Multiple Characters vs Single Character

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Multiple Characters vs Single Character

Post by Emberdione » April 28th, 2012, 12:56 pm

So Warcraft Pets has generally in the past always taken a neutral stance on this debate. You guys have always done a great job of saying both are equally awesome.

However, with the change in the site, the Find Collector's by realm page essentially converted everyone to a single character collector.

Can we get a way to flag our collection to show as a multi-character collection on the ranking lists?


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Re: Multiple Characters vs Single Character

Post by Emberdione » April 28th, 2012, 12:58 pm

Actually you know, with the changes in MoP it just occurred to me that is likely a moot point.

Nevermind, carry on, lol.

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Re: Multiple Characters vs Single Character

Post by Aislinge » September 15th, 2012, 11:28 pm

I don't think this is a moot point per se.

For example, on my realm, Dath'Remar, there is someone at number 1 who you would think is untouchable. However, on closer inspection of her collection, you find that she's listing herself as having Horde only pets when she's Alliance. Clearly, that is multi-character yet her account is marked as single. Hardly a fair representation of collection status.

As fair as I'm concerned, if you are a Single Character, it should reflect exactly what the Armoury says. It is the determining factor for achievements etc and should stay as such.

Single Character accounts should have manual updates removed and be Armoury updated only. It's obvious people cannot be trusted not to ego stroke their own collection >.<

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Re: Multiple Characters vs Single Character

Post by Lysi » September 16th, 2012, 12:31 am

Right now pets and mounts are not listed on the armory. Once Blizzard updates that for the new combined pets and mounts, will be able to change their code to accommodate the new system. I'm not sure how that will all work, maybe our accounts will be reset to just Alliance and Horde listings, I don't think anyone is sure exactly how the armory is going to do it yet. I wouldn't bother doing a lot of editing of my pet collection right now, just wait until the kind site admins have the new info and can can put in a new auto update option.
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Re: Multiple Characters vs Single Character

Post by Aislinge » September 16th, 2012, 2:36 am

Yeah I noticed that the Armoury has disabled it atm. If Blizzard change the achievements to being account based, not individual based (so Alliance and Horde pets count for each other, even if you can't use them), that's fine. At least then we can all 'go for broke' and all show the faction pets as being obtained.

At the moment it's more an ethical debate. I have Horde items but I don't show them as being obtained because I'm not Horde. Others obviously don't think the same as I do :\

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Re: Multiple Characters vs Single Character

Post by Breanni » September 24th, 2012, 10:41 pm

Aislinge wrote:At the moment it's more an ethical debate. I have Horde items but I don't show them as being obtained because I'm not Horde. Others obviously don't think the same as I do :\
Exactly. I feel the same way -- if you have a horde-only pet showing as "collected" in your Pet Journal but you'll never be able to summon it, it's not really collected, is it?

We've got new validation in place when you save your collection that checks if you have horde or alliance only pets and are trying to save as the opposite faction. When you add a character of the opposite faction to your account, the system will let you add it. So far, this is what we've adopted as our approach. But Blizzard's API (that we use for Armory Importing) may think differently. So we'll likely revisit this topic.

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Re: Multiple Characters vs Single Character

Post by Lysi » September 25th, 2012, 2:58 am

The armory is showing every pet for every character now, Horde Moonkin right next to Alliance Moonkin, one account wide collection. Maybe you can battle with all pets even if you can't call them to display? There is some bugginess, instead of saying 2 Hyacinth Macaw it has them next to each other 1 Hyacinth Macaw 1 Hyacinth Macaw (same with other duplicates). And under achievements it's saying Littlest Petshop 0/150 (0%), so basically no pets being acknowledged even though it does say the achievement is complete.
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Re: Multiple Characters vs Single Character

Post by Actaeon » September 27th, 2012, 4:12 pm

Breanni wrote:
Aislinge wrote:At the moment it's more an ethical debate. I have Horde items but I don't show them as being obtained because I'm not Horde. Others obviously don't think the same as I do :\
Exactly. I feel the same way -- if you have a horde-only pet showing as "collected" in your Pet Journal but you'll never be able to summon it, it's not really collected, is it?

We've got new validation in place when you save your collection that checks if you have horde or alliance only pets and are trying to save as the opposite faction. When you add a character of the opposite faction to your account, the system will let you add it. So far, this is what we've adopted as our approach. But Blizzard's API (that we use for Armory Importing) may think differently. So we'll likely revisit this topic.
Well, actually, since I've gotten the horde pet on a horde character doesn't that mean I really DID collect it? Sure, I can't summon it on my alliance main character, but I most certainly did get it on the only character that it was possible to collect it on. It's owned by the account and therefore collected in my opinion.

With the coming of account-wide collections shouldn't we be able to show account-wide collections? My account was always listed as such, since I like to keep track of all the pets I've gotten. Now it looks like it's been forced to be a single-character account when the single-character concept is essentially eliminated in the game. Is there an advantage to only showing what you have summonable on a single character? I might be missing something, so I'm sincerely curious with everyone's thoughts. It seems to me that the new collection restrictions were more appropriate to the older version of companions in WoW (prior to Mists). They're obsolete now that collections are account-wide.

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Re: Multiple Characters vs Single Character

Post by Breanni » September 27th, 2012, 8:13 pm


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