Shademaster Kiryn

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Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Mehetabel » September 22nd, 2013, 9:19 am

Hey all, I'm trying for the second week to do the tournament (got my butt well and truly kicked the first week and never managed it) and now I'm stuck on Shademaster Kiryn. It's her mech's turrets that are getting me mostly. They are taking down pretty much every elemental I've put in there so I'm forced to bring in my 3rd pet, which in turn is taking loads of damage from the turrets so I have no hope of beating her 3rd beast pet. :(

Any help greatly appreciated. I'm a collector not a pet battler so this tournament is really getting the better of me. :(

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Ryu99 » September 22nd, 2013, 10:13 am

I managed Kiryn in the end with:
Lofty Libram (2,2,2)
Amesthyst Shale Hatchling (1,_,2) (ideally one faster than the cat although my only 25 one is P/P, as far as I'm aware all the Deepholm ones have the same move set)
Darkmoon Zeplin (1,_,2).
I can't take credit for this team as it is a variation on one i found in a blog while researching using pets i already had at 25 (I can't remember where though >.<)

Start of fight: Lofty - Curse of Doom > Amp magic > Shock until the Yeti dies - normally died with Curse for me because of misses or heals. If Lofty was still up for the cat I Cursed that as well then died. Shale Hatchling comes out and use Stoneskin (this is where a faster one would be beneficial so you can get it up before the cat does its first round of beating on you) then spam Burn. Normally Curse would go off on the cat's ress turn leaving the Shale Hatchling up for Summer. As that wolf is fast i just left the Hatchling out to take the last couple of turrets and Summer's first round of powered up Bite. Once the Hatchling died sent the Zeppelin and had decoy up for the the powered up bites then used Missle when I could hit it.

This was a bit hit and miss and there is probably a better version of this but i just worked with what i had to minimise the amount of leveling I had to do this week.

I hope that helps.

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by The_trainmaster » September 22nd, 2013, 10:29 am

After a few tries I've got a team that works well against her.

#1 Crawling Claw (Agony, Death Grip, Curse of Doom)
#2 Water Waveling (Water Jet, Frost Nova, Tidal Wave)
#3 Darkmoon Zeppelin (Missile, Bombing Run, Decoy)

I cast Curse and Agony on Nairn (Humanoid) and then use Death Grip to get Summer (Beast) in (while Nairn gets to around 5-10% in the back row). My Claw usually manage to stay alive long enough to cast another Curse before he dies. I then get the Zeppelin in and start with Decoy, while easily downing both Summer and Nairn with Missiles. After that, I use the Zeppelin until it dies, and lastly bring in the Water Waveling to finish off the Robot Squirrel, and use Tidal Wave if any turret is still up.

The Crawling Claw is probably the "rarest" pet in my team, but if you have it, getting the upper hand (ah-ha) on Kiryn is rather easy.

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Mehetabel » September 22nd, 2013, 11:06 am

Thanks guys! I have all the above pets so I'll try those teams out next. :D

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Anasa » September 23rd, 2013, 1:41 pm

Kiryn looks like a cheater. I wish *I* had a pet with both Call Lightning and Build Turret. >.<

I haven't had her in the undercard yet, but I'm planning to use [pet]Blossoming Ancient[/pet] (2,2,2) against her. Elemental attacks, change the weather off Lightning, and soak ~90 from each (weak) attack from her mech.

Not sure what I'll do with the other two on her team, but that's my plan for the cheater Fluxfire.

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Spary » September 25th, 2013, 12:28 am

I Found that Lil Raggy and Pebbles (but probably any Elemental or Mech with Quake) work very well against that Team.

Open with Trap and Wave. This forces the cat and now wave and quake the team till theres no tomorrow ;) - I tried it many times just to test its reliability (and for leveling a third Pet) - if you don't have very bad luck, these two take out the mech and the beast and leave the humanoid with about 300 hp.

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Krynthia » September 25th, 2013, 1:25 am

For this one I went with:

Stitched Pup (1,2,2)
Terrible Turnip (2,1,2)
Menagerie Custodian (1,1,2)

Battle order for Nairn was: Howl, Diseased Bite, Diseased Bite, Plagued Blood (if not dead from diseased bite.)
For the cat: Howl, Diseased Bite until dead. Bring out turnip. Wave to get rid of the turret. Mix in leech seed and wave until cat dies. Turnip should be in the 500~800 range.
For Summer: Pass first turn, sons of the root, wave/leech seed until turnip dies. Custodian uses ion cannon, Summer dies.

