to counter this guy

That'd be "gal" ;)

But my line up includes Clockwork Gnome, a croc and a moth.

With my Gnome out first, I hope for Stormlash to come out first.
Why? I know it'll lay down its Call Lightning - which is why I choose Build Turret.
Then Metal fist or Blitz, until I can lay another Turret. While Stormlash will eventually KO my gnome,
the extra boost from Call Lightning will KO the dragon.
The critter will likely come next, and my croc with its Rip & Blood in the Water usually
do enough damage to KO it. (don't forget, Call Lightning is still in effect)
and a good moth will counter whatever's left of the aquatic.

Er not sure if you read my entire post but I was asking for a counter to the Thunder Pandaren Spirit.. :s Sorry for the confusion. xD

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Shakesbeard » January 4th, 2013, 3:18 pm

Contesa wrote: From your icon, I'm guessing you have a Magical Crawdad. I know you have a Darkmoon Zep. Those are the 2 I use to beat Aki and get a lowbie exp. I start with Crawdad vs. Stormlash, and open with Shield then Wish then Snap him to death. Chirrup will be up next, and he can't really hurt the Crawdad as long as shield is up. As long as I don't forget to watch whether dive is off cooldown when I bring in the lowbie (oops!) this works well for me.
wow, solo'd with magical crawdad, forgot to bring the lowbie in, pinchy was at full hp at the end too :D thanks
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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Mathew013 » January 4th, 2013, 3:53 pm

Er not sure if you read my entire post but I was asking for a counter to the Thunder Pandaren Spirit.. :s Sorry for the confusion. xD
Whoops, my bad, sorry!

When I fight the Thundering Pandaren Spirit, I always start with my Rapana Whelk. If he starts with Sludgy, I just restart the fight.
Once the Pandaren Earth spirit is up, here's how the battle ALWAYS goes:

Round 1: The earth spirit uses [Crystal Prison]. I choose Acidic Goo.
... Psyche! My snail is a critter, so [Crystal Prison] has no effect. (I do miss my turn, though, THIS round.)

Round 2: This time, the earth spirit (usually) uses Rupture. Hits for about 350. I use Acidic goo, and it lands.

Round 3: Earth spirit uses Stone Shot (but being a critter, it's less damage) Now, I Dive with my snail.
Round 4: Earth spirit misses, my snail comes up and BLAMMO! About 1,000 damage.
Round 5+ - Just use absorb until the earth spirit has fainted.

Next, Sludgy will come out. Try to cast acidic goo on it, first and foremost. if I have alot of HP left on my snail, I use Dive.
If not, I don't bother - he will cast [Creeping Ooze] on your snail and my snail will likely die from DoT damage while Dive-ing. Once my snail has exploded (died), I move onto my croc. Sludgy is a critter type, so Rip & Blood in the water does lots of damage, and then I can simply Surge the rest of the rounds until Sludgy dies.

Lastly, Darnak the Tunneler comes out. First thing he'll do is cast Stoneskin, so all damage is reduced, and Rip will have no effect, so I usually start with the Surge move to get as much damage as possible. When my croc dies I then move onto my Moth. The great thing about the moth is the Cocoon strike. This is key, as it absorbs Darnak's massive attack, so timing is important. Otherwise, I use Slicing Wind to finish Darnak off.

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Notamonk » January 4th, 2013, 4:01 pm

Thanks for the replies guys.

Are the other Pandaren Spirit Tamer's just as hard? Heard they were rather easy compared to this guy, but I mean I guess all of them are respectively easy if you have the right team! xD lol

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Cheln » January 4th, 2013, 4:59 pm

Hi notamonk

I had trouble with spirit tamers and tried many different combos with little success then read a few posts on WoWhead. Someone suggested an Amber moth so I found a rare, levelled it and I use this as a starter for all spirit tamers now and it works a treat. I always start with cocoon strike, followed by moth dust then adrenaline strike, sometimes have to time cocoon strike to stop a big attack from the enemy (eg Dive).
I would suggest finding one of these and levelling it as it has now made these tamers a breeze for me and it was worth the time and effort of finding the rare and levelling it. I also pair it with A dragonkin (Onyixia whelpling for me) as they have a heal and big damage. Then my third is usually a pet that is either good defense or good attack against any problem pet in the battle

Best of luck,
Cheln of Gilneas

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Poofah » January 4th, 2013, 6:36 pm

For the earth spirit, I'd level up your Arctic Hare. Ideally you'd find a breed 5 rabbit somewhere, but the breed 3 will be fine for this fight. Since he's faster than the spirit, and has the critter passive ability, the stuns will fall off as soon as they're applied and you'll never miss your turn. You can also use dodge and burrow to avoid a ton of damage. He's also very good against the rat--the rat always does shield, burrow, stone rush, pass, stone rush, repeat. So if you use Dodge while the rat is underground, and then use Burrow on the turn that the rat does his 2nd stone rush, you'll never take damage. The fluxfire feline that you already have would be perfect to take out the slime, or the flayer would work too.

