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Posted: September 27th, 2012, 11:36 am
by Shad0cat
I was looking for Minfernal today in Felwood but didn't see a single one. I googled to see if maybe they only appeared at certain times or in a certain location since the tooltip didn't say anything about special conditions. There were all kinds of rumors saying it was glitched but Mumper says it's not. One person camped felwood for 10 hours straight and never saw one. Somebody else says that they're phased until you get to a certain point on the felwood questline is this true or does this thing just have a very rare very rediculous spawning timer?

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 27th, 2012, 1:57 pm
by Doobjanka
I saw a Minfernal on my map while flying over the area on a flight path, but nothing when I got back to the area. Maybe it's a phasing thing, or CRZ got me.

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 27th, 2012, 3:47 pm
by Vhale
I've been trying to get a rare molten spiderling in searing gorge and I've noticed the pets definitely share spawns with others of different types. So I tried killing a few roaches around the area. But, no luck. I am an old world loremasters but I haven't done any new quests in the zone. There is a big questly looking infernal there, so I'm wondering if it is a phase issue. One orc on the general forums claimed to have seen a single one on Tuesday, but they tried to catch it with a lvl 7 pet and had no proof of it.

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 27th, 2012, 4:23 pm
by Bindibear
I've definitely caught the Rusty Snail, but they're only there sometimes and I was so excited the first time I saw one I didn't write the time or conditions down. Sometimes the beach is just full of them, sometimes not a one. I'll try to remember to check after work, it may have been then...

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 27th, 2012, 6:44 pm
by Ryo
I saw a Minfernal on my map when I was in Felwood the other day, but the pet was like stuck or hidden inside a large tree and I could not see it on the screen.

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 27th, 2012, 7:10 pm
by Dementron
Use the keybinds interface to set up an "interact" button, then type /tar Minfernal to target a pet you can't see. If you are close enough and angle yourself right, you can still start a fight even if you can't see it.

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 27th, 2012, 9:44 pm
by Ryo
Ah great idea thanks!

Giraffe Calf and Tiny Bog Beast

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 12:38 am
by Lisanette
First I joked with my guildies these two where only myths. Until I came across Wetlands an ekstra ekstra time. And there where plenty beasts. Just think someone is camping some of these areas heavyly or/and there only spawn very few at a time. Not rue for all pets not found, but for some.

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 12:49 am
by Dragonsrahc
I saw and battled one on the second day but it wiped the floor with my team and disappeared. It broke my heart :(

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 4:27 am
by Swiiftwiind
I was flying through felwood with my DK and just came across one, captured and now part of my collection :D .
However my DK has not done any questing in felwood so it could just be a rare spawn or just have some sort of cooldown.
It wasnt marked any different than the other capturable pets. All I can say is keep trying.
Time was 11:26 AM realm time. At the Shatter scar Vale.

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 11:18 am
by Slimper
Yes, i get him! 18:06 Server Time, Server: Galakrond (RU), only 1 be in location, green quality, 14 lvl.
Farm in other server (Azuregos) 2 day without luck, in this server only 2 checks by 5 min and get it.
Good Luck all.
WoWScrnShot_092812_200822 копия.jpg
WoWScrnShot_092812_200822 копия.jpg (163.96KiB)Viewed 13985 times

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 11:56 am
by Valinbar
They're currently up on Moon Guard, but thanks to CRZ, you can only see them when you fly over on a flight path. ;/

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 12:13 pm
by Vhale
Well it's good to have confirmation they exist. There seem to be some anomalies with how things pop. When I was trying to get a rare restless shadeling, I battled several until I figured out about how many HP a rare would have. Then I started manually killing the sub quality ones. I went into a dungeon finder with a friend. Came back, cleared hte area. I saw one other person there who left. And... none of them repopped.

I was there at midnight. Hunted about 30 minutes. The dungeon didn't take about 20 or so (tank Q ftw). Then 5 minutes of shadelings. I checked back 2 hours later and in the opposite cave and there was... nothing. Hopefully not a bug involved with manual killing. Or, only so many are allowed to pop per day.

Re: Minfernal

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 9:06 pm
by Cherring
I was reading on wowhead about the Minfernal, and I came across a post about capturing one after a server restart. After the server restart today; I captured 2 Minfernals 5 mins before 2pm central time.I also came across a post that said they were caught around noon, mine was caught at 2pm central which would be 12 PDT. It seems that these are caught either between 12 PDT or it is after a server restart, of course there needs to be more testing but these are the 2 best facts that I've seen and experienced myself. Good Luck Minfernal is pretty bad arse!

Re: Minfernal

Posted: October 1st, 2012, 10:43 pm
by Tartelet
When the server restart message appeared I hurried to the area. It was 5 in morning and in very short time 2 poor quality minifernals spawned. Have now been waiting for server to restart to see if any changes, but keep getting world server down and no more patience left for now ;) But so far I would say they seem to spawn at 05

Re: Minfernal

Posted: October 2nd, 2012, 5:25 am
by Snowpeaz
Made this account to address some of the rarer pets like the mini infernal, my kids and I filmed the area of felwood for 24 hours ( spread out over 3 computers ) And killing the infernals do not spawn them any faster if anything it slowed them down, also pvp servers spawn a little faster then all the non pvp servers.

Killing the non tamable critters ( tainted rats etc ) seem to help the infernals respawn but there is never more then 2 at a time, and they do show up behind the rats and moths in battle but those appear about 1 out of every 20 battles.

Server restarts do not instantly spawn infernals but they show up shortly after.

Hope it helps, we got tired of reading "guesses" of when and where.

If you have any questions about that one or other rare pets feel free to contact Ashley at the Zang server ( alliance )

Re: Minfernal

Posted: October 2nd, 2012, 10:03 am
by Kingdms
Excellent information, Snowpeaz, and in keeping with my much more limited observations. That they can appear as the secondary pet is especially useful. Thank you.

I have to ask, though, during this process did you all get your rares?

Re: Minfernal

Posted: October 2nd, 2012, 10:32 am
by Shad0cat
I can confirm that they spawn on server restarts. I was out in felwood for one and 15 spawned. I killed all but the two uncommon I took. I wasn't lucky enough to find a rare but I'll keep trying. I also find them 8 am- ish but only one at a time.

Re: Minfernal

Posted: October 2nd, 2012, 11:50 am
by Shad0cat
I just found another huge mess of them on veco at 8:45 server. I finally got my rare ^_^.

Re: Minfernal

Posted: October 2nd, 2012, 12:38 pm
by Kingdms
Shad0cat wrote:I just found another huge mess of them on veco at 8:45 server. I finally got my rare ^_^.
Congrats. I had the same thing happen when I caught my Rare Restless Shadeling.

I strongly suspect all pet spawns are filled when the servers restart, regardless of pet species. I imagine folks logging in after their Realm comes up and finding only one or two Minfernal spawns is the result of Cross-Realms; another Realm sharing the zone came up first, and someone already cleared out the spawns.