My luckiest day in a long while.

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My luckiest day in a long while.

Post by NeverFinal » December 30th, 2014, 6:57 am

Logged on yesterday early morning before work. Had a 645 trinket mission Id taken a chance on at 63%. (Couldnt get any higher with current followers). It passed. Damn nice trinket from it too. Logged off went to work.

Later that night when i got back on, did my usual daily things. Logged onto my hunter who has been sitting in Felwood camping Minfernal for about 8 months now. Did my loop and see a paw print. Thinking it was "critter who shall not be named" i checked. MINFERNAL!!!

Flew down. Double checked I had my Turnip in my first spot. I did. Started the battle, he was poor quality but I didnt care, hit him twice and missed first cage. Second cage got him though. Switched to my DMF Tonk and obliterated the other pet just as an Alliance landed in the background.(Alliance had killed me last time I found a Minfernal before i even started the battle) Minfernal was mine after 8 long months of camping. (SCREW YOU CRZ!) Kalimdor and World Safari both popped earning me my title. Kissed the Alliance goodbye. Never returning to Felwood unless its on a leveling alt. Hearthed to my garrison. Picked up a flawless stone and promptly used it on my new Minfernal who I also named "Tainted Rat".

So after that excitement wore down I went about doing my monday night legacy raids. I did all my usual mount runs and no drops. Did a gear run for a couple transmog items ive been looking for. Needed the spikey car door off Illidan. So I ran BT and no car door but the Mainhand Warglaive dropped. Supposedly the rarer of the two. So I guess I know what Im doing every week now.

Just thought Id share this story. I'd love to hear about an awesome day you had in WoW even if its not current.

PS: A month ago I got Invincible during a Shadowmourne run. So maybe luckiest month.

TL;DR: Got a 645 amazing trinket from a 63% mission, MINFERNAL! after 8 months of camping on a pvp realm, and the Main Hand Warglaive on a transmog run.

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Re: My luckiest day in a long while.

Post by Skyquake » December 30th, 2014, 5:18 pm

Congratulations, especially since you faithfully stuck with your playstyle and didn't cheese out with any of the "DK on a Brazilian Realm" / "Dismount glitch" shenanigans. lol @ "Tainted Rat."

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Re: My luckiest day in a long while.

Post by Rendigar » February 4th, 2015, 5:08 pm

Skyquake wrote:Congratulations, especially since you faithfully stuck with your playstyle and didn't cheese out with any of the "DK on a Brazilian Realm" / "Dismount glitch" shenanigans. lol @ "Tainted Rat."
Hey, if you want to spend hours of your life on a high population realm hoping to get a minfernal, more power to you! It's your $15 a month and you should spend your time as it suits you. I, on the other hand, did the DK-low pop-different timezone thing for mine.

But the "luckiest" WoW day I've had in recent memory was having the Raven Lord drop for me on my main (I've been trying to get it since my druid did the fast flight form quest and got the orb to let me summon the Raven Lord in the instance back in BC) and then raptor dropped in ZG for my main on the same day, in back to back runs. After that I finished all of my pet runs (and BT, no Warglaives yet) and didn't get a single drop and I would not complain for a second. Certainly makes up for averaging only 3-4 shards on my shadowmourne runs over the last 3 weeks (and no Invincible, of course).

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Re: My luckiest day in a long while.

Post by Daktar » May 29th, 2015, 12:39 am

I can remember 2 such lucky days. The first one I got the mount from Vortex pinnacle and the mount from Ultraxion on same night. Then about 2 weeks ago I got the legendary bow on my hunter and the OH Warglaive on my rogue on back to back runs.

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