PVP Battles

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PVP Battles

Post by Elleria » July 12th, 2013, 9:21 am

I'm finding PVP pet battles becoming a little bit frustrating.

I have frequently changed out my team to attempt to counter the most commonly used pets and I'm still experiencing more losses, am I missing some integral part of how to do this correctly?

I'm no good at any kind of theory craft, I'd just like a little bit more information and advice on how best to approach these types of battles.

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Re: PVP Battles

Post by Teacake » July 12th, 2013, 10:19 am

Elleria wrote:I'd just like a little bit more information and advice on how best to approach these types of battles.
Which types of battles? What specific things are frustrating you?

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Re: PVP Battles

Post by Slab » July 12th, 2013, 10:38 am

I use two standard pets (Giant Bone Spider and Fiendish Imp) and often change the third one between one of three choices (Water Waveling, Gilnean Raven or Direhorn Runt), depending on what teams I feel I'm seeing regularly. Sometimes it feels like inevitably, whenever I switch a pet out is when I next fight the team that it would have shined against.

It felt like it took me way longer than I would have liked to turn a corner when it comes to pet PVP. I walked away from the first bunch of forays with records like 1-9, 0-7, 1-13, etc etc ... before I finally read a couple threads here that started me on the path. I blatantly stole one of the teams here as a starting point, before tweaking it to suit my decisions and such. It really felt like there was an exact moment where the light bulb turned on, when I rattled off 7 wins in a row.

Nowadays, I'll still sit down for a bit and have one session where I look and suddenly, I've lost 5 of 6 ... it's at that point my girlfriend usually starts hearing the cursing and muttering :evil:, but more times than not I hold my own and crank out the 10 wins a week for the quest. I did a bunch of extras for a little while when I was on a roll, but I'm still only about 130/250 towards my Direhorn and no longer in a rush because even when I'm doing well, I find pet PVP to be annoying.

Steal my team. Read other threads here, find another one you like. Get some ideas and start your own off them. Any of 'em. Don't make wholesale changes, tweak it for a while. If it's really not getting anywhere, then throw out the baby with the bath water and use another starting point. I still find that randomness and owning rarity still has too much control over the outcome, but there will be a learning curve and a feeling of improvement eventually. Trust me, if I can feel that way, anyone can :lol:

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Re: PVP Battles

Post by Tekulve2012 » July 12th, 2013, 5:34 pm

There are a few good 'cheapies '
For 10$ go get lil rags from the blizzard store
He hits a ton and his trap move is great

The ghostly skull is great-you can start with him and
end his last turn with ascension

Giant bone spiders, Anub idol and an s/s fiendish imp are
all sure fire winners and worth the investment

Resist swapping out your undead..make sure to benefit fully
from the extra attacks from the racial advantage

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Re: PVP Battles

Post by Iskren » July 12th, 2013, 6:39 pm

AS a proud owner of a title "Trainer" i ll try give you some advices here
Basically is u have 250 pvp wins direhorn and you pair it with the right pets u ll have 70%+ win ratio.
Using 1 direhorn all the time is ok but in 5.4 u ll feel very stupid cuz your whole strategy will die :_)
So about advices part .....you want pets that can stand there ground no matter what enemy has.You want to use a combo of 3 pets where for example if you use a direhorn then you need a very hard counter to mechanical pets or if u use a weak humanoid like S/S Imp from kara(not Idol ...idol is not weak he can beat many undead pets 1v1 lol) then you need a strong undead to cover it.
You must have some kind of dot protection in your team (sandstrom,shell shiell etc),one or even 2 dodge skills are more then welcome especially if they are fast breed,even a single swap kills can change the outcome of the battle!When you see enemy team that has 2 or even 3 swap skills you need to time your moves so he swaps the right pets you want.Also vs team with a faster then swapper pets then your direhorn ...just spam that charge so enemy doesnt get a free turn.
Most of the combos i play are so predictable that sometimes even with strong attack vs me or me doing weak attack i can beat them .You can also play a team that is nothing special on a 1st look but its full of pets that counter the most popular pets.
Another great way to go is for pets that has strong attack vs what can counter you (undead pet spirit crab with critter attack ..u can play it safely vs critter....he will kill you fast but also you will do same :)
In your team you want at least 1 hard hitter 1 fast pet and 1 tanking/avoidance pet and if u can mix more then one of these in 1 pet while your other 2 pets....at least 1 of them cover your counters then you are good to win vs anything!
Another advice i can give you is to play with pets that have more then one valuable skill set combo so enemy are not quite sure what move you have before you use it(for example Idol is crush is a joke vs direhorns ....but with demolish is another story)
My last advice is dont be afraid to switch your pets a lot and dont let enemy trick you by beating him at start but then u left a very weak pet vs his last pet :P

p.s. no matter how good you bad you are ...when you miss 2 times a 95% move and enemy hits you 2 times in a row with 40% skills its GG ! ;xD

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Re: PVP Battles

Post by Elleria » July 16th, 2013, 9:09 am

Sorry for my delay in replying.

Thankyou SO much for the advice and information. I was a bit frustrated when I seemed to continuously get stomped but Uncommon pets or pets that seemed to me that they should have been weaker than what I had as my team.

I'm going to play around a bit, see how I go with some of your suggestions, Iskren, congratulations on your title! Hopefully this week I can do a bit better than last :)

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Re: PVP Battles

Post by Tekulve2012 » July 17th, 2013, 12:50 pm

I know this is not the thread for this but I wanted to rant about pvp battle rewards

I did get some lesser charms but since I have more than 2600 of those with no idea what to do with them... it's not so great a reward ... I hate that the 1000 pvp win just earns you a title I also think the 5000 pet battles won should earn SOMETHING !

I love the game overall but at let chuck us a bone and a real reward a bit more often

Edit: now up to 92 wins over 3 days and I've finally got ONE battlestone-elemental .... and 5 greenies
Last edited by Tekulve2012 on July 19th, 2013, 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: PVP Battles

Post by Bryndylan » July 18th, 2013, 2:06 pm

I've only just recently started doing the level 25 PVP battles, but I've had great success the last two weeks (10-2, and 10-3) with the following team:

Kun Lai Runt (1400H, 305P, 273S; Takedown/Frost Shock/Deep Freeze)
Darkmoon Tonk (1627H, 273P, 260S: Charge/Shock and Awe/Ion Cannon)
Amber Moth (1546H, 276P, 273S; Slicing Wind/Cocoon Strike/Moth Dust)

I didn't do any kind of research ahead of time, and simply put together pets that I knew were pretty strong against the tamers. I lead with my Kun Lai Runt and most times in the last two weeks, I completely destroy the other team, many times with only having used two of my pets. Even when facing other KLRunts, mine tends to be faster, and I can put a hurting on the opposing runt before it can do any damage in return.

The main thing is to keep trying different combos until you find one that works.

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