Ready For the Tournament

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Ready For the Tournament

Post by Abashera » December 18th, 2013, 11:05 am

I have 110 pets at lvl 25. I have doubles of all my heavy hitters, plus similar species of others (like fast rabbits, etc.). Do you think I have enough pets to enter the tournament? :lol: I had enough pets to do it a while ago, I've just been procrastinating, and leveling MOAR PETS!

Now that I'm psyching myself up for it, I'm wondering a few things.

First off, should I do it the hard way, or cheat? What I mean is, I could read up on all the battles and use other people's proven and polished strategies, or I could take the time to try different teams for myself (and fail a lot along the way). Which rout did YOU take, and why?

And when it comes to using proven teams, I thought there used to be a stickied forum topic dedicated to Celestial Tournament strategies, but I don't see it. Anyone have a link?

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Re: Ready For the Tournament

Post by Hepburn » December 18th, 2013, 12:04 pm

I didn't look up strategies the first time I completed it (had approximately 28-30 max-level pets). I really wanted the full Celestial Tournament experience, complete with all the tears and rage. Ultimately, it was worth. I learned much more about pet battles by critically thinking and experimenting than I would have if I had just watched some videos and read some guides. There are so many viable strategies that I'm sure you have enough firepower in you 110-pet armada. If not... see where you're weak and add a few more pets. I had to level extra mechanical pets after failing the first few tries. Good luck!

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Re: Ready For the Tournament

Post by Kpb321 » December 18th, 2013, 12:22 pm

First time I beat it I didn't do much to look up teams. I did use Wowhead to see the pets and abilities for tamers and had read some strategy stuff while it was on test so it wasn't completely blind. I beat it fairly easily first try but I did have ~250 level 25 pets so I had plenty of pets to choose from.

I'd say as long as you make sure you have some time to beat the tournament just go in and try to figure it out yourself. If you get really stuck on a fight or once you've beaten it and are ready to start farming it then you can look at the guides to see if there are better strats that might be faster or more reliable than what you used.

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Re: Ready For the Tournament

Post by Quintessence » December 18th, 2013, 2:31 pm

I wouldn't consider reading up on tested and proven strategies "cheating." It makes things clearer/easier but in the end you still have to be the one to execute it! :P

If you want a mix of "do it yourself" and "do it someone else's way" I recommend first taking a look at each Celestial Tournament trainer's team. Review each of their pets, their abilities, and then create a team that you think might beat it. If you run into any problems or find it more challenging than anticipated, you can always look up possible teams/strats and then edit those to suit your personal play style.

Here is the giant thread of team suggestions for the Celestial Tournament. Here's another list of viable teams.

There are MANY different ways to beat the tournament, so we haven't officially stickied a guide yet.
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Re: Ready For the Tournament

Post by Rendigar » December 18th, 2013, 2:43 pm

On my aching head after my 1st run at the tourney (not to mention being late for work)... All I can say is "Do what YOU think is fun." If you enjoy the challenge and the juggling of all of your pets and their abilities, knock yourself out. If your time is more important to you, then take advantage of the resources available to you. I posted some of what I used to almost win the 1st time through (Chi-Chi stopped me cold and I ran out of time), but I definitely enjoyed levelling up other pets to make it easier on myself once I saw what others had done. I'm not against working hard (far from it), but I'm also not against using the tools at my disposal, either.

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Re: Ready For the Tournament

Post by Abashera » December 18th, 2013, 3:15 pm

Ok thanks guys. :D

I will go through the INITIATION process and experience the (headaches)

...Adventure! hehehe

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