Search filter for pets from Promotions, Trading Post, or other source not inlcuded in "Found in Zone"?

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Search filter for pets from Promotions, Trading Post, or other source not inlcuded in "Found in Zone"?

Post by Kurtosis » September 4th, 2024, 5:52 pm

How do you do a Smart Pet Search where you list all pets that are only available from the Trading Post, Promotions, or other source outside of the game world? The only smart search filter that seems relevant is "Found In Zone", but it only includes in-game map zones.

And if there is currently no way to do such a search, I'd like to make a site suggestion to add it. It could be in the form of a new search filter called "Source" or similar, with options like "Trading Post", "Promotion", "World", "Raid Drop", "Achievement", "Vendor", etc. Or you could integrate it into the "Found In Zone" filter by simply adding those source options to the list of zones. Or whatever other way makes sense for the site.

My personal use case is this: I am a casual pet collector who primarily collects the strong battle pets for occasional battles, world/weekly quests, etc. I've recently realized a number of very strong battle pets have come out with the Trading Post that I overlooked and didn't collect. Now I want to make a list of the best ones, and grab them if they ever show up on the TP again, as they sometimes do. It would help immensely to be find all TP pets without having to first know their names, as is currently the case. Thanks!

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Re: Search filter for pets from Promotions, Trading Post, or other source not inlcuded in "Found in Zone"?

Post by Quintessence » September 4th, 2024, 7:16 pm

Have you tried our Pet Filters instead of Smart Pet Search? We have filters for the source of most pets, although it's simplified for some categories.

Promotional filter: ... motional,Y#
Achievement filter: ... all=Feat,Y#
Vendor filter: ... Vendored,Y#

And so on. You can narrow it down further by adding another filter such as the expansion, collected/not collected, etc.

For pets from the Trading Post, you can find those under the "Vendor" filter.
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog:

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