Flawless Magic stone
I know some have called for a general "What to use a flawless battle stone on" thread, but as no one has yet started one, I will clutter with another family-specific thread.
I got a flawless Magic stone from Lydia Accoste this morning, and I am TORN over what to use it on. Fortunately, I got a rare Minfernal as my first minfernal tame, so I don't need it for that. I've found lots of people suggesting Jade Owl, but I don't really see what's so great about it--if anyone can enlighten me there, please do.
So many other choices, though:
Enchanted Broom
Festival Lantern or Lunar Lantern
Any strong opinions? Thanks!
I got a flawless Magic stone from Lydia Accoste this morning, and I am TORN over what to use it on. Fortunately, I got a rare Minfernal as my first minfernal tame, so I don't need it for that. I've found lots of people suggesting Jade Owl, but I don't really see what's so great about it--if anyone can enlighten me there, please do.
So many other choices, though:
Enchanted Broom
Festival Lantern or Lunar Lantern
Any strong opinions? Thanks!
- Quintessence
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Re: Flawless Magic stone
The Jade Owl is popular because it's magical (aquatics are weak against it) but has flying attacks (strong against aquatic). It's an effective counterpet to aquatic types, although I'm sure it's not an absolute gamebreaker.Baldulf wrote:I've found lots of people suggesting Jade Owl, but I don't really see what's so great about it--if anyone can enlighten me there, please do.

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- Lowbrowdeluxe
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Re: Flawless Magic stone
Jade Owl is far and away the most useful of the magic types for the reasons given above. Enchanted Broom is fairly strong, however, and might be very useful come 5.2 against hard hitting beasts with the FFF getting nerfed to oblivion. Wind-up, plus magic family bonus to keep you from dying to Darnak's huge burrow/stone rush combo
Re: Flawless Magic stone
I have a similar predicament; Should I stone my Jade Owl or Minifernal?
Re: Flawless Magic stone
Did you got P/B breed of it?Tahsfenz wrote:I just did my jade owl, can't wait to level it and slaughter fishies
Re: Flawless Magic stone
Jade Owl (P/B) easily. You won't regret it!
- Tahsfenz
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Re: Flawless Magic stone
Mine is a P/S breed, but I'm happy with it. I'm not too picky with most breeds, the main stat I wanted was the power on the owl.

- Shmoooey
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Re: Flawless Magic stone
I used magic stones on my Enchanted Broom and Lofty Libram. I don't have a Minifernal yet so I couldn't use it for that. The Enchanted Broom is hilarious to watch. Whap whap, kill the roach.
Re: Flawless Magic stone
Thanks so much for all the input. Sounds like the Jade Owl is the way to go. If I'm lucky enough to get a second Magic Stone at some point, I'll probably use it for the broom.
Looks like my owl is B/B, though, not P/B or P/S. My JC is not 90 yet (I got mine off the AH), so I'll go shopping for a P/B before I use the stone.
Thanks again! This is a fantastic community.
Looks like my owl is B/B, though, not P/B or P/S. My JC is not 90 yet (I got mine off the AH), so I'll go shopping for a P/B before I use the stone.
Thanks again! This is a fantastic community.
Re: Flawless Magic stone
I used my flawless stone on my feline familiar <3
- Stoutspectre
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Re: Flawless Magic stone
Excellent, I got a stone today and used it on my Jade Owl, as well. Glad to see I made the right choice!
- Ashoke
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Re: Flawless Magic stone
I think logically you wanna use the stones on pets you didn't -catch- because in theory you can catch a rare one instead of using it but honestly it depends on which one you -want- to upgrade I used mine on my minifernal because I knew I was gonna level it at some point where as I'm not sure about the owl
Re: Flawless Magic stone
She is a beast, not a magic.Meowmix wrote:I used my flawless stone on my feline familiar <3

I <3 my Wolfie
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Re: Flawless Magic stone
Is the P/B beneficial over P/S due to having both minor speed and health to last longer? I never really know which stats are more beneficial for pets compared to others.Sorion wrote:Jade Owl (P/B) easily. You won't regret it!