This website is fantastic! Only one suggestion!

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This website is fantastic! Only one suggestion!

Post by Vampguard » October 2nd, 2014, 2:39 am

Not really sure if this is the place to put this but I just wanted to say that I quite really enjoy this website, I normally PvP but recently got into Pet Battles when my arena partners aren't on and I just have to say this website has made not only collecting but battling strategies a lot easier, I can easily say without this website I probably would have given up on Pet Battles right off the bat. My only suggestion for the website would be the ability to sort by pet levels in wild by type, for example if you were looking for a high level Humanoid pet you would be able to click the option to sort by family and then by what levels they appear in the wild, from low to high or high to low.

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Re: This website is fantastic! Only one suggestion!

Post by Rioriel » October 2nd, 2014, 4:21 am

You can mostly do that. [url=]Smart Pet Search[/url] lets you select a family then a "Greater than Level XX" filter.

For example I tried Humanoid, Level > 15 and it returned:
  • [pet]Flayer Youngling[/pet] 18-19
    [pet]Kun-Lai Runt[/pet] 23-25
    [pet]Qiraji Guardling[/pet] 16-17
    [pet]Sporeling Sprout[/pet] 18-19
Can't order results by level, but if you increase the level filter you can get a similar result to what you're after.
Hope this helps (:

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Re: This website is fantastic! Only one suggestion!

Post by Vampguard » October 2nd, 2014, 1:28 pm

Rioriel wrote:You can mostly do that. [url=]Smart Pet Search[/url] lets you select a family then a "Greater than Level XX" filter.

For example I tried Humanoid, Level > 15 and it returned:
  • [pet]Flayer Youngling[/pet] 18-19
    [pet]Kun-Lai Runt[/pet] 23-25
    [pet]Qiraji Guardling[/pet] 16-17
    [pet]Sporeling Sprout[/pet] 18-19
Can't order results by level, but if you increase the level filter you can get a similar result to what you're after.
Hope this helps (:
That for sure helps thanks!

Joined:October 27th, 2014

Re: This website is fantastic! Only one suggestion!

Post by Aron11 » October 27th, 2014, 4:49 am

Thanks for share…

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