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WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » February 21st, 2012, 2:49 pm

A place for anyone to post daily frustrations, triumphs, ideas, and just general WoW chat that doesn't need a thread of it's own. 8-)


I swear, on any of the rare occasions when I think, "Oh, good, I have a little time during the day to log into WoW" -- it's always Tuesday maintenance. :P
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Pinkymac » February 21st, 2012, 6:50 pm

Lysi wrote: I swear, on any of the rare occasions when I think, "Oh, good, I have a little time during the day to log into WoW" -- it's always Tuesday maintenance. :P
Omg, same thing with me! I didn't have to be at work until 2pm today (EST) so I was excited to level an alt a little, but of course, realms came back up about 20 minutes before I have to leave for work!

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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » February 23rd, 2012, 12:55 pm

Yeah, that's why Murphy's Law is the only thing I really believe in, LOL.

A couple little accomplishments yesterday. My oldest toon is finally exalted in her own little guild, one I run for a few close friends. It's nice to get that out of the way, she was embarrassed, and also a little annoyed that all the things she's done for the guild over the years don't count. My oldest Hordie just got Jadefang and baby jadey, as I posted in the other thread. Yay! Now I'm going to start seriously leveling my ally shammy, who is also my enchanter and tailor so it will be nice to have someone at top level with those professions.

A friend recently asked me about WoW, and signed up. It's difficult because I don't know exactly what's included in the starter account and of course she has a lot of questions, but we're figuring it out. She's planning to get a few toons to 20 before she starts paying, to save some money. It's a little frustrating because you can't give starters anything, can't join the guild, etc. But I understand the restrictions, and it's nice you can play for unlimited time up to level 20 now. She's really loving the game!

Does anyone know if add ons work with starter accounts? I don't see why they wouldn't. I didn't use add ons for a while when I started, so I don't know if she'll be interested.. But I'm thinking of recommending Titan Panel for her first add on.
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Domie » February 23rd, 2012, 7:57 pm

Lysi wrote:Does anyone know if add ons work with starter accounts? I don't see why they wouldn't. I didn't use add ons for a while when I started, so I don't know if she'll be interested.. But I'm thinking of recommending Titan Panel for her first add on.
I dont know if they work tbh, but i would recomment not using any addons that changes the look of action bars and so on, because it will only confuse if she ever haves to play a place that dont have those addon.
Not to long after i started, my friend showed me to use bartender, and i was really happy with it. but now ive played without it for like 2 years or something, and i havnt missed it at all :)
But quality of live addons, like atlas, dbm, profession addons and so on can be helpful tho! :)

Anyways, always nice to have some friends starting to play together with you :)

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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » February 23rd, 2012, 10:00 pm

It is nice to have a friend show interest in the game. Most of the people I know aren't playing right now. Titan panel doesn't really change the UI (well, you can use it to scale the UI), but it's a thin bar with some useful information like coordinates at the top. I use the regular actions bars myself, never changed them--although sometimes I wish I had just a little more room, or I can't put the spells right where I want them in the normal bars.

So, what are people doing on WoW lately? Goals? :D
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Domie » February 24th, 2012, 7:34 am

Lysi wrote:It is nice to have a friend show interest in the game. Most of the people I know aren't playing right now. Titan panel doesn't really change the UI (well, you can use it to scale the UI), but it's a thin bar with some useful information like coordinates at the top. I use the regular actions bars myself, never changed them--although sometimes I wish I had just a little more room, or I can't put the spells right where I want them in the normal bars.

So, what are people doing on WoW lately? Goals? :D
Ahh okay, thought titan also changed the bars :P

Currently im just trying to get my pvp achievements, winning 100 of each BG is kinda pain in the ass, but im getting closer ^^
Im also trying to farm "Reins of the Drake of the North Wind", but it just wont drop ! D: , dont know how many kills ive have on him, but i did like 16 last night, so im probaly around the 50 now :P
The raiding is just on the casual, sometimes helping out old guild mates with their guild runs, if they are low on members, else just finding a random pug for the hope of the DS mounts :)

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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » February 27th, 2012, 2:20 am

I don't touch PvP with a ten foot pole! Good luck with that. I didn't realize there were dragons that dropped on non-heroics, might try a few pugs for that drake.

