Best Battle Pets

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Best Battle Pets

Post by Breanni » October 25th, 2012, 12:14 pm

So I just stumbled upon the awesomeness that is the Clockwork Gnome as a battle pet. With a strong DoT, solid damage, good HP, a great self-heal and mech rezzing, he's amazing. At level 5, he beat two level 9 snakes (common quality) on his own! He's loads of fun, too.

So I'm curious... what are some other amazing battle pets, both in terms of fun and butt-kicking?

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Zehnn » October 25th, 2012, 1:29 pm

I've had some success with Lil' Deathwing. He can open with Elementium Bolt, buff its damage with Roll, then Tail Sweep. At the end of Tail Sweep's turn, the Bolt hits, dealing massive damage. It'll usually knock out the opposing pet, but if not, it'll stun them for a turn and more than likely proc Lil' DW's Dragonkin ability, allowing the next Tail Sweep to deal pretty massive damage with no risk of counterattack. Lil' Deathwing's a pretty slow pet, too, so you're almost always going to be able to take advantage of Tail Sweep's bonus damage.

Another high burst pet combo I've noticed is anything with Chew. Your pet takes a turn to chew grass, then, at the end of the next turn, will deal a lot of damage. With a one turn cooldown, it's a pretty devastating, repeatable combo. You can also switch out and still deal the damage, in case your grass-chewing pet is ever in danger of dying.

I've also been able to use the spider pets successfully. Most of them have the same moveset, but I'll use Feverbite Hatchling as an example (since that's the rare quality spider I caught first). Brittle webbing combined with Leech Life is very useful for stalling, not to mention the fact that the former is very effective against attacks that hit more than once. Brittle Webbing will also reflect damage on DoTs. Anything with damage reduction shields will counter it, but the double healing from Leech Life is still pretty sweet (AND Brittle Webbing lasts one more turn than Sticky Web - at the cost of its root, it seems).

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Draconius » October 25th, 2012, 3:07 pm

Breanni wrote:So I just stumbled upon the awesomeness that is the Clockwork Gnome as a battle pet. With a strong DoT, solid damage, good HP, a great self-heal and mech rezzing, he's amazing. At level 5, he beat two level 9 snakes (common quality) on his own! He's loads of fun, too.

So I'm curious... what are some other amazing battle pets, both in terms of fun and butt-kicking?
Breanni, try using Tranquil Mechanical Yeti with him using call lightning. He's only uncommon (but that can change in 5.1!), but it's SUCH an awesome combo. Start off with the Yeti and call lightning storm, and when you've done a few moves, switch to the clockwork gnome. EACH HIT of a turret triggers a lightning bolt which does a decent amount of damage. Imagine when you have two turrets out. And did you know, clockwork gnomes turrets hit burrowed, flying, diving, launched, and cocooned targets too?

As for amazing pet, I love my Dark Whelpling pet. He is one of the best dragons to play around with. He is simply great against other dragons. Not only can he avoid deep breath with lift off, but his call darkness ability is both excellent vs healing teams and against other dragons, since it deals humanoid damage, and dragons see frequent usage in pet battles.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Doobjanka » October 25th, 2012, 10:41 pm

I just discovered cats can dominate critters. At level 20 they were taking out all three 23's and 24's that popped in Halfhill. Pounce hits like a truck and then end with devour for a huge heal. I liked them so much for pure burst I leveled two in a row.
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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Saintgabrial » October 26th, 2012, 12:07 am

I've beaten all but Pandaria's grand master pet tamers with the same 3 pets (Celestial Dragon, Pterrordax Hatchling and Gregarious Grell).

Now as I'm leveling my pets I've noticed that Stunted Sharhorn, Clockwork Gnome, Darkmoon Monkey, Blighthawk, Purple Puffer, Dark Whelpling, Darkmoon Tonk, Darkmoon Turtls, Darkmoon Zeppelin, Emerald Whelpling, Lil'XT or Landro's Lil'XT, Lil' Deathwing, Nether Ray Fry, Pandaren Monk, Crimson Geode, Curious Wolvar Pup are all verry good pets.

I'm working on some good combo pets and will post them as I get it together. But here a short list of pets that work as combo team.

Any combo of these make a good team: Fire Beetle, Crimson Whelpling or Fel Flame & Lava Crab, Searing Scorchling, Lil' Ragnaros.

These two work well together: Terrible turnip, Ruby Sapling. Still trying to figure out more.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Puluz » October 26th, 2012, 11:40 am

Got my Restless Shadeling last night and been using it most of today, seems really good with it's boiling blood that lasts 5 rounds and heals your pet that you use wverytime it hits opponent and also it has death coil that heals the Restless Shadeling half the damage that it does. I tend to start on shadeling and use the boiling blood and then use one or two lower level pets that i'm boosting to do a one hit each, then swap to shadelnig and kill the opponents on that. This way the low level ones gets nice exp by just mostly hanging around. :D

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Livingdeath » October 26th, 2012, 12:53 pm

The Restless Shadling is a great pet, really easy to get and deadly in fights. Spiders are good for the self heal. Marsh Fiddlers are great for just capturing because of thè blocks and self heal, it's my ideal powerhouse pet if I am trying to capture a pet because he is hard to kill. Unfortunately you have to wait until you have a team near 20 to get him.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Runestones » October 26th, 2012, 1:50 pm

Pandaren Monk is still ridiculously OP. Double damage on the big damage ability WITH a 25% chance to stun. And if it does stun - you can do double damage with the primary attack at level 10.

