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Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 29th, 2013, 3:33 pm
by Guest
I thought if I saw another yeti I'd scream, I love all the different groups I'm running into. Though I have over 500 level 25s, I do not know all the in and outs of them it's fun to see some of them in action even if they stomp me into the ground. Now need more people battling swear I get the same people over and over, tempted to change my team to counter theirs. Up to 71/250 wins! Have about a 50% win record, could probably be higher if I stuck to a cookie cutter group but it's more fun to explore and see what I can do. So thank you to the others that are doing the same! ~ K

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 29th, 2013, 4:41 pm
by Morlis
It is possible that just way more people are actually trying this for the same reason. I myself have 10/250, some day I will have 250/250 and will never get to 251. I probably tried 25 matches to get those 10, with 2 given to me by forfeit. So if you go up against a guy who looks like he has no idea what he is doing, it's probably me. :P

/* steps up on a soapbox

I actually don't like the PVP aspect. Been dreading this achievement, so the longer it took 5.3 to come out was fine with me. I don't like that I have to do this to get the pet. I honestly don't like any PVP, and pets/mounts/achievements that require making us do PVP is not fun for us that don't PVP. For those that do PVP hate us for trying because they are stuck with "idiots" who "suck" at PVP.

For pet vs pet though I would imagine those that are skilled at knowing all the ins and outs they probably love us because it's an easy win for them.

/* steps down from the soapbox :(

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 29th, 2013, 4:46 pm
by Quintessence
Morlis wrote:/* steps up on a soapbox
You are not alone is this mentality. *steps up on soapbox with you* :)

On the bright side, it's just one pet out of many that requires pet PVP. I'm relieved I don't have to grind for even more (yet?).

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 29th, 2013, 5:35 pm
by Poofah
Pets are attached to almost every aspect of the game now, and everybody has a least-favorite activity. So it seems inevitable that we'd all have to do something we don't like to get a pet (for me it's fishing).

I think it could have been implemented better. The fact that you make no progress at all when you lose a close match is a bit discouraging, especially when you're just starting out. I'd have preferred that the pet cost 500 petPvP points, for example; and you'd get 2 points for winning and 1 point for losing (but 0 for forfeiting). I think the general idea of encouraging pet PvP is a good one though--pet PvE becomes stale as soon as you beat it once, but pet PvP has the potential to keep people interested much longer.

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 29th, 2013, 10:16 pm
by Shakesbeard
Koori wrote:Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)
i have to second that. i like having an hour or so of only seeing one deepfreeze team, it means i can experiment with a bunch of different pets and not lose every game. :D once the cookie cutters start queueing, then i have to switch to my boring stun team or my not-quite-as-boring avoidance team... but it's much more fun to mix & match and try to use 9 abilities in a way that i haven't thought of, or read about somewhere.

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 30th, 2013, 2:18 am
by Guest
Had some silly fun tonight after getting my daily 10 wins, used 3 sunflowers (always wanted to do that) they lasted longer than I thought they would. Hope the other trainer was a little bit 0_o. Followed that up with some Plant Vs Zombie teams. Another time I decided I wanted to turn someone into a frog so brought in 3 fast frogs, just used frog kiss until I died and NOT ONE froggy! /sad panda

Happy Petzing!

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 30th, 2013, 10:49 am
by Apocalyptica
I like the more unique groups, they make things more fun. I had a battle last night with someone who was using 3 different spiders! It definitely made me laugh. I'm 85/87 with an all undead team because my main is a dk and I think its rather fitting. (I do wish they showed this account wide though, I had to check like 3 toons lol)

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 30th, 2013, 1:00 pm
by Guest
Tell you leaving my crutch off the team is hard for me, but I know how badly Magical Crawdad annoys people so I'm trying! I start twitching when my pets get low though! ~ K

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 30th, 2013, 9:53 pm
by Khayah
Although it is bad sportmansship i just watched out of curiosity how long a magical crawdad/anub idol + xy (think it was even a pet suffering from sandstorm) needed to melt my team down even without needing to heal just because there was literaly no dmg in his line up ... it took him 38 rounds and as a I just let the clock tick off after provoking wish, it also took aprox 15 minutes. WTF! why would anyone play such a line up, this is just to provoke white flagging opponents or to annoy people. Playing magical craw using wish + anub idol is ridiculous, next time i encounter that line up i will go to the bathroom, get a cup of coffee and after that i will heal myself as much as i can :D

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 6:59 am
by Cat666
Khayah wrote:Although it is bad sportmansship i just watched out of curiosity how long a magical crawdad/anub idol + xy (think it was even a pet suffering from sandstorm) needed to melt my team down even without needing to heal just because there was literaly no dmg in his line up ... it took him 38 rounds and as a I just let the clock tick off after provoking wish, it also took aprox 15 minutes. WTF! why would anyone play such a line up, this is just to provoke white flagging opponents or to annoy people. Playing magical craw using wish + anub idol is ridiculous, next time i encounter that line up i will go to the bathroom, get a cup of coffee and after that i will heal myself as much as i can :D
Be even worse if he put a bug up first with Apocalypse.

