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Comparing Collections List Form

Posted: December 9th, 2022, 8:18 am
by Alyssania
So I have only just started using the compare function to pass on some extra pets to friends, truthfully only a couple times.

I am confused though as I KNOW that a couple of them had me put in the realm name as well but that doesn't seem to be needed anymore but more importantly, it showed the pets as a list - not simply pics - that showed breeds collected and levels of each pet.

Was this something that was changed or an option removed? I can choose Compare from the Tools tab but all it does is give me pictures of the pets rather than 2 columns showing my pets and their pets and info on each of them.

It made it nice because it was easy to see if they needed X pet or if maybe they had a good pet but less than ideal breed rather than "OK, do you have THIS one? OK, what breed is it and what level?"

I know I am not crazy but feel like I am just missing a switch or something. :)


Re: Comparing Collections List Form

Posted: December 9th, 2022, 8:58 am
by Talalara

Sent you a direct message with more info.

Nothing has changed as far as the "compare" collections button. You may need to make sure you are logged in to view the link which allows you to do that.
Have a good one!
