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Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 16th, 2013, 2:22 pm
by Index
C'mon folks, please remember this is a family game, pets with names like Lilc*nter are a bit on the side of disgusting, let alone appropriate for a game like this.

Would like to ask if people with pets named like this just remember kids play this, and to have some flippin' decency when naming pets :(


Edited: Vaguely aware this may be of a non-English language, so will be open-minded to it's meaning, I just had a bit of concern when seeing the word, knowing the English meaning...

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 16th, 2013, 3:54 pm
by Maizing
I would say that it is a very slim chance of it being a non-English name and that you are correct in your reading of it as inappropriate. It is an unfortunate fact that there are many people who play this game who think such things are "funny."

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 19th, 2013, 5:03 am
by Cat666
C*nt or K*nt is a fairly common surname in Turkey and probably other countries around that area.

When I worked for a local Government in London we had a few of them, but many of them assume a fake surname as obviously, you can't have your child going to an English school with a surname like that.

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 19th, 2013, 5:50 am
by Fubar
I actually do find some names like this funny (depending on the actual names). I think strong language is a part of the English language and can be used to emphasise and illustrate points, add colour and it can be funny. Of course it can also not be funny, miss the point and be inappropriate.

I have to say I strongly feel that anyone playing a MMORPG is old enough to come across swears. If you're letting your kid on a MMORPG you're opening them up to all sorts of dysfunctional people and they should at least have some cop-on and a certain level of maturity (i.e. I'd imagine 14/15 is OK however 8/9 would be inappropriate).

IF we could agree kids who aren't teenages shouldn't be on a MMORPG then I really don't see the problem with swears and find peoples reaction / moaning about them to be bewildering when there are so many more important things to worry about. They are just words and the value/insult is only offensive if you have a warped sense of what to take offence at.

Physical violence is offensive, fiat currency is offensive, the control of information is offensive... some swears in a MMORPG is par for the course and isn't a big deal to me and is sometimes funny.

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 20th, 2013, 7:52 am
by Drudatz
I find names like Adolf Hitler or Zernichter (damn Nazis...) way worse

and the worst in my Eyes even Blizzard doesnt care and even if you report these names as a GM told me they cant find a player by looking after pet names....

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 22nd, 2013, 2:00 am
by Waflob
I guess for me I don't really care, but when people display a bad attitude and start lashing out during LFR and with foul language, then the combination usually annoys me.

The thing that really gets my goat is when people find religious reasons - for example, my priest used to be called Judas, after the 80s rock band, but some bleeding heart idiot reported the name and I had to change it. I ended up changing it to Juday, but at the time I checked both US and EU armouries and there were literally dozens of John, James, Peter, Thomas, Mary, Joseph, Jesus, God, Mohammed etc etc etc etc etc. All biblical/religious names, but that didn't matter. It's bad enough when people use their religious beliefs to make stupid changes in the real world, but to do it in a game - totally lame.


Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 22nd, 2013, 2:00 pm
by Nilla151
i'm going to pretty much reiterate what has already been said.. This is an online game. the ESRB can't police what goes on in the chats. or in the vents,or whatnot. If you're allowing your child to play this game then it's on you to police what he's doing in the game. Maybe make sure the chat filter is on. maybe shut trade chat off. or even shut guild chat off. bottom line is if someone is online there's going to be cursing. and some offensive language. Sure there are times when people go overboard. but that's when you block said person.

TLDR strong language is going to be in the game. so thus if you let your kid in the game they're going to see it more or less.

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 23rd, 2013, 5:38 am
by Azrile
Nilla151 wrote:i'm going to pretty much reiterate what has already been said.. This is an online game. the ESRB can't police what goes on in the chats. or in the vents,or whatnot. If you're allowing your child to play this game then it's on you to police what he's doing in the game. Maybe make sure the chat filter is on. maybe shut trade chat off. or even shut guild chat off. bottom line is if someone is online there's going to be cursing. and some offensive language. Sure there are times when people go overboard. but that's when you block said person.

TLDR strong language is going to be in the game. so thus if you let your kid in the game they're going to see it more or less.
Except Blizzard made this particular MMO and they enforce rules to a different standard.

The sign of maturity is choosing not to use mature language.

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 23rd, 2013, 6:04 am
by Smokes
Occasionally someone uses a vulgarity in a name in a clever way, and I find it amusing. Usually, I don't approve, but for the most part I ignore it. I will do things that offend someone at some point, and other people will bother me at some point. That is what happens from interacting with other people, especially online in an anonymous setting. I'm not saying inappropriate names shouldn't be addressed, I guess I'm just trying to say, don't let it ruin your day.

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 23rd, 2013, 6:41 am
by Fubar
Azrile wrote: Except Blizzard made this particular MMO and they enforce rules to a different standard.

The sign of maturity is choosing not to use mature language.
I see plenty of swears, what's this 'different standard' you're talking about? The OP and this entire thread is specifically talking about WoW so I don't know what your point is. Even if Blizz standard is a different standard to the norm it's the Blizz standard we're discussing.

