"Failed to create pet battle"

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"Failed to create pet battle"

Post by Zailly » January 8th, 2013, 3:24 pm

About 4/5 Pet battles with the Darkmoon Trainer I get kicked out of the battle and it says "Failed to create pet battle". This almost always happens right before I get the killing blow on the Monkey at the vary end. I've always said it's only WOW, and nothjing ingame is worth getting upset over. But this one is really starting to upset me. I've had this happen on wild pet battles and a trainers ever since they did the patch to no longer allow for abandoning trainer quests but its very far and few btween. Sometimes it will happen over and over on one wild pet so I pew pew with my toon and move on. But the darkmoon one I actually want to do everyday but today it's been bugging out 100% of the time for me. I dont know how much of my time its really worth doing the same thing over and over only to not finish it and have to start it over... I fell like I'm going insane repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different result. Dont know if it matter but I'm using my Darkmoon Zep and my Pandaren Dragonling.
Last edited by Zailly on January 9th, 2013, 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "Failed to create pet battle"

Post by Talmar » January 8th, 2013, 5:00 pm

See this thread. It's a bug.


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Re: "Failed to create pet battle"

Post by Quintessence » January 8th, 2013, 6:46 pm

Try switching your pet team. Change the Darkmoon Zeppelin for another pet. I've heard a lot of people getting dropped from battle when they use the Darkmoon Zeppelin against the monkey. Ever since I stopped using the zeppelin and started using the Clockwork Gnome instead, I haven't been kicked out of a battle.

The thread mentions "do not press pass" when stunned, but I've done it multiple times without any problems. Use pass with caution, I suppose.
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Re: "Failed to create pet battle"

Post by Ven » January 9th, 2013, 3:49 pm

Yeah, I've had the same problem - it seems intermittent no matter what strategy I use. I've tried different team makeups, different toons, different computers, running no add-ons, etc. It sees to mostly happen when using the Darkmoon Zep, but not using the Zep doesn't guarantee it not bugging out for me. Also, for me, pressing pass does not guarantee that it will bug out (although so many people mention it that I would definitely use with caution). I submitted a ticket and got a response saying that they know about it and are working on it. Usually I just keep trying and eventually I'll be able to make it through the battle without bugging. Hopefully will be fixed soon!

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Re: "Failed to create pet battle"

Post by Viirin » April 19th, 2013, 3:43 am

I've had the exact same problem. I unlocked pet battles on my Orc, but couldn't start a battle with any of the Spiky Lizards that had the symbol over them. I switched over to my Undead, and tried to start a battle with a Lost of Lordaeron, but all those battles failed to start as well. The only pet I have right now is Black Kingsnake, but I'm going to make all the other races and get them high enough to get the cash to unlock the racial pets. I also have the Horde Balloon, but that doesn't count.
It seems that the entire game system is broken and therefore pointless unless you already have the pets you want; you aren't getting anything new.

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Re: "Failed to create pet battle"

Post by Threnody » April 19th, 2013, 4:39 am

Viirin wrote:It seems that the entire game system is broken and therefore pointless unless you already have the pets you want; you aren't getting anything new.
It may be a stretch to say that the entire system is broken as I continue to battle and capture pets without much problem.

Viirin, apologies in advance if this seems like a stupid question, but I just want to make sure all bases are covered. Have you checked that your Black Kingsnake is placed in your Battle Pet Slot? If it is, maybe you can post more details and we'll try to help you figure out the problem.

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Re: "Failed to create pet battle"

Post by Lowakaha » April 29th, 2013, 4:24 am

How extensive is the bug? It took me hours to earn enough money to buy my pet's battle training, now I can't complete the first quest. Every time I right-click on the target critter, "Failed to create pet battle" is posted. The pet is in the battle slot. I have two pets (the owl, I'm a night elf) and I've tried using both. I've tried connecting with multiple green-pawed critters of multiple varieties. No workey. It's bad enough that I'm trying to right-click a moving target with a touch pad (gratefully, they occasionally pause), but it's frustrating that I can never engage a pet battle. Cheers.

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Re: "Failed to create pet battle"

Post by Tiggindy » April 29th, 2013, 12:57 pm

It must be an intermittent bug, or not affect everyone, since I have no problems with the DMF fight (watch, I'll have loads of problems next week ;) ).

The only time I've seen the "Failed to create pet battle" is when it's close to a system restart. If I'm trying to get that one last battle in, I might get kicked out of a fight, and unable to start a new one, even though it's still 8 or 10 mins til the restart.

OTOH, I have had the game crash any number of times when I'm accepting and leaving fights a lot when rare hunting, or because a tamer fight doesn't go the way I expect (like 5 misses in a row on Dive.. I just leave and restart). When that happens I have to restart my computer too because the system doesn't believe it has any video memory to use.

In any case, maybe try rebooting your system before you get into WoW so there's nothing lingering in memory. Also, make sure you've got a decent conn. I think a friend of mine sometimes has issues, but she's got notoriously lousy internet.

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