I also love my Onyxian Whelpling, it is just so solid for capturing high level pets due to the heal.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Phoenixap » October 29th, 2012, 1:29 pm

I am super fond of the Amethyst Spiderling (or several other spiders, i just like the bright color in particular on this pet). I use Poison Spit (dmg and dot), Brittle Webbing (dmg and dot), and Leech Life (dmg and heal). It has its own mini combo built right in with Brittle Webbing being applying 'webbed' and then Leech Life heals double. So I start off each fight with Brittle Webbing, then Leech Life, then Poison Spit, then Leech Life - repeat ad nausea. Also something strange, poison spit hit critters when they fly up in the air for an attack, it doesn't apply the dot, but the initial damage does hit. It is super effective!

Shore Crabs (and several other crabs) are my favorite Power Leveller. I use Snap, Healing Wave, and Shell Shield. I fight the critters around Half Hill. I put my lower level pet to be first in battle, do some dmg, and then switch to the Crab. Most fights around half hill are critters, so his snap ability does great damage, shell shield keeps the incoming damage low, and healing wave tops him off now and then. You can easily cut through groups of mobs and level your other pets up with just this one pet.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Havel » October 29th, 2012, 4:08 pm

I enjoy the Clockwork Gnome a lot, also. Others I like:

Pandaren Monk - Just so strong
Phoenix Hatchling - Immolation Aura up for 9 turns, send the pet to the back. Still deals a DoT to the enemy's front pet even when in your back row. And can heal.
Shore Crab - Good D with block and small heals
Lava Spider - Solid pet with a heal and good offensive abilities

I must say... a lot of it is situational too. It depends on what kind of "theme" you're running. For example, I've been enjoying:

Phoenix Hatchling - 9 turn DOT, has a heal
Mojo or any pet with Swarm of Flies - DOT that persists through swaps. Has a self-heal. DOT combos great with Phoenix Hatchling
Add the Clockwork Gnome's attacks to the face and turrets, and you have an annoying team full of dots and heals.

Again, situational but there are some pretty cool combos out there.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Emberdione » October 29th, 2012, 6:30 pm

Hippogryph Hatchling, (or Vampiric Batling or Cenarian Hatchling) has a skill Reckless Strike.

He absolutely carries the rest of my team. He takes a bit more damage, but he can slaughter the competition in 2 hits usually. So op.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Axarien » October 29th, 2012, 10:54 pm

I'm very fond of my Rocket Chicken vs. beasts, especially snakes. Wait for that burrow attack, then fly up in the air and descend upon them with mechanical, chickeny death after they futilely try to attack you. The toxic fumes attack is great, too.

I also find my Emerald Whelpling very solid for capturing pets between the damage reduction ability and the HoT.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Ty » October 30th, 2012, 9:01 am

Guardian Cub - This is my favorite pet by far. Roar then Reckless Strike. Usually the fight is about about over.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Havel » October 30th, 2012, 9:12 am

Arcana wrote:I'm very fond of my Rocket Chicken vs. beasts, especially snakes. Wait for that burrow attack, then fly up in the air and descend upon them with mechanical, chickeny death after they futilely try to attack you. The toxic fumes attack is great, too.

I also find my Emerald Whelpling very solid for capturing pets between the damage reduction ability and the HoT.
Sadly, both Fly and Burrow have high(er) miss rates, on top of the default chance to dodge. :\

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Sesamee » October 30th, 2012, 5:41 pm

Arcana wrote:I'm very fond of my Rocket Chicken vs. beasts, especially snakes.
Soo jealous of your Rocket Chicken! Maybe one day I'll force myself to spend $100+ on a battle pet, lol!

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Talmar » October 31st, 2012, 9:22 am

One thing I like to do is pair my Clockwork Gnome and my Restless Shadeling. Use the Gnome and get to 2 Turrets, swap out to the Shadeling and have him put up Plagued Blood, every hit the turrets make heal the Gnome in the background for upward of 300hp while both turrets are up.

I've toyed with the idea of an all Elemental team using weather affects. My Fel Flame's Scorched Earth Conflagrate combo is nasty and then using other elementals that would be immune to the Scorched Earth. Anybody know if weather affects stack or are overwritten?

Another nice combo is the Lil' Deathwing Blinded Weather and the Pandaren Monks 1000 Fists ability.

Also, I've been having an issue with the Northrend Master with all flying pets. My 9yr old, (yes...9) was looking in my pet journal and found this little guy. The Sprite Darter Hatchling. It's a dragon so takes less damage from Flyers AND has an avoidance and 2 strong vs flying abilities AND is rare AND has the higher speed rating. It's the perfect pet vs. flyers. Gonna be leveling mine now. Hmmm, have an idea for a new thread.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Gwenolyn » October 31st, 2012, 12:32 pm

Weather effects are over-ridden. But I love Fel Flame (Flamer) too :)


Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Guest » November 2nd, 2012, 7:39 am

I really like the Gregarious Grell and Purple Puffer.

The Grell has a good heal, some good slot one attacks and immolate, a pretty good dot. Thanks to the humanoid racial immolate can act like a hot! Use immolate, switch out and enjoy the free heals the Grell receives while it's switched out!

The Puffer has a great movepool. Pump is amazing, and can deal a LOT of damage, especially if used during rainy weather. Having an on demand heal and a priority move really comes in handy too!

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Ril » November 5th, 2012, 8:13 am

i've been looking for good synergies but am quite overwhelmed. i'm toying around with a combination of feline familiar and monk, but don't have the weather effect (yet). i'm not sure about the third slot, but a good healer or an elemental to negate mechanicals seem right.

what we need is a big list of all abilities with special effect.

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Re: Best Battle Pets

Post by Goobhawk » November 6th, 2012, 12:44 pm

I'm really liking the baby ape barrel toss. Couple that with Roar and you got yourself a pretty hard hitter :)

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