Hey, kids, what's the most useless thing clogging up your bank?! Almost all my characters have around 200 warbot fuel! But I hardly ever take out the little guy and fuel him up, don't want to carry the fuel around in my bags. I wish warbot could just be blue or red on his own. XD
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by GormanGhaste » February 27th, 2012, 7:21 am

Lysi wrote:Hey, what's the most useless thing clogging up your bank?
Shiny Dinglehopper (joke gift from brother)
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Domie » February 27th, 2012, 10:06 am

Lysi wrote:I don't touch PvP with a ten foot pole! Good luck with that. I didn't realize there were dragons that dropped on non-heroics, might try a few pugs for that drake.

Hey, kids, what's the most useless thing clogging up your bank?! Almost all my characters have around 200 warbot fuel! But I hardly ever take out the little guy and fuel him up, don't want to carry the fuel around in my bags. I wish warbot could just be blue or red on his own. XD
Both the stonecore and vortex pinnacle dragon should be dropping on normal, i havnt seen it myself, but it says so various places :)
If you know a tank of some sort, or a hunter, it should be fairly easy to 2 man the places with full 378 gear i think :)
Im soloing the pinnacle with about 395, on my feral druid, the boss that drops the boss is really easy like that (as long as you specced a bit tanky), but the first boss can be a bit of a pain, and i normaly need to use all my survival CDs, or have a specific spec, to do it :P

Anyways, things that is clogging up is mostly random gifts ive had gotten, i got stuff like letters, a leather ball, and some silly equipment i would never use, but that i was told from my friends to keep (for god nows what reason :D), also a few quests item that ive never came around to finish (val'anyr, dragonwrath and from the staff from AQ40), also since im a druid i got a shit loads of gear lying around, like 16 (level 85) diffrent trinkets :D

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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » February 27th, 2012, 1:46 pm

GormanGhaste wrote:
Lysi wrote:Hey, what's the most useless thing clogging up your bank?
Shiny Dinglehopper (joke gift from brother)
I had to look this up since I've never seen the Little Mermaid, just read about it on Wikipedia, that's hilarious! And Wowhead said it could only be pickpocketed from Naga or Makrura, lol. I love all the funny little references in WoW. The first year I had a little guild for my friends, we did Secret Santa, and it was a hoot. Items could actually be useful or just gag gifts, and there's a ton of gag gift-worthy stuff in the game. I wanted to do it more like a White Elephant gift exchange, but the wrapping paper wasn't as helpful as I'd hoped, you can't put wrapped gifts in the guild vault and you can't wrap items that stack. So instead I gave all of our characters a character to send a gift to, so we were giving each other a lot of odd little gifts, if was cool.
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » February 27th, 2012, 1:54 pm

Domie wrote:Both the stonecore and vortex pinnacle dragon should be dropping on normal, i havnt seen it myself, but it says so various places :)
If you know a tank of some sort, or a hunter, it should be fairly easy to 2 man the places with full 378 gear i think :)
Im soloing the pinnacle with about 395, on my feral druid, the boss that drops the boss is really easy like that (as long as you specced a bit tanky), but the first boss can be a bit of a pain, and i normaly need to use all my survival CDs, or have a specific spec, to do it :P

Anyways, things that is clogging up is mostly random gifts ive had gotten, i got stuff like letters, a leather ball, and some silly equipment i would never use, but that i was told from my friends to keep (for god nows what reason :D), also a few quests item that ive never came around to finish (val'anyr, dragonwrath and from the staff from AQ40), also since im a druid i got a shit loads of gear lying around, like 16 (level 85) diffrent trinkets :D
I don't really do that kind of stuff, don't have any hardcore friends, either, so a pug would be my best option. I've done maybe around 15 dungeons, that's it (I mean that few dungeons at the appropriate level for the character, not counting dungeons that are lower level or the holiday single boss things). Anything that requires a lot of character movement in the game, like instances, are hard on my arthritis. Even just questing a lot makes my hand hurt, I use autorun and click-to-move as much as possible. I'm also pretty timid and don't like to die a lot, lol. I wish their was a title "the Timid" it would be so perfect for my oldest toon, the one I identify with the most. XD

