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Glorious pet battle failures!
Posted: September 3rd, 2013, 5:58 am
by Pinrut
My goodness - I play a forced swap team. Pet Bombling, Crawling Claw and Fiendish Imp. Haters to the left please.
First turn, my bombling drops their mines - no worries. Their Onyxian Whelpling hits Lift-Off, fine.
Second turn - my brain fails and I suicide my bombling for... 0 damage on their unreachable pet >_<
I figure 'meh' and play the match out.
We get down to the last turn - and my Imp misses, losing me the match.
I hope the other person laughed as hard as I did!
Tell me of your derp pet battle moments
Re: Glorious pet battle failures!
Posted: September 3rd, 2013, 3:26 pm
by Shakesbeard
just this week. down to my pygmy direhorn (haters to the left please) vs their direhorn runt, both with very low hp. my pygmy has speed advantage.
my stun attack comes off cd so i hit it - they use charge and go first ftw.
Re: Glorious pet battle failures!
Posted: September 3rd, 2013, 5:46 pm
by Vek
Opponent had just Ion Cannoned and was going to recover for 2 rounds. What do I do? I use a stun. *sigh*
On the other hand in my next fight someone didn't really think through his team comp. He used Arcane Storm, then proceeded to switch in his Direhorn and use Horn Attack.
Re: Glorious pet battle failures!
Posted: September 3rd, 2013, 6:43 pm
by Alfonzzo
I love my
Scalded Basilisk, but if i had a copper ever time i used Crystal Prison v Arcane Storm, critters, resilience, ... i'd be rich. sometimes it's easy to get on autopilot.
Re: Glorious pet battle failures!
Posted: September 3rd, 2013, 8:03 pm
by Pinrut
I'm also particularly good at swapping in pets that have one or two turns left before Haunt goes off and kills the pet D:
Re: Glorious pet battle failures!
Posted: September 5th, 2013, 12:23 pm
by Darrenaf1
My repeat forehead slap move is wasting a DoT move on pets with damage reduction already up.
Re: Glorious pet battle failures!
Posted: September 9th, 2013, 3:09 am
by Vek
Using Minefield on Beast of Fable was another glorious moment... had forgotten to switch abilities.
Re: Glorious pet battle failures!
Posted: September 9th, 2013, 3:31 am
by Azrile
Vek wrote:Using Minefield on Beast of Fable was another glorious moment... had forgotten to switch abilities.
Same thing for me, but it was on the 3rd pet in a pvp match. I used minefield instead of Ion cannon.
Re: Glorious pet battle failures!
Posted: September 9th, 2013, 4:12 am
by Bretonas
What I do on a almost regular basis is searching for hours to find a rare low level pet (Creepy Crawly in Durotar for example) and when I finally find one I give it a big 1 shot bash with my lvl 25 that I forgot to replace.
Re: Glorious pet battle failures!
Posted: September 9th, 2013, 9:19 am
by Spary
Seeing the Idol coming in (while good old Shelob (aka Giant Bone Spider) is up) I regularly dot him before knocking him out ... only to be corrected by the following sandstorm
Not really a failure as it nearly never is about to break the match, but on the other hand there aren't much possibilities for such failures - the Direhorn skillchoice at a 1on1 vs another direhorn was allready mentioned - and I really like it, when my enemy trys to stun or ae slow me with his
Some people seem to have some problems with interpreting "Phase Shift" - I can't count how often I see some people striking their CD-Skills just right into my phase shift while its still up (2nd turn). Hopefully its not the same that are screaming for cheaters in pvp