A rabbit is pretty useful for the other spirits too, but a breed 5 would be much better, since those opponents are faster.

But, for the other 3 spirit tamers, I'd invest in an Anubisath Idol. Sandstorm is very unfair against an elemental, because the elemental ignores it and takes damage normally, while you get the full benefit of the shield. He also does bonus damage against dragons, which 2 of the tamers have.

Water Spirit: Anubisath + Flayer -- you can play tricks by swapping between them to almost always reflect the big end-of-turn attacks, and the flayer has beast attacks to kill the strider critter. Sandstorm does bonus damage against the fish, and it prevents almost all damage from Tidal Wave.

Fire Spirit: Anubisath should be enough, as long as you can reflect the 2nd half of Lift-Off from the dragon, and the Conflagrate from the fire spirit. Sandstorm will prevent the firefly from hitting you at all. You could include your Toad to help with the fire spirit.

Air Spirit: Anubisath + Infinite Whelpling -- this fight is all flying-type damage and is mostly multi-hit attacks, so Sandstorm+dragonkin will nerf their offense to the ground. The moth is probably the most annoying with his Moth Dust, but Reflection can deal with that at least once. The spirit at the end likes to heal a lot, which makes the Infinite Whelpling a great counter.

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Liame » January 6th, 2013, 12:36 am

For the earth elemental, I second the Rapana Whelk to start, and I recommend a cricket of some kind to finish against the 3rd pet. Why a cricket? Because they're critters (so they take less damage from stone rush) and they have cocoon strike (to negate the burrow attack since it's strong against critters). Also, I'd recommend using Nature's Touch as the 3rd ability, making it so you can almost go forever against the 3rd pet. The 3rd pet has a set rotation of skills that it always uses in the same order, so it's easy to time everything. The turn order goes something like this:
Turn: Darnak does: Your cricket should
1: Stoneskin: Skitter
2: Burrow: Cocoon Strike
3: Burrow (hits): Skitter
4: Stone Rush: Nature's Touch or Skitter
5: Passes: Skitter
6: Stone Rush: Nature's Touch or Skitter
On turn 7, the cycle will repeat.

One the air spirit tamer, I highly recommend starting with a scourged whelpling, again, because the (typically) first critter uses skills in a set order that allow the scourged whelpling to take minimal damage while killing it, setting up the whelpling to make it through most of the dragon too.
Turn: Dusty does: Your whelp should:
1 Moth Dust Plagued Blood
2 Cocoon Strike Death & Decay (the first DnD tick will actually be used against the cocoon block)
3 Moth Balls Tail Sweep
4 Passes Tail Sweep
At this point, Dusty's skill cycle restarts, and you should just Tail Sweep until it dies (even on the cocoon strike because the cocoon will block the first hit from the tail sweep but not the second).

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by Gendou » January 6th, 2013, 3:41 am

Thundering Earth Spirit:

1.) Rapana Whelk: Ooze, Goo, Dive
2.) Darkmoon Zep: Missile, Decoy, Bomb
3.) Lowbie, but try and make it at least a 15 - preferably a 20'ish.

Whelk vs. Earth Spirit:
Lose turn, Goo, Dive, Ooze: - Earth Spirit dies.

Whelk vs. Slime:
Goo, Ooze, Ooze: Whelk dies.

Bring out the lowbie for a turn. If the lowbie has a useful ability and can survive a hit from the Slime, use it.
Otherwise, immediately swap in the zep.

If the Slime still has a good bit of health left, drop decoys before using bombs and missiles on cooldown.
When the Slime dies, that's when things get real.

The Mole will come out and pop his shield, then burrow.
Use that opportunity to drop a bomb on him when he shields, then pass during burrow.
Eat the burrow hit (usually it's a miss), then pop decoy.
Then use bombs, missiles and decoys on cooldown, trying to keep from getting hit by his suicide smash.

If you're very lucky, you'll kill him before he kills you.
Usually, though - even if he kills you, you'll get a revive.
And if you're very unlucky, well... there's always next time. :)

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Re: Pandaren Spirit Tamers...

Post by GormanGhaste » January 6th, 2013, 8:55 am

Thanks for all the detailed advice, everyone!
Mingyao on Madoran

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