Hunter Pets!

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Hunter Pets!

Post by Mezcaal » December 6th, 2011, 7:44 pm

Okay, how many have a Hunter purely to collect the awesome rare beasts around the WoW world? I do, I started one waaay back in classic despite the 3-pet limit, which has graciously been increased dramatically since those days.

Got a three part question, I'll post my answers later. <3

1. What's your favorite current pet?
2. What's your most sought after pet?
3. What pet do you want, but aren't tamable (including as BM)?
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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Vephriel » December 6th, 2011, 8:56 pm

I've been playing a Hunter since day 1, they're my favourite class. :) I'm not really a rare hunter, most of my favourite pets are common ones that have a lot of personality. There's only a few rares that have ever piqued my interest. I can definitely see the thrill in trying to collect them all, but it's not the mindset I have with my character.

1. What's your favorite current pet? Skorn, my black devilsaur. He's my number one pet and always will be. :)
2. What's your most sought after pet? I don't have any pets I'm seeking at the moment, my stables are pretty comfy right now. ^^
3. What pet do you want, but aren't tamable (including as BM)? Hydras! Also, Stags. :D

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Nesaiya » December 7th, 2011, 12:24 am

My main is a hunter. *nods* I love her to pieces.

1. What's your favorite current pet? Would have to be Skarr, rarespawn from Molten Front. Haven't been using anything but him for awhile. :]
2. What's your most sought after pet? Not seeking any right now. I tamed all the spirit beasts, and my stables are quite full. =x
3. What pet do you want, but aren't tamable (including as BM)? Going to have to steal Vephriel's answer and go with Hydras. Some of their colors are mighty nice.


Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Gevirah » December 7th, 2011, 12:31 pm

1. What's your favorite current pet? That would have to be Magria, I've always liked that body style with all the cats, being blue and shiny was a bonus.
2. What's your most sought after pet? I'm currently looking for Gondria, up in Northrend.
3. What pet do you want, but aren't tamable (including as BM)? I've always wanted to be able to tame the Fairy Dragons (or any variation of type); they look like the Sprite Darter Hatchling. I didn't even know there was a companion pet that looked like that until I found this site. (I also think it'd be neat if we could summon exotic pets outside of BM; just for display purposes. They wouldn't have to listen to you, or even have a pet bar; just sit there and look pretty. Though I am glad you need to be BM to take them.)

Edit: found Gondria, waiting to see if they have any spirit cats in the new expansion, not really seeking any til then. I'm glad they've got spiders for the folks that love them, but they give me the creeps.
Last edited by Gevirah on December 10th, 2011, 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Domie » December 7th, 2011, 6:18 pm

I have a hunter i more or less only leveled because i wanted pets, that might also party be the reason its stuck on level 81.

1. What's your favorite current pet? Arcturis, probaly because ive been playing feral druid for 4 years now, and i love my bear form
2. What's your most sought after pet? After i caught Arcturis i havnt really been searching for any, but one of my friends sometimes calls me online when she finds a pet she thinks i should have :P
3. What pet do you want, but aren't tamable (including as BM)? As they say above, hydras are pretty cool, and isnt almost everything else tamable now a days? , ohh yeah, kodos! i love kodos :o

Edit: When i wrote this i didnt think about it, but i really like Sambas, i if i leveled up my hunter, i would probaly camp for him, same goes with the ghost wolf :P
Last edited by Domie on December 25th, 2011, 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Cassidhe » December 7th, 2011, 11:08 pm

1. What's your favorite current pet? I have Loque'nahak and he's probably my favorite at the moment.
2. What's your most sought after pet? I'd really like Sambas.
3. What pet do you want, but aren't tamable (including as BM)? The fairy dragons would be awesome to tame! Or a rad mechanical type pet.

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by GormanGhaste » December 8th, 2011, 12:01 pm

1. ShaleDun, my brown silithid beetle
2. happy with my current stable
3. Shadowhorn Stags in Ashenvale
Mingyao on Madoran

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Vcbe2 » December 9th, 2011, 1:38 am

1 Ilovecatnip, The pridelord in the barrens, my first hunter never found him, then my 2nd hunter went to his spawn point when i was high enough and he was there (fyi, my 1st account was hacked)

2 none that i can think of right now

3 Hydra

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Mezcaal » December 9th, 2011, 3:16 am

Heey, thank you all for replying. Was not certain if this thread would get any attention. The hydra seems pretty popular!

