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Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 25th, 2012, 7:51 pm
by Epison
Let's start a list of all the tameable pets we find for the pet battle system. Reply to this post and I will update this list as people find them.


Ruby Sapling in the Silvermoon area. Found by Holyhearts
Polly - Northern STV. Found by Kaiyou
Blighthawk - Western Plaguelands near Andorhal. Found by Kaiyou
Tiny Twister - Arathi Highlands at Circle of Outer Binding (mini Air Elementals). Found by Kaiyou
Scorpling - On raised mountain area south of Dark Portal in Blasted Lands Found by Kaiyou
Snow Cub - Dun Morogh in all flat snowy areas Found by Kaiyou
Lost Of Lordaeron - Tirisfal Glades throughout zone Found by Kaiyou
Little Black Ram - Hills and mountains of Loch Modan Found by Kaiyou
King Snake - Badlands Found by Kaiyou
Lava Beetle - Burning Steppes in all lava streams
Tiny Bog Beast - Wetlands Found by Skjoldmo
Moccasin - Swamp of Sorrows Found by Skjoldmo
Widow Spiderling - Duskwood Found by Skjoldmo
Molten Hatchling in Searing Gorge Lava Pools. *** Found by Sanguinarius
Kharazan - Restless Shadeling, Confirm Spawn Midnight Server time, unconfirmed despawn time. Found by Sanguinarius
Twilight Fiendling in the purple corrupted areas of Twilight Highlands. Found by Sanguinarius
Infested Bear cub , near domesticated Creeper nests in Hillsbrad. Found by Sanguinarius
Jade Oozeling inside Skulk Rock cave in Hinterlands. Found by Sanguinarius
Festering Maggot anywhere you find the big yellow carrion devourer maggots in EPL. Found by Sanguinarius
Spirit Crab, all along the coast of Ghostlands. Found by Sanguinarius
Blighted Squirrel Scattered throughout Silverpine Forest. Found by Sanguinarius
Baby Ape, they can be found on Jaguero Island in Cape of STV when it rains. Found by Wamo


Tol'Vir Scarab - Most ruins throughout zone in Uldum
Silithid Hatchling in Tanaris in the Noxious Lair - Found by Avaruu
Diemetradon Hatchling - Terror Run in Un'Goro Crater
Gazelle Fawn - Mulgore by Great Gate - Found by Annie
Cheetah Cub - North Barrens - Found by Annie
Giraffe Calf - South Barrens by Ruins of Taurajo- Found by Annie
Turquoise Turtle - Azshara along shoreline Found by Kaiyou
Venomspitter Hatchling - Stonetalon Mountains in Webwinder Hollow. Found by Kaiyou
Darkshore Cub - Darkshore by Master's Gate Found by Kaiyou
Nordrassil Wisp - Mount Hyjal (Just as you come out of the portal from SW/Org) *** Found by Skjoldmo
Minfernal - Felwood (Shatter Scar Valley) *** Found by Skjoldmo
Rusty Snail - Ashenvale (The Zoram Strand) *** Found by Skjoldmo
Stone Armadillo - Desolace (Nothern Desolace) *** Found by Skjoldmo
Creepy Crawly - Durotar (Tor'Kren Farm) *** Found by Skjoldmo
Spawn of Onyxia - Dustwallow Marsh (Wyrmbog) *** Found by Skjoldmo
Twilight Iguana - Thousand Needles (The Twilight Withering) *** Found by Skjoldmo
Nether Faerie Dragon - Feralas (Dire Maul) *** Found by Skjoldmo
Rusty Snail by Blackfathom Deeps in Ashenvale Found by Annie
Twilight Iguana by Twilight Withering in Thousand Needles Found by Annie
Nether Faerie Dragon by Diremaul in Feralas. Found by Annie
Crested Owl by Lake Al'Ameth in Teldrassil. Found by Annie
Creepy Crawly by Northhold Watch in Durotar. Found by Annie
Grey Moth - Azuremyst Isle. Found by Annie
Ravager Hatchling - Bloodmyst Isle. Found by Annie


