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Flawless Battle-stone, what to do :(
Posted: November 12th, 2013, 4:04 pm
by Yumehayla
It's been sitting for like two weeks in my bag, because I simply can't make up my mind - the family-restricted ones are easier, since I only look at the pets that don't come in rares, or are very hard to catch as rare, but with all the possibilities I'm completely stumped at which pet to upgrade - could someone take a look over my babies and give me some advice, please

Re: Flawless Battle-stone, what to do :(
Posted: November 12th, 2013, 5:08 pm
by Kpb321
I've sat on my only two tradable flawless battle stones I've gotten so far too so your not alone.
I don't know that there is a right answer but the most common answer will probably be to use it on a beast or flying pet as there are 27 beasts that have to be upgraded and 24 (+ 6 NonBattle) = 30 total flying pets. Making those the top two families for needing stones. Now you should see more of those family stones from wild battles as there are much more wild pets for those two families but now a days I think most people get their stones primarily from trainer/spirit bags which should be equal odds of any type of family. Personally I need 3 more beasts and 4 more flying stones so I'm holding on to mine to see how my luck ends up.
Re: Flawless Battle-stone, what to do :(
Posted: November 12th, 2013, 5:12 pm
by Liopleurodon
At this point I've been selling mine to get the 5.4 pets. I still have lots left to upgrade (those darn cats!) but the raid pets in particular are likely to get way more scarce as we move past 6.0, so I want to collect those now. I figure I'll have plenty of time to upgrade with the bound/family ones.
Re: Flawless Battle-stone, what to do :(
Posted: November 13th, 2013, 12:20 am
by Yumehayla
Thanks for the advice! I probably won't see a raiding pet anytime soon, as I'm stuck in lfr with not much time daily, so to a flying pet it went :3 Hopefully I will get lucky with more stones, so far the beasts of fable are the only quest that actually rewards me with them

Re: Flawless Battle-stone, what to do :(
Posted: November 27th, 2013, 11:20 am
by Tale
My advice: get the PetJournal Enhanced addon. With it, filter your pets down to Uncommon pets that "Can Battle", and source is not "Pet Battle". Then look at how many pets you have in each individual pet family. Use the stone on a pet in which you have the most un-upgraded. Over time this strategy minimizes the number of "wasted" family-specific stones that you can't use 1-to-1 because you've upgraded everything in the family.
Re: Flawless Battle-stone, what to do :(
Posted: November 27th, 2013, 11:21 am
by Tale
Oh, and I also think Flying was probably a good choice. In my personal experience, finally nearing having all of my pets upgraded, it is still the family with the most to go for me.
Re: Flawless Battle-stone, what to do :(
Posted: November 27th, 2013, 11:30 am
by Eekabu
I keep one Flawless Battle-Stone in my bank just to have it as back-up. Any other Flawless ones I get, I sell. I'm still after a few pets and need the gold