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Peanutty » September 25th, 2013, 1:46 am

Can't remember the details 100% on my team but I didn't have much trouble by using the following pets:
- Landro's Lichling against her humanoid (Curse of Doom and Shadow Slash.)
- Blossoming Ancient against the mechanical (Stun Seed, then Autumn Breeze to heal + hit debuff and Ironbark to nullify Lightning.)
- Cogblade Raptor against the wolf (Expose Wounds and Batter until dead.)

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Dekafox » September 25th, 2013, 6:54 am

I used:

Harbinger of Flame(2/2/2)
Lil' Rag (2/2/1)
Son of Animus (1/1/2)

Harbinger took out the humanoid, and did a bit of damage to the mechanical. Rag finished it off and cleared the turret, but was getting tagged by Lightning. (Blizz really needs to fix that weather bug.) He then died to the dodge + prowl. Animus finished off the wolf, but it was closer than I would have liked. He never got Prowl back up though so the jolt ended up not getting used for interrupting.

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Whiplash » September 25th, 2013, 7:29 am

Against Shademaster Kiryn I used the following team:

DM Monkey
Pandaren Fire Spirit
DM Zeppelin

The strategy was to Banana Barrage+Clobber Nairn, then swap to the Fire Spirit.
On Stormoen, the Fire Spirit uses Flamethrower+Conflagulate, and Magma Wave to wipe the turret when needed.
Swap to DM Monkey and Clobber Nairn again, then swap to DM Zep.
On Summer, DM Zep puts up Decoy, then Bombing Run, then Missle until Summer can be hit (Summer bounces off the decoys).
Lastly on Nairn, DM Monkey with Banana Barrage+Clobber, and I used Rake (100% hit vs. only 85% for Smash); occasionally you must pass because everything is on cooldown, but that got Nairn down to the point that the Fire Spirit easily finished him.

This worked twice in a row once I got the strategy worked out.
(I thought that the Lightning weather effect would not hit the Fire Spirit (elemental), but it did -- bug?)

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Ligre » September 25th, 2013, 8:56 am

(I thought that the Lightning weather effect would not hit the Fire Spirit (elemental), but it did -- bug?)
I do believe that is a bug, yes...that and the fact that Living Sandling is getting NONE of the promised damage reduction bonus from using Sandstorm. Really wish Blizzard would acknowledge my in-game reports and my thread bumps on the Bug Report forum. :evil:

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Sellys » September 25th, 2013, 10:55 am

Your elementals taking damage from the Lightning Storm is not a bug. The lightning storm adds mechanical damage to your opponent's attacks, it doesn't cause you to take extra mechanical damage. I'm not entirely sure if our elementals are getting the extra mech damage added to their attacks, although iirc mine was last night.

The fact that our elementals are still not benefiting from the sandstorm damage reduction is a bug, and an annoying one. But somehow my singing sunflower does benefit with extra healing from photosynthesis during sunlight, so it seems blizzard is being somewhat inconsistent with their bugs.

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Ligre » September 25th, 2013, 12:26 pm

Yah...and I *think* that my Droplet of Y'shaarj's Swallow You Whole move did go up in damage when Acid Rain was applied. I just don't like the inconsistency, like you said. Blizzard doesn't seem to grasp the whole concept of "if it's worth doing, then do it RIGHT." Something like that, anyway...

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Anasa » September 25th, 2013, 1:33 pm

I beat my head against Nairn for quite a while last night. [pet]Molten Hatchling[/pet] did well enough, but I need a much better "burst" team. It seems like the hardest part of this fight is getting him down as fast as possible.

[pet]Blossoming Ancient[/pet] is, as expected, amazing against the cheater fluxfire.

The problem was my poor back line mech intended to obliterate Summer kept getting nuked down by Nairn's AoE.

I think I'll try the Stitched Pup method, but I'd been trying to stay away from actual Undead because of Nairn's critter attack. >.<

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Sellys » September 25th, 2013, 2:39 pm

I used a Lesser Voidcaller to deal with Nairn. Seemed like the best choice among a fairly limited selection of non undead pets with undead attacks. I then used an S/S Amethyst Shale Hatchling for Stormoen and a Darkmoon Tonk for Summer.

