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Pet Battle Training Bug - Figured Out

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 5:31 am
by TheChamberlain
A lot of us have been running into a bug where we have bought Battle Pet Training on a character, but some other/new characters do not have it trained in their spell book.

Long story short, it appears to strike if you create a character and then log them out before they hit level 5 and "learn" the Battle Pet Training Ability.

This seems to be due to a fact that you actually have it learned when you first create your character and log them into the world. BUT, if you log them out before level 5 and then log them back in, they lose knowing it. Once they hit level 5, they do not seem to relearn it., though they should.

I have posted more info on the bug forums, and am exchanging tweets with Cory Stockton, to try to get this bug moved along. Here's a link to my bug forum post on the WoW forums.

Re: Pet Battle Training Bug - Figured Out

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 5:57 am
by Quintessence
Thanks for this info. I'm going to try out your theory about not logging out before reaching a trainer. Hopefully it works, I've been dying to get a raven and crane!

Update: It worked for my goblin, so I'm going to try Worgen and Pandaren next. Thank you so much!

Re: Pet Battle Training Bug - Figured Out

Posted: October 7th, 2012, 4:02 am
by TheChamberlain
Happy to have helped even one person. =D