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 7:03 am
by Teacake
I don't mind seeing Crawdad+Idol+another annoying when it's people who actually want to play that team, and I do my best against them even though I mutter nasty things under my breath because the matches are so long. I have a Never-ending Story team of my own with a crawdad on it, although not the idol cause I don't like his animations and find him vaguely creepy. After the first couple of times trying it out I stopped playing it though, because boringboring.

But. I ran into a jerk the other night who had that lineup AND was taking the complete amount of time between turns, every turn. Never actually letting the timer force a pass, but only making moves at the last possible second. Win or lose, that was going to be a sickeningly long match. I didn't want to give them their obvious goal of a quick forfeit win either, because JERK. So for the first time ever I did a bad pet battle thing and just went AFK to fold some laundry. It was a lose-lose situation for me really. Laundry ranks only slightly above crawdads on the fun scale.

Sure, that gave them a win anyway, but since they were actually making moves versus going AFK, at least they had to babysit that match the whole time. If they've got so much time on their hands they want to grind to 250 on half hour wins, have at it. Or, you know, get a job. Whichever.

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 10:09 am
by Guest
Yeah fights were I don't use my crawdad are over a lot faster for better or worse. I do tell myself if they make it to 100 turns I'll white flag it, longest fight so far was 85 turns we both had magical crawdads left. I was laughing so hard, didn't feel sorry for him that time since he had the same. It was like dueling paladins.

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 12:55 pm
by Yalina
Koori, I think it was your idea to use random pets and see what happens, so I'm trying that. I went 2 for 4 last night. I'm having fun trying to make functional teams out of pets based on what I named them rather than any sort of complimenting abilites. I really want Team Mossflower to succeed (Porcupette/Sifang Otter/Hare), even if it's a team of all critters or two critters and an aquatic.

I was pleasantly surprised to only run into one darkness team and one Kun-Lai Runt team. I was expecting way worse.

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 2:11 pm
by Maizing
Poofah wrote:I think it could have been implemented better. The fact that you make no progress at all when you lose a close match is a bit discouraging, especially when you're just starting out. I'd have preferred that the pet cost 500 petPvP points, for example; and you'd get 2 points for winning and 1 point for losing (but 0 for forfeiting). I think the general idea of encouraging pet PvP is a good one though--pet PvE becomes stale as soon as you beat it once, but pet PvP has the potential to keep people interested much longer.
That would certainly be a change that I could get behind. I am another who does not like pvp in any shape or form, so once I get the achievements for the pvp pet battles, that will be the end of it for me... and I do not expect to EVER get the "No Time to Heal" one.

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 2:38 pm
by Denverrunner
I have to agree. I love not going against cookie cutter teams. I enjoy the variety. Doing these battles over and over becomes tedious battling the same pets. I am in it to win too and the yeti is not the only answer to quickly getting this achieve.

My team of Lil' Deathwing, Crow, and Scourged Whelping always decimates the Magical Crawdad team and usually beats a yeti team as well.

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 3:14 pm
by Greenstar
Like many of you, I'm just starting on the PvP aspect just for the achievement and I've been playing with different team make-ups just to see how things go. I've had a few cookie-cutter opponents, but I've also had some others where the people were obviously doing the same as me and/or just having fun. Three arctic hares was a neat idea but unfortunately for that person, I had my crawdad with snap going so I could heal and do decent dps.

I'll keep trying different variations for the fun of it, so like others said, if you see a wacky team it might be me!

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 7:58 pm
by Korphi
I ran into a guy with two Kun-Lai Runts.

My Val'kyr enjoyed drinking their tears. :)

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 10:12 pm
by Guest
I think we a [Random Pet] button, one that will select 3 random level 25 pets for you to fight with and see what you can do against another player that selected the same. Keep the normal que for those that prefer to work with a set team. Think I would pet battle beyond 250 with that feature, as it is once I'm done (halfway!) I think I'll spend my spare time playing my alts again ~ K

Re: Thank You For NOT Using Cookie Cutter Groups :)

Posted: June 4th, 2013, 6:37 am
by Khayah
I have a new one which is pretty awesome

Stone armadillo
Toothy or Snarly
+ a speed buff or speed debuff

Said stone armadillo is awesome in 7/17, roar + infected claw cause up to 900 dmg as crit / 600 normal WHILE sandstorm against anub idol and i think nobody expects a strong anti human attack by a critter. + lovely sound and i never saw one before so i decided to give it a try.

Toothy/Snarly is just plain standard but again, i'm really surprised what people expect after applying bleed.

So you cover humanoid, undead + elemental and the armadillo is just cute