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Mirror match why my opponent's pet hit harder
Posted: December 4th, 2013, 9:47 pm
by Nagflar
ok story 1 like this
Anubisath Idol vs Anubisath Idol .
my Anubisath Idol only hit 4xx to my opponent's Anubisath Idol
but their Anubisath Idol hit my one 5xx hit. i like WTF on that time . There is no sandstrom weather . is this a bug or what .
ok second story .
facing PP Tiny Harvester and SS Tiny Harvester and one other (not related) and i using team of 2x Crow and 1 x Hawk.
the PP tiny Havester using metal fist hit like truck 6xx
the SS one hit 5xx
wow impressive . later i try my own Tiny Harvester they only hit 300-400. omg. Why ?
ok Third story
i like using my Crow team .
But i notice when the Crow did not strike first because of the speed . they always miss. something like 80% . Is this a bug or what .
Sigh sorry for my bad English . I just share some of my pets battle experiences
Re: Mirror match why my opponent's pet hit harder
Posted: December 4th, 2013, 9:52 pm
by Hypah
For the idols:
Your opponment might of been using "Demolish." Demolish usually hits around 550-600, but only has a 50% hit chance.
For the harvesters:
It might be that the first time it critical hit and it hit a 500 the first time, then the next time it didint get a critical and only hit a 300-400.
I hope I shined a bit of light on the situation.
Re: Mirror match why my opponent's pet hit harder
Posted: December 4th, 2013, 9:57 pm
by Nagflar
for the Idol
I am sure there is not demolish skill form the animation. we both using crush.
For the harvester
I am sure that is not critical damage as the damage in white colour not yellow.
Re: Mirror match why my opponent's pet hit harder
Posted: December 4th, 2013, 10:04 pm
by Maizing
A few questions...
1) What level were the pets in question during these battles?
2) I looked at your [pet]Tiny Harvester[/pet]s,and noticed that you have a level 9 and a level 10. Breeds B/B and S/B. Your [pet]Crow[/pet]s are all level 25. You can't expect level 9 and 10 pets to hit as hard as level 25 pets. Also, what were you fighting against when you used them?
3) What ability were you having your [pet]Crow[/pet] use that it missed so much? Was it using [ability]Nocturnal Strike[/ability] by any chance?
Re: Mirror match why my opponent's pet hit harder
Posted: December 4th, 2013, 10:17 pm
by Nagflar
I facing this 'op' team for about 10 time . that why i create this thread
1) on full 25lvl PVP match
2)My harvester on US wow Account . This profile make using Taiwan wow account
3)the Crow miss alot if not strike first . Like alpha strike etc. only happen when opponent's out speed you
Re: Mirror match why my opponent's pet hit harder
Posted: December 4th, 2013, 10:45 pm
by Maizing
Ok [ability]Alpha Strike[/ability] actually hits twice if you are faster than your opponent. Is it that second hit that you are talking about not getting? The ability does have a 95% chance to hit, so it should only miss 5% of the time. I have teams that use this ability a lot myself.
It is kind of hard to help you if I can't see your pets. What breed and level is your [pet]Tiny Harvester[/pet]? What were you fighting against with it?
Re: Mirror match why my opponent's pet hit harder
Posted: December 4th, 2013, 11:02 pm
by Nagflar
i know alpha strike hit twice if you strike first .but it miss alot if u not hit first not even 1hit because it miss . that is what i mean
i will try record a video if i meet the 'op' team again
Re: Mirror match why my opponent's pet hit harder
Posted: December 5th, 2013, 6:48 am
by Luciandk
to the OP, you probably forgot about [ability]Stoneskin[/ability]. You likely forgot using it and he did not.
Re: Mirror match why my opponent's pet hit harder
Posted: December 5th, 2013, 9:54 am
by Simenon
Are you using [ability]Call Darkness[/ability] with your Crows? Remember that it lowers your accuracy by 10%, so maybe that's why your [ability]Alpha Strike[/ability] misses so much.