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Duplicate Pet List

Posted: June 12th, 2015, 2:49 pm
by Beave
Could we get an option to create a list of all our duplicate pets? (Like exclude the first pet of a breed at the highest level and rarity? The one that generates the highest pet score on the site.) Maybe combined with a filter for crateable? This would be incredibly useful for all of us looking to trade or sell pets. Even if it only give the name of the pet I have more than one of and not the quanity, level, or rarity it would be hugely appreciated. Right now to generate a list of duplicate pets I have to scroll down through my pet journal and manually keep a list. At least it's only way I know how. And that changes daily. I'd think you could tell me pretty quickly with your data from the armory, but they don't produce a "list" output option.

Re: Duplicate Pet List

Posted: June 12th, 2015, 8:27 pm
by Quintessence
You can view your duplicates by heading to the [url=]My Pet Collection[/url] page. In the table that shows your Pet Score, the Duplicates section should have a link that takes you to a [url=]filter page[/url] that shows all of your duplicate pets.

You can also access this page by using the [url=]Pet Filter tool[/url]. Select from the drop down menu: Collected (Duplicates) > Include > Apply Filters

Hope this helps!

Re: Duplicate Pet List

Posted: June 16th, 2015, 11:07 am
by Beave
Would there be a way to get the output of this link: ... duplicates#

As a most text-based list without icons and whatnot? That link is helpful, but it's not useful in the printable list style you provide for the list of pets still needed.

Re: Duplicate Pet List

Posted: June 16th, 2015, 12:44 pm
by Breanni
If more people show an interest in this, we may implement it. We need to know that there's a wide enough need before we consider adding it to our to-do list.

Re: Duplicate Pet List

Posted: June 19th, 2015, 10:28 am
by Darolyn
Yes, please!

I need to know which pets I can send to AAA. :)

This would be beautiful.
