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Compare Pet Abilities

Posted: February 28th, 2015, 10:26 am
by Irayna
Maybe this is here and I just haven't been able to find it yet, so if it is, maybe it needs to be easier to get to.

What I'm looking for is this...

Many of the guides list out pets that are recommended to use for the fights, but we don't always have that exact pet in our lineup. So I'd like to be able to come here and find the pet, and then be able to compare abilities with other pets.

Right now I can click on an ability that I will need in the battle and then scan through the rest of the pets to see who else shares that and has the other ones that I need, but I think it would be awesome if there was also an option to find pets with similar abilities...

Maybe links by # of matches?

Re: Compare Pet Abilities

Posted: February 28th, 2015, 1:44 pm
by Breanni
Have you tried using the Abililty Filters?

You also might try the Smart Pet Search:

Re: Compare Pet Abilities

Posted: February 28th, 2015, 7:45 pm
by Jerebear
If you don't mind an ingame option, the addon Rematch has a "Find Similar" option that lists all pets with 3 or more of the same abilities. You just open up the rematch window, right click on a pet in there and choose "Find Similar". It clears all current filters and to clear the Find Similar filter, look for an X at the bottom of the pet list.

Re: Compare Pet Abilities

Posted: February 28th, 2015, 9:35 pm
by Irayna
I have looked at the abilities filter. That's the closest I'd been able to find, but I still have to pick an ability and then look through all the pets that have it and see if they also have the others I need.

The smart pet search looks like maybe it might work better since I can add multiple abilities, the only thing there is that I can't add it exactly, just a type, so it might not be 100% what I need, but I might try looking through that a bit and see if it serves my purpose, and I will definitely take a look at that addon as well.