New Armory URLs for Oceanic Realms
Posted: November 26th, 2014, 9:05 am
Since all Oceanic servers were moved to Australia a few weeks ago, it seems the Armory URL for accessing your character has changed. The new Armory URL for accessing characters on Oceanic realms has a "-old-au" added to the end of the realm name in the URL.
Old URL:
New URL:
Here's a list of all Oceanic realms and their URL names:
Dath'Remar = dathremar-old-au
Aman'Thul = amanthul-old-au
Barthilas = barthilas-old-au
Caelestrasz = caelestrasz-old-au
Dreadmaul = dreadmaul-old-au
Frostmourne = frostmourne-old-au
Gundrak = gundrak-old-au
Jubei'Thos = jubeithos-old-au
Khaz'goroth = khazgoroth-old-au
Nagrand = nagrand-old-au
Saurfang = saurfang-old-au
Thaurissan = thaurissan-old-au
Old URL:
New URL:
Here's a list of all Oceanic realms and their URL names:
Dath'Remar = dathremar-old-au
Aman'Thul = amanthul-old-au
Barthilas = barthilas-old-au
Caelestrasz = caelestrasz-old-au
Dreadmaul = dreadmaul-old-au
Frostmourne = frostmourne-old-au
Gundrak = gundrak-old-au
Jubei'Thos = jubeithos-old-au
Khaz'goroth = khazgoroth-old-au
Nagrand = nagrand-old-au
Saurfang = saurfang-old-au
Thaurissan = thaurissan-old-au