How one can help you to fight data import bugs?

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How one can help you to fight data import bugs?

Post by Paladance » November 14th, 2016, 3:18 am

I refer specifically to some abilities as they are shown in the Battle Info section of pets. See [pet]Runeforged Servitor[/pet] or [pet]Blood Boil[/pet] (the latter one not updated) for examples -- in some other cases one can see 0 damage or percent instead.

I can witness weird stuff on Wowhead aswell, and I believe this has to be a general problem regarding communication with the API, but I'm not gonna lurk into details.

I guess you can edit that manually, but it needs to be reported. What's the surest way to do it, considering variety provided and no keeping track? :oops:

Would it also be possible for you to get data directly from the gameplay in a way the WH client does or is it a sort of taboo? Of course for that purpose a single feature kept to the core team should be enough. :)

Oh, and any ETA on API at all, as it apparently isn't without bugs itself? :S

EDIT: I notice being at least partially noticed, thanks :)

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