suggestion: add filter for purchase currency types

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suggestion: add filter for purchase currency types

Post by Wispfox » January 7th, 2024, 1:58 am

I find myself going to wowhead when I need to check what pets I don't have that takes a particular currency (eg polished pet charms, anima, pet battle dengeon currencies, etc). I don't think it's possible to filter on currencies right now, and it would be an awesome addition.

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Re: suggestion: add filter for purchase currency types

Post by Quintessence » January 7th, 2024, 5:08 pm

We currently have a Vendor filter, but it sounds like you're looking for a filter that shows specific currencies.

The issue with having a filter for every currency is that there are currently 85 different types in our database, and I'm sure there will be more to come as new expansions are released. 85 would be a very long list to scroll through! lol

If we were to include currencies as a filter, what if we made categories for them instead?

So, for example, "Pet Currencies" (includes Polished Pet Charms, Shiny Pet Charms, basically the currency earned and used by Pet Battles, which could also include the Pet Dungeon currencies), "Monetary Currency" (I couldn't come up with a common name for all three so maybe there's a better name for this one, but it includes gold, silver, copper), "Reputation Currency" (includes any currency earned in conjunction with reps), "Misc Currency" (anything that doesn't fall into the other categories). Those are just a few categories off the top of my head, there are probably more that need to be added. This way you can narrow down your search a bit more, but everyone's not overwhelmed by a giant list.

This is also something that would need to be discussed internally, as I'm not sure about the logistics of adding another filter of this kind. It's an interesting idea, and I'd like to hear other thoughts on it!
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