Fledgling Nether Ray - Manaforge Coruu in Netherstorm
Sporeling Sprout - Marshlight Lake in Zangarmarsh.
Clefthoof Runt - Nagrand near Oshu'Gun.
Flayer Youngling - Razorthorn Rise in Terrokar Forest
Fle Flame - north of The Deathforge in Shadowmoon Valley
Scalding Basilisk Hatchling in Blades Edge Mountains, Skald area Found by Doobjanka


Stunted Shardhorn - Near Nesingwary's Camp in Sholazar Basin.
Oily Slimling - The Geyser Fields in Borean Tundra.
Dragonbone Hatchling - The Dragon Wastes in Dragonblight.
Arctic Fox Kit - Snowdrift Plains in Storm Peaks.
Water Waveling - Drak'Sotra Fields in Zul'Drak.
Imperial Eagle Chick - near Zeb'Halak in Grizzly Hills.
Fjord Worg Pup - Around Kamagua in Howling Fjord.
Scourged Whelpling - Sindragosa's Fall in Icecrown. Found by Annie


Crimson Geode - Deepholm on Crimson Expanse. Found by Kaiyou


Bucktooth Flapper - Glassfin Village in The Jade Forest***
Emerald Turtle - Along main river in The Jade Forest(Isn't in Pet Journal, green paw marking them) Found by Nezla

***Tracking stuck to active in Beta, green paws on map

Only adding confirmed locations to this list, please let me know if any have been missed. Thanks to everyone so far for help, if credit for locations has not been given my apologies to those people (feel free to correct me)

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 25th, 2012, 8:08 pm
by Kaiyou
I have tamed:

Eastern Kingdoms:
Polly- NSTV
Lost of Lordaeron
Little Black Ram
King Snake
Blighthawk- Western Plaughlands in Andorhal
Snow Cub
Tiny Twister- Arathi Highlands where the twister elementals spawn
Crimson Geode-Deepholm on Crimson Expanse

Turquoise Turtle-Azshara along the shoreline
Darkshore Cub
Venomspitter Hatchling- Stonetalon mountains in Webwinder Hollow

That's all I have so far.

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 25th, 2012, 8:31 pm
by Epison
Kaiyou wrote:I have tamed:

Eastern Kingdoms:
Polly- NSTV
Lost of Lordaeron
Little Black Ram
King Snake
Blighthawk- Western Plaughlands in Andorhal
Snow Cub
Tiny Twister- Arathi Highlands where the twister elementals spawn
Crimson Geode-Deepholm on Crimson Expanse

Turquoise Turtle-Azshara along the shoreline
Darkshore Cub
Venomspitter Hatchling- Stonetalon mountains in Webwinder Hollow

That's all I have so far.
I only added the ones you included the locations of. If you post again with locations of others i will add.

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 25th, 2012, 8:45 pm
by Kaiyou
Epison wrote:
Kaiyou wrote:I have tamed:

Eastern Kingdoms:
Polly- NSTV
Lost of Lordaeron
Little Black Ram
King Snake
Blighthawk- Western Plaughlands in Andorhal
Snow Cub
Tiny Twister- Arathi Highlands where the twister elementals spawn
Crimson Geode-Deepholm on Crimson Expanse

Turquoise Turtle-Azshara along the shoreline
Darkshore Cub
Venomspitter Hatchling- Stonetalon mountains in Webwinder Hollow

That's all I have so far.
I only added the ones you included the locations of. If you post again with locations of others i will add.
Sorry. The Scorpling is on the ridge above the Dark Portal. The others I couldn't find an exact location for(like the black ram was scattered everywhere).
Snow Cub- Dun Morogh
Lost of Lordareon- Tirisfal Glade
Little Black Ram-Loch Modan
King Snake-Badlands
Darkshore Cub-Darkshore.

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 7:13 am
by Epison
Once this feature goes live in the beta again I will continue to update original post with locations.

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 7:35 am
by Skjoldmo
Tiny Bog Beast - Wetlands
Moccasin - Swamp of Sorrows
Widow Spiderling - Duskwood

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 7:53 am
by Doobjanka
Scalding Basilisk Hatchling in Blades Edge Mountains, Skald area.
Flayer Youngling in Hellfire Penninsula somewhere near the Flayer mobs.

