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please list every pet battle you know of ; thank you

Posted: February 9th, 2025, 12:52 am
by Crok
we now have pet battle trainers, legendary pets, world quest type pet battles . . .

you get the idea , please list every pet battle you know of, where it occurs and how frequently !

over time it is hoped this will become the go to reference location for all things relating to finding unknown pet battles, again thanks !!!

the more useful all of us make the more others will promote them elsewhere and via word of mouth . . .

little things like this can help push big things like warcraftpets forward ;)

warcraft pets rocks ...

Re: please list every pet battle you know of ; thank you

Posted: February 9th, 2025, 1:07 pm
by Durkmenistan
No, thank you. There are other websites for this, such as Wowhead and Xu-Fu's.