Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

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Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Chibimage » July 31st, 2013, 10:06 am

Her/His post on 5.4 Timeless Isle reads like a first grade lesson. Yikes.

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Breanni » July 31st, 2013, 10:16 am

If you have some specific suggestions to improve our content, we're always eager to hear them.

However, mocking other users (especially our admins) isn't helping anyone.

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Chibimage » August 1st, 2013, 7:25 am

Wow, that's incredibly defensive. I wasn't mocking - if I was mocking I could have said much worse things than asking a legitimate question.

I suggest that he/she rework his/her tone to suit the New York Times. They write at a 5th grade reading level. That's likely more appropriate instead of condescending down as if we're toddlers. There is the suggestion.

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Gromagrim » August 1st, 2013, 9:18 am

I read the article without feeling at all condescended to, it just read like a fellow enthusiast imparting some good news.

I think you're maybe unfamiliar with the atmosphere on this site, it's aiming to be a friendly, inclusive club, rather than having the impersonal, journalistic style of sites such as MMO Champ et al.

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Breanni » August 1st, 2013, 11:12 am

Chibipriest wrote:Wow, that's incredibly defensive. I wasn't mocking - if I was mocking I could have said much worse things than asking a legitimate question.
I might have agreed that you weren't mocking if you hadn't inserted the word "Yikes" after your brief commentary pertaining to your "legitimate question."

You could have just as easily titled your post "A suggestion for the tone of news posts" and made a simple suggestion that we adopt a more journalistic tone.

But that's not what you did.

You instead chose to post with an inflammatory title and tone. We have rules against this sort of behavior. In fact, you agreed to them when you created your account.
Chibipriest wrote:I suggest that he/she rework his/her tone to suit the New York Times.
But we're not the NY Times. We're a WoW fansite that caters to collectors of cute and cuddly companions. We've never once received any feedback (other than yours) that our tone was inappropriate for our subject matter. Other WoW sites appreciate it. The folks at Blizzard appreciate it. And most importantly, our fans appreciate it.

So while I respect your suggestion, we're going to continue in the style that our audience has enjoyed for so many years. If you don't like it, you can get your news elsewhere.

In the meantime, I'd like to ask that you refrain from making any further inflammatory posts. This site is all about having fun and keeping things lighthearted. Please do your part to preserve that spirit while logged into your account.


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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Livingdeath » August 1st, 2013, 11:50 am

I just want to say I adore Quint's posts and enjoy Quint's pet blog. I think Quint is an excellent writer!

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Ravnhawk » August 1st, 2013, 1:10 pm

I have never taken one of Quintessence's posts that we were being spoken to as if we were 1st graders LOL. I love his/her posts they are always very informative. I have no issue with anyone who explains things with a lot of detail. The more details the better, also the more I learn. For me being over 50 I am smart enough to know there are always people who know more and the FACT that they offer their time and expertise to help others (and me) is one of the things I absolutely love about this site. The moderators of this site and so many others here have helped me more then I can say with regards to pet collecting and the pet battles themselves. (I still suck at PvP pet battles I might add)

So in short if you don't like the way someone posts don't read their posts. It's really pretty simple. You you can always find another sandbox to play in if you don't like this one. It is after all a free, informative and wonderful place to play or not play as you so choose.

Now heading over to Quintessence's blog to check for updates.

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Catrei » August 1st, 2013, 1:15 pm

In my opinion Quintessence does an excellent job both on this site and her/he's blog.

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Breanni » August 1st, 2013, 4:44 pm

Thank you all for voicing your support.

Quint's been a WarcraftPets volunteer for nearly three years now. In fact, I approached her to volunteer specifically because I loved her writing and her enthusiasm for pets, as seen in her "Perks and Peeves" pet blog. And she's been doing an amazing job since she started, both with writing and with keeping other content up to date.