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 8:12 am
by Skjoldmo
Nordrassil Wisp - Mount Hyjal (Just as you come out of the portal from SW) ***
Minfernal - Felwood (Shatter Scar Valley) ***
Rusty Snail - Ashenvale (The Zoram Strand) ***
Stone Armadillo - Desolace (Nothern Desolace) ***
Creepy Crawly - Durotar (Tor'Kren Farm) ***

*** = Only as paw-icon on minimap, but im guessing its because its disabled in Beta now.

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 8:40 am
by Skjoldmo
Spawn of Onyxia - Dustwallow Marsh (Wyrmbog) ***
Twilight Iguana - Thousand Needles (The Twilight Withering) ***
Nether Faerie Dragon - Feralas (Dire Maul) ***

Cant find anything in Silithus

*** = Only as paw-icon on minimap, but im guessing its because its disabled in Beta now.

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 12:44 pm
by Annie
Kalimdor ::

Mulgore Gazelle Fawn by the Great Gate
Northern Barrens Cheetah Cub
Southern Barrens Giraffe Calf by Ruins of Taurajo
Ashenvale Rusty Snail by Blackfathom Deeps
Darkshore Darkshore Cub near the Master's Glaive
Hyjal Nordrassil Wisp by Nordrassil
Dustwallow Marsh Spawn of Onyxia by Wyrmbog
Thousand Needles Twilight Iguana in Twilight Withering
Un'goro Diemetradon Hatchling in Terror Run
Feralas Nether Faerie Dragon by Diremaul
Wintersprings ?
Silithus ?
Desolace ?
Azshara Turquoise Turtle in the Shattered Strand
Stonetalon Mountains Venomspitter Hatchling in Webwinder Hollow
Uldum Tol'Vir Scarab in Ruins of Ahmtul
Tanaris Silithid Hatchling (I can't find this one)
Teldrassil Crested Owl by Lake Al'Ameth
Azuremyst Isle Grey Moth
Bloodmyst Isle Ravager Hatchling
Durotar Creepy Crawly by Northhold Watch

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 12:52 pm
by Annie
anyone else not able to click any critter this morning? I was going to start the other continent this morning :<

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 1:04 pm
by Skjoldmo

But you can still look for pets (paw icon on the minimap), but cant catch them.

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 9:31 pm
by Sanguinarius
*after battling disabled. "Moccasin" Green water snake in rivers all over swamp of sorrows zone. (green paw = should be tameable when can battle pets again)

As above "Molten Hatchling" red spider in Searing Gorge Lava Pools.

Redridge - Fledgling Buzzard, Redridge Rat & Mountain Cottontail are all currently yellow/crown dot not a capturable pets. No green paw pets on minimap in zone? other peoples info points towards the Buzzard being the tameable.....

Kharazan - Restless Shadelings, Confirm SPawn Time of Midnight Server time, unconfirmed despawn time.

Lava beetle needs changing to "in all lava streams in Burning stepps" in Searing Gorge Lava.

Little Black ram is hills and mountains of Loch Modan

Snow Cub needs to say all flat snowy area's.

"Scorpling - Near Dark Portal in Blasted Lands Found by Kaiyou" Should read on raised mountain area south of dark portal

"Crimson Geode - Deepholm on Crimson Expanse. Found by Kaiyou" Seperate section Maelstrom" its not eastern Kingdoms.

Wetlands bog beast ? where / when ? I couldn't find it.

Twilight Highlands - Twilight Fiendling in the purple corrupted areas.

Arathi Highlands - Tiny Twister ----- update location to " at circle of outer binding (mini air elementals)" awesome.

Hillsbrad Foothills - Infested Bear cub , near domesticated Creeper spinder nests. Poor thing!!!

Alterac mountains currently unpopulated ?

Hinterlands - Jade Oozeling inside Skulk Rock cave.

Eastern Plaguelands - Festering Maggot anywhere you find the big yellow carrion devourer maggots

Ghostlands - SPirit Crab, all along the coast. (blue mist surrounded grey crab)

Eversong Woods - ruby sapling (red tinge treant) spread all over zone

Western Plaguelands - Blighthawk (Undead Eagle) in Andorhal

Tirisfal Glades - Lost of Lordaeron scattered throughout zone (those lovely spirit ghosts that come out of corpses and nearly 1 shot you in ZG etc)

SIlverpine Forest Blighted Squirrel scattered throughout zone

Ruins of Gilneas - no critters showing up.