Care to explain yourself bro? :?:

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 24th, 2013, 8:02 pm
by Samhain66
My Winterveil Helper is named Jerkass. Because he is one. >.> Plus, if someone wants to curse, they're allowed to. The whole think of the children bullshit annoys me. Lol

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 6:22 am
by Casca
Personally I don't think much of someone who feels the need or thinks it's funny to name their pets after swear words. Mostly they're not very creative.
But I think that some people are being a little too sensitive with this. The game is from 12 years on, I think at that age kids won't be scarred for life if they see such a word, that is if they understand it at all.

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: April 25th, 2014, 1:40 pm
by Graven
WTF was that, some kind of random spam-bot?

Anyway, I agree about pointlessly or deliberately offensive names, but occasionally you see one that is a bit rude but clever or funny with it. My personal view is that the naming filter is already excessively strict, and there is also the mature language filter. If that still isn't enough then you probably shouldn't be using WoW to babysit your children.

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: April 25th, 2014, 1:57 pm
by Sibi
This isn't a "family" game. This game is rated T for TEENS not your small children, making it not a family game.

That being said I let my 7 yr old daughter play. Public chats are turned off for her, she's in guilds that I own. Not because I'm worried about the 4 letter swear words that fly around so frequently (she hears those other places where I have no control and frankly I just don't think kids should be THAT sheltered, and really, they are only words...they only have the power that you give them choose not to be offended/overly sensitive).
There are far, far worse things being said in chats of this game than swear words (or far worse references made with pet/player names). To keep things clean I'll use this wording(but anyone spending any time with trade chat turned on knows what I mean instead of "abuse")...the child abuse conversations or the woman abuse conversations or the racist conversations that happen in the public chats THESE are things to be offended over and worried about not all dreaded "c-word" or the "f-bomb".

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: April 25th, 2014, 3:29 pm
by Guest
I'm with Fubar 100%. This isn't PBS, it's the internet. If your kids will be offended seeing something foul, keep them off the 'net. In fact, I may go ahead and name some of my pets horrible things just to spite that nanny-state mentality.

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: April 25th, 2014, 6:28 pm
by Se5s
Fubar wrote:I actually do find some names like this funny (depending on the actual names). I think strong language is a part of the English language and can be used to emphasise and illustrate points, add colour and it can be funny. Of course it can also not be funny, miss the point and be inappropriate.

I have to say I strongly feel that anyone playing a MMORPG is old enough to come across swears. If you're letting your kid on a MMORPG you're opening them up to all sorts of dysfunctional people and they should at least have some cop-on and a certain level of maturity (i.e. I'd imagine 14/15 is OK however 8/9 would be inappropriate).

IF we could agree kids who aren't teenages shouldn't be on a MMORPG then I really don't see the problem with swears and find peoples reaction / moaning about them to be bewildering when there are so many more important things to worry about. They are just words and the value/insult is only offensive if you have a warped sense of what to take offence at.

Physical violence is offensive, fiat currency is offensive, the control of information is offensive... some swears in a MMORPG is par for the course and isn't a big deal to me and is sometimes funny.
i love you homo. just respect for a like minded homie (>'.')^^('.'<) highfive bro.

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: April 28th, 2014, 11:48 am
by Elfuego
Well, Ive found names to help in a few things. I once had a conversation with an ally hunter by changing my pet name to a question, then pointing at it : Elfuego points to whndidmoonspwn. And the reply was : Theros points to afewminago. Often times, players will name their pets for personal reasons, I see nothing wrong with it, as its your preference. Personaly, I had my crows all named wowpetbattlecom and would occasionaly point at them when someone would ask if I was the same Elfuego from the videos, but was then reported for it =( Some people just like to monkey wrench others fun. I suppose It could be seen as promoting in game, but I didnt go around spamming it.


Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: April 28th, 2014, 2:33 pm
by Graven
Elfuego wrote:I once had a conversation with an ally hunter by changing my pet name to a question, then pointing at it : Elfuego points to whndidmoonspwn. And the reply was : Theros points to afewminago.
Hah, I'd been wondering if that would work for cross-factional communication. I hope they don't decide it warrants nerfing. Wouldn't it suck if your pet names only displayed for you, and everyone else just saw them as default?

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: April 28th, 2014, 2:57 pm
by Peanutty
Yeah I've used pet names to communicate cross faction while bored. Was camping rares in TI and kept running into the same players so after a while we'd "converse" via pet names (mostly things like Hi, Bye, NoPetYet, Bored, AlliSucks, etc) - you just name multiple pets and keep summoning them. It's so impractical for actual conversation I don't think they'll ever bother changing it.

I still think pet names in PVP battles should be disabled, as I personally don't appreciate seeing teams named inflammatory or insulting things.

Re: Inappropriate pet names...

Posted: April 28th, 2014, 4:08 pm
by Smokeitall
Index wrote:C'mon folks, please remember this is a family game, pets with names like Lilc*nter are a bit on the side of disgusting, let alone appropriate for a game like this.
This is not a family game, that's just your opinion, most people that play this game are adults. If you let children under the age of 13 play this you are a horrible parent.
ESRB Rating Category: Teen
Content Descriptors: Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence
Other: Includes online features that may expose players to unrated user-generated content (Macintosh, Windows PC)