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Gilneas » September 25th, 2013, 4:00 pm

Ligre wrote:
(I thought that the Lightning weather effect would not hit the Fire Spirit (elemental), but it did -- bug?)
I do believe that is a bug, yes...that and the fact that Living Sandling is getting NONE of the promised damage reduction bonus from using Sandstorm. Really wish Blizzard would acknowledge my in-game reports and my thread bumps on the Bug Report forum. :evil:
Sandstorm's shield not benefitting elementals would be a bug, them taking damage from your opponent's lightning storm attacks is not. The lightning is a beneficial effect for both pets.

The negative effects that the racial ignores would be things like the accuracy portion of Sandstorm.

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Pugnatwo » September 25th, 2013, 5:00 pm

Just beat her reliably with this team:

Ghostly Skull (1, 1,2)
Water Waveling (2,1,2)
Any Mech With Ion Cannon

Ghostly Skull---> Shadow slash until you can get guarunteed kill with bite
Spam Damage until your Undead turn on the mech, then cast Unholy Accession. Switch to the Water Waveling (H/S Breed) Wave the turrets, Nova---->Ice Lance. Wave when turrets are out.
When the mech dies, the next cat will ALWAYS dodge---->Prowl---->Bite. Let the Waveling Soak this combo, once it dies, use any pet with mech abilities, preferably Menagerie Guardian or any mech with Ion Cannon. Due to Waveling using Tide 2-3 times, It got 1 shot by ion cannon.


Mine fight went exactly like this:

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Maizing » September 25th, 2013, 5:12 pm

I finally beat her with [pet]Crawling Claw[/pet], [pet]Core Hound Pup[/pet], and [pet]Pandaren Fire Spirit[/pet] (I think this was the team I had the core hound pup in, but I could have them mixed up).

I feel that some kind of wave is vital to clear the turrets. I first tried using a [pet]Water Waveling[/pet], but it died and that team failed to beat her, so I had to switch pets, and the fire spirit has a heal too, which I thought was a bonus.

Edit: Oops, I used the core hound pup against Blingtron's piggy. For Shademaster Kiryn, I used a [pet]Tiny Harvester[/pet] in the third slot.

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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Jerebear » September 25th, 2013, 6:02 pm

I beat her very repeatably with:

Death Adder [S/S] 1,1,2
Fel Flame [H/P] 1,1,1
Lil Bling[*] 1,2,1

It's not a fast strat, but the key is the Death Adder neuters most of the first pet and then uses lightning storm against the mech.

Poison Fang -> Blinding Poison -> Puncture Wound -> Poison Fang

Rotating this 3x ended up in him only hitting the Death Adder twice and none of his AoE attacks hitting. Once he dies, the mech starts up and you just cast Poison Fang, which kinda uses Call Lightning against him. After that, The Fel flame kills him in 2 hits (immolate, conflagrate). This is the only awkward part of the strat. I didn't do well bringing in Lil' Bling at this point, even though Lightning storm should be helpful. So I just rode out 2 or 3 of the last 3 rounds of lightning storm with my elemental and took the hits from the wolf till my elemental died. Then I just started with extra plating (usually the wolf was in prowl), followed by Make it rain and and smack that. If the wolf was dodging, I made sure to refresh make it rain one of the dodging turns.

If I had to change anything on the strat, I would replace Lil' bling with something different, but I didn't spend enough time to figure out what worked better since it consistently beat the battle multiple times. I really liked how the Death Adder did against the first (and partially the second) pets.
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Re: Shademaster Kiryn

Post by Moritsume » September 25th, 2013, 6:18 pm

I used a Crawling Claw/Lil Rag/Son of Animus.

I won just barely, with my Claw basically soloing Nairn and the Wolf pet (Curse->Agony->Grip->repeat), but I didn't have any way to change the Blizzard so Nairn healed back a bit in the back row. Lil Rag got the Feline to use its failsafe rez but died before he could remove the next wave of turrets and my Animus just squeaked by.

If I had to do it again I'd keep the claw but use a Blossoming Ancient to negate Call Lightning and block the Turret damage. Claw+Ancient could probably 2man the whole team but you could throw in a 3rd pet just for good measure :D

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