Tol Barad - currently no pets / critters in zone
TOl Barad peninsula - critters not currently showing up on minimap tracking (squirrels)

Isle Of QUel Danas - no critters showing up.

Vashj'ir - no critters showing up ??!

Cape of Stranglethorn ??? Wharf Rat (Booty Bay) and Long-Tailed Mole and both curently yellow dot battleable but not green paw tameable pet/critters. My money is on Warf rat being the tameable.

Annies Kalimdor List

Felwood - Minfernal Shatter Scar Vale.

moonglade - Silky Moth, Forest Moth, Deer, Rabbit, Squirrel? (none showing up as tameable/fightable critters yet on minimap) Forest Moth is the lowest pop but found in other zones.

WInterspring - Crystal Spider Frostwisper Gorge/cave ESE of everlook/Lake Kerethel ??? current Yellow/Brown combat untameable pet/critter. most likely to be the capturable ? the lvl 5 frostsaber cubs dont show up as critters/i believe they were part of a quest ?

Silithus - nothing unique to zone ?

Desolace - Stone Armadillo near Thunks abode

Ruins of Anquiraj - nothing unique to zone ?

Uldum - Tol'Vir Scarab update to found in most ruins

Outland -

Blades Edge Mountains - Scalded Basilisk Hatchling - in Skald, east of gruuls lair.

Northrend -

Icecrown - Scourged Whelping - Sindragosa's Fall.

Crystalsong - no critters yet.

Wintergrasp - no critters yet (during battle so may be different)

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 27th, 2012, 2:18 am
by Modestypooh
The Jade Forest
- Bucktooth Flapper (Beast)
- Emerald Turtle (Aquatic) (Isn't in the Pet Journal, but got the green paw marking them and when the pet battle system was up it said tameable)

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 27th, 2012, 3:40 am
by Sanguinarius
Emerald Turtle is along the main river.
Bucktooth Flapper Near Pearlfin village

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 27th, 2012, 8:23 am
by Guest
The tameable for the Cape is the Baby Ape, they can be found on Jaguero Island when it rains.

The Qiraji Guardling is the tameable for Silithus, but nobody's found them yet (as far as I know). Most likely place is near AQ! :P

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 27th, 2012, 12:08 pm
by Skjoldmo
Wamo wrote:The Qiraji Guardling is the tameable for Silithus, but nobody's found them yet (as far as I know). Most likely place is near AQ! :P
Can you tell us how you know this since nobody found it yet?

Dark secrets inc.... :)

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 27th, 2012, 12:21 pm
by Mortis_darkskull
Skjoldmo wrote:
Wamo wrote:The Qiraji Guardling is the tameable for Silithus, but nobody's found them yet (as far as I know). Most likely place is near AQ! :P
Can you tell us how you know this since nobody found it yet?

Dark secrets inc.... :)

pet journal says the location of the qiraji guardling is in silithus :P

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 27th, 2012, 12:40 pm
by Guest
Mortis_darkskull wrote:
Skjoldmo wrote:
Wamo wrote:The Qiraji Guardling is the tameable for Silithus, but nobody's found them yet (as far as I know). Most likely place is near AQ! :P
Can you tell us how you know this since nobody found it yet?

Dark secrets inc.... :)

pet journal says the location of the qiraji guardling is in silithus :P
That's correct! A very dark secret indeed... :twisted:

Re: Tameable Battle Pet List

Posted: April 28th, 2012, 2:52 am
by Sanguinarius

im guessing locs/pet journal advises area but no one has confirmed.

GILNEAN RAVEN - gilneas?

OTTER PUP - pandaria?

RACCOON KIT - pandaria?


PORCUPETTE - Pandaria?

THE GULKSTER - Vashj'ir?


TINY WATERSTRIDER - Krasarang Wilds?

WARPSTALKER HATCHLING - terrokar skettis area???

XELNATH - pandaria?


WINTERSPRING - snowy owl ?? was added to game files wotlk but never went live so probably not ?? but in journal as in winterspring.....


SILITHUS - Qiraji guardian??

RUINS OF ANQUIRAJ - Qiraji guardian??

GILNEAS - gilnean raven??



Krasarang Wilds - TINY WATERSTRIDER??

Bog beasts in wetlands in green belt 1:30 am weather dry.