Perhaps don't count the Guild Page/Herald?

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Perhaps don't count the Guild Page/Herald?

Post by Chibimage » February 8th, 2014, 3:43 pm

Those of us who don't have one faction side or the other are penalized on server rankings and to be perfectly honest I don't think that's fair. I'm sure plenty of people who have both faction characters will disagree. So really it's rather moot. I do NOT think things will change, because too many people would rather have the padded #s.

I also think the Celestial Tournament Pets and PvP reward Pet should give a higher # in ranking. You have to be good to collect them.. not just lucky.

My two cents. Worth absolutely nothing, don't worry, I know.

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Re: Perhaps don't count the Guild Page/Herald?

Post by Badpathing » February 8th, 2014, 6:28 pm

Chibimage wrote:Those of us who don't have one faction side or the other are penalized on server rankings and to be perfectly honest I don't think that's fair. I'm sure plenty of people who have both faction characters will disagree. So really it's rather moot. I do NOT think things will change, because too many people would rather have the padded #s.
You seem to think that everyone who has both plays both factions; quite a few of us leveled, and earned the pet SOLEY for the collection. So, in other words, it took work. I take offense to you calling it padding, or somehow implying it is undeserved. Why not say CE pets are invalid, because again, "it's not fair".
Chibimage wrote: I also think the Celestial Tournament Pets and PvP reward Pet should give a higher # in ranking. You have to be good to collect them.. not just lucky.
Your comments seem fairly inflamatory, whether that is your intention or not. Success in the tourney has very little to do with luck, and everything to do with preparation; if anything, a little luck just makes it go faster. So, you want in this instance to be rewarded for the work done collecting, but in your prior complaint you insult those who work to collect. k.

If you are trolling, then that is fine. You will be overlooked. But if you are serious, you might consider making your points in a less offensive manner if you hope to make any headway with it.

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Re: Perhaps don't count the Guild Page/Herald?

Post by Domie » February 8th, 2014, 11:51 pm

All pets are born equal!

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Re: Perhaps don't count the Guild Page/Herald?

Post by Waynebrady » February 9th, 2014, 9:33 pm

I don't see why they shouldn't be counted. They're two distinctly different sets of pets, one alliance, one horde, with different looks and all. However, they do share the same name. Are they difficult to obtain, not really, does it take time, effort, and gold to obtain both sets? Yes.

If you look them up on the armory both sets are listed, and both sets contribute to your unique pet count in game.

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Re: Perhaps don't count the Guild Page/Herald?

Post by Dragonwizard » February 10th, 2014, 6:25 am

Just use the free 90 we will all be getting with WoD and make a toon on the opposite faction. Then all you have to do is join a guild and do the Argent Tournament for a couple of weeks and you will have all the Horde/Ally only pets.

As far as the amount of effort put into collecting certain pets being worth more how about the people that spent days killing 10k+ whelps for one to drop and then the ones that get it in 1 kill or just buy it from the AH?
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Re: Perhaps don't count the Guild Page/Herald?

Post by Yalina » February 10th, 2014, 4:19 pm

Badpathing wrote:You seem to think that everyone who has both plays both factions; quite a few of us leveled, and earned the pet SOLEY for the collection. So, in other words, it took work.
Exactly. I've been primarily an Alliance player since vanilla. I had blood elves and the occasional troll, but none of them were high level or even logged into outside of Winter Veil present looting. I'd done the Argent Tournament to completion on two Alliance characters and was so sick of jousting I still haven't gotten all the mounts. But I wanted the Argent Gruntling for completion's sake, so I leveled one of my blood elves and ran her through the Tournament. I put in the effort to joust *again* because I wanted both Argent helpers.

I expected this forum topic to be a discussion of that they shouldn't count because they can't battle. That would be a far more convincing argument for exclusion from the score.

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Re: Perhaps don't count the Guild Page/Herald?

Post by Chibimage » February 10th, 2014, 10:18 pm

Erm, I said the Celestial Tournament pets should be worth more because it takes skill to acquire them - *not* luck. Reading.

You can get all enflamed and offended if you feel like it. That is really something you should look into - I just made a comment. How you take it is sort of on you. I didn't single you out, I don't even know who you are. I don't care if you leveled a horde and went through the Tournament.

Guess why? I didn't mention the Argent Gruntling. Again - reading.

I said Guild Page/Herald. Just those two. /smh Lordy.

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Re: Perhaps don't count the Guild Page/Herald?

Post by Breanni » February 10th, 2014, 11:06 pm

Thanks for your comments, Chibimage. But please take note of the language you use -- while I'm sure you didn't intend it, you did upset more than one person with your choice of words, and this is not the first time you've done that in a post.

I'm locking this thread, as it's not something we're likely to change and there's nothing more to add to this discussion.