1. What's your favorite current pet? Most likely Charlotte (Which is my Yellow Shale Spider)
2. What's your most sought after pet? Skarr. Hopeful - but don't foresee it for a while :(
3. What pet do you want, but aren't tamable (including as BM)? Probably unorthodox answer here, but the biggest reason I rolled a Hunter was because I wanted a Basilisk pet-- still waiting.
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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Ritsuka » December 9th, 2011, 2:43 pm

I'm not even a Hunter but I'm totally replying to this anyway, I often wish I was solely because of the pet possibilities. XD But I'm permanently attached to my Warlock. At least I still get pets! They're just lovable eldritch demon pets. Dawww. So yes! I totally have opinions on this.

1. Loque'nahak is the most beautiful pet in the game, bar none, and one of the most beautiful creatures period by far. I'm such a huge cat lover, if I wasn't so terrible at leveling alts (let alone playing a Hunter or camping rare spawns), I would get one up just for him.

2. Gondria, for sparkly glowing kitty amazingness, is second. :3 Obviously my theoretical vanity Hunter alt would have to be BM, it seems.

3. Apparently it's an extremely common desire (well, judging from this ever so large sample of 8 anyway), but I desperately love Hydras. If I WERE a Hunter, and I didn't have the white ghost Hydra from the evil short time she was available, I'd just never get over it. I would be heartbroken. So I think they should be tamable!

Maybe I just only notice them because they're into the same things I am (and or would be, were I one), but I see a ton of Hunters who are into both companion pets and Hunter pet rares, especially the spirit beasts. That would drive me wild too, with the limited stable slots! I could maybe deal with the amount in Cata, but before? Good night.

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Ritsuka » December 9th, 2011, 3:24 pm

Speaking of, I can't help but feel suspicious that the Hydra in the Darkmoon Faire menagerie, "Gleok <the Untamable>" is somehow mocking me/us for this reason.

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Wenchie » December 11th, 2011, 4:01 pm

1. What's your favorite current pet?
The pet I leveled with on my second hunter - the rare Ashtail fox, grey/purple skin color. That will always be my favorite for that hunter.

2. What's your most sought after pet?
Up until last week it was Loque'nahak, but I've since tamed him and am not seeking anything at the moment. I may make my hubby help me tame Chromaggus one of these days though.

3. What pet do you want, but aren't tamable (including as BM)?
Back when Wrath first came out, the baby polar bears were tameable and I loved the idea of tameable baby hunter pets. I dream of a day when I can have a baby tiger with an oversized head and large adorable eyes.

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Gaijin » December 22nd, 2011, 4:23 pm

1. What's your favorite current pet?
My favourite is a green tiger with orange striper that i called Pacato. Pacato is the brazilian name from Cringer , the prince Adan's pet from the He-man cartoon.

2. What's your most sought after pet?
I am not looking for any pet at this moment, but maybe if Samba cross my way...

3. What pet do you want, but aren't tamable (including as BM)?
a lamb

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by RallyC » February 1st, 2012, 3:33 am

1. I have 2 main pets at the moment: a red shale spider named Ruby whom I love because of her amazing buff and quick webbing skills and my spirit beast Skoll whom I've named HowlingStorm.

2. Not really looking for a pet at the moment. If I happen upon a glitch though where I can tame something I shouldn't I'll got for it though. :P

3. I want to tame... Druids... And I don't mean just the bird and travel form. Druid cats and bears are just awesome (a least now, once upon a time they were just ugly). I also want a pet Worgen...

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Schloopie » February 7th, 2012, 8:52 pm

My Schloopie is a warrior since vanilla wow - pre BC, warlord title. My hunter is one of my several 85s I use for trade skills, farming, and breaking up the boredom of warrior protection spec.

1. What's your favorite current pet?
Has to be Magria - I just tamed her yesterday on my hunter and died 7 times trying. Beautiful spectral tiger pet BM spec.

2. What's your most sought after pet?
I have Terrorpene, Ghostcrawler , and Magria - I would like Ban'thalos!

3. What pet do you want, but aren't tamable (including as BM)?
I guess a dragon - wouldn't a fire breathing or spell casting dragonkin pet be awesome? Or even a warrior class dragonkin.

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Re: Hunter Pets!

Post by Pinkymac » February 16th, 2012, 8:34 am

1. Skoll is my all time favorite, but unfortunately I use marksmanship for raiding, so I can't use Skoll. So I use my purple raptor named Breadsticks, he's been my ever faithful companion since the beginning!
2. There are not any pets I currently seek, I have all the rares that I want.
3. I would love one of the fire dogs from firelands, like Shannox's Riplimb and Rageface!

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