Quintessence is a "she" irl, btw. :-)

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Pikafido » August 1st, 2013, 5:14 pm

I dont agree with Chibipriest!! Like others before me just said, we love you and keep up the good work.

Chibi, if you dont like it, just leave. You are the minority.

Sry if my English is not correct, im Dutch! And also trying to do my best expressing me in English. ;-)

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Adumbledore » August 1st, 2013, 11:18 pm

Maybe it's just me, but I wasn't aware you were required to have a Ph.D in English in order to write a guide about WoW pets. WoW pets are supposed to be fun, and having a guide presented to you in an English-lesson format is not fun.

I guess this is a case of "if you don't like it, don't read it". Criticism is healthy, but only if it's constructive......which this wasn't.

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Chibimage » August 2nd, 2013, 7:42 am

Is there a way to ignore posts from someone then? I certainly don't like reading "informative" posts as if I was a small child who doesn't understand basic things.

Breanni - you're extremely defensive and overreacting. I wasn't inflammatory at all. You're really putting a slant on my post that I don't really appreciate and is entirely taken out of context. I think you should reflect upon that. Not all your users are the same. You should understand that. Not everyone has to be on the same page, cheerleading.

But hey, if that's all you want - I can understand that. It's quite commonplace for a personal site like this. I'll refrain from participating in any forum posts in the future since that's the feel I'm getting from you. What a shame.

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Gromagrim » August 2nd, 2013, 7:54 am

Typically you can't ignore moderators on a forum, and I really don't think there's any need to here, You're inferring completely the wrong message from the informal way these news posts are written.

You're either very sensitive to condescension (to a point of paranoia) or you're just trolling in the hope of some OTT White-knighting. Either way, you're unlikely to get a happy resolution by this juncture. I think it's time to either accept you're wrong, or find a different online community which shares the same ideals as you.

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Tenshiame » August 2nd, 2013, 8:01 am

When multiple people think you're in the wrong you should reconsider your position or how you said something.

Chibipriest, even if you didn't mean to sound inflammatory the fact is that many people think you did (myself included) tone and attitude are hard to convey online (I tend to be misunderstood online too so I make sure I read my posts carefully when I'm commenting on something or someone) This isn't a reason to stop posting in forums.

I love Quint's posts, they're easy to read and doesn't require me to use my passive vocabulary after I've worked a long day :D

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Maizing » August 2nd, 2013, 10:21 am

I have to add my 2-cents worth. This is a fun site, the writing is informal for a reason. I would think a more formal tone (such as you suggest) would be more condescending than the current format Quint uses for her posts.

I happen to enjoy Quint's posts myself.

Edit: I feel the need to add something.

Chibipriest, your posts reek of sarcasm. I recently read an article on that very thing. I would like to quote just one paragraph from that article:
As I’ve observed sarcasm in social interactions, I’ve noted that those who use it tend to underestimate its negative effects because they assume that what they say is humorous instead of hurtful. People who use sarcasm often think their targets are too sensitive or naïve when feelings get hurt. “She just can’t take a joke,” they say. In more disturbing cases, sarcasm communicates contempt for others and gives people the “dishonest opportunity to wound without looking like they’re wounding.” If someone feels hurt by such sarcasm, the one who made the verbal jab will often respond with something like, “I was only teasing! Lighten up.”

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Re: Is Quintessence an Elementary School Teacher?

Post by Taizzaa » August 2nd, 2013, 11:01 am

Let me say that I am picky, when I read a post written in Lolcat I cringe. There are books I can't read because they are written and/or edited so badly that I can't get any enjoyment out of them. I have never had any issue with any of the news articles here. I find the tone and ease of reading completely appropriate for the nature of this site. It is not condescending, it is accessible and casual. Try to remember that not everyone in the world has English as their first language and that there are people from all backgrounds that read the news here. That is what makes Warcraft Pets a great site. It is not the NY Times, and it should not attempt to be either. Keep up the good work with my pet news :)

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