I'd like to do a few more dungeons, though, for special projects like getting more mounts for my mount collector, a fury warrior. I did some randoms with her at 84 and happened to do the Vortex Pinnacle a few times, didn't realize there was a chance of getting a mount (a couple times we wiped on all those guys linked together with the laser beams, lol). Anther project, I'd like to get the title "the Patient" for my hunter, because it is just so the opposite of her personality, it would be funny. Having never done heroic (except lower level heroics), the idea is pretty intimidating. I splurged and picked up 2 purple weapons on the AH for her, and she crafted her own blue armor, so her gear level is 362. I figure I should do more non-heroics first to get to know the dungeons. I don't mind waiting in queues, although it does give me more time to chicken out and cancel, lol. I don't know if I'll ever do it, but it's a goal.

Anyhoo, I do keep lots of odds and ends in my bank, too, silly stuff. Every toon has held on to some amusing or sentimental quest items, my pet collector has a pirate look and a couple other outfits she likes (changing between her costumes was the only use I had for the equipment manager for a long time, lol). I wish my gals actually spent more time as bankers in the city, so they could wear that stuff. But I usually have them out "on assignment" parked by the raptor hatchling nests and the like. Although now that transmorg is available, I'm glad I saved some of the old armor.
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Domie » February 27th, 2012, 6:03 pm

Lysi, how long have you played wow, its a bit surprising that you say you almost never do dungeons, for me thats a really important part of the game, example, ive done both ZA and ZG over 60 times each ^^

I assume your a female, and ive played with a lot of female players that was mostly just hold themself back, it might be a bit intimidating to start doing dungeons and raids (specialy with all the Dbags out there :/ ), but it doesnt take long to get good at it, as long as you try :P (just wanna note that there is nothing wrong with not doing dungeons :) )

Hope no one gets offended by this :)

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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » February 27th, 2012, 7:07 pm

Well, as I said, I can't do dungeons all the time or even questing too much, without my hand hurting from arthritis. Holding down the mouse button while moving the mouse is the problem. I use autorun and click-to-move as much as possible, but it still keeps me from playing WoW as much as I'd like, and affects what I can do when I play. Most of my time on WoW I wasn't interested in dungeons at all, but now I'd like to do more (both at her level, and at lower levels for pets and mounts). Unfortunately, I run into pain if I do too much. Typing doesn't hurt, but I can't see going from being a from a mouse mover to a keyboard mover.

I never run out of things to do in the game, though. In fact, I wish I had a lot more time before MoP comes out. I'd like to get all 16 of my toons to top level, all professions leveled for all of them, get them each a title, ground mount, and flying mount that's good for their character. Plus my special projects, 2 vanity pet collectors, a mount collector, pets the hunters want to tame, etc. I got only 2 of my toons to 80 before Cata, and I'll be lucky if I get 5 to 85 before Pandaren. And then I'm back to 0/16 and have to relearn how to play every class again because they keep changing everything. If the panda gals are cute I'll want one of those, too, perhaps even one of each faction. :mrgreen:
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Domie » February 27th, 2012, 8:15 pm

Lysi wrote:Well, as I said, I can't do dungeons all the time or even questing too much, without my hand hurting from arthritis.
Ohh, i didnt catch that :/

But good to hear you have plenty to do anyways, i mostly only play one char, and when i eventualy go to play an alt, i just powerlevel for a day or too, and leave him alone for sometime after, so i had a lot of hours put into my druid, so im slowly running out of things to do ^^
And 16 chars, thats really a lot. hmm, just checked my chars, and i actualy have 8 chars about level 60, that suprised me quite a bit, and i also have a 19 twink with 1 day play used on pure pvping. but i never ventured into playing alliance, so if i had, i would probaly be on over 10 chars too :)
But i also have like 10 chars between level 10 and 45 that is just sitting around on the account ^^
Seems ive played this game way to much :X

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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » February 27th, 2012, 9:48 pm

Playing a druid, it's like you have more than one class wrapped into one. And they said in Pandaria they'd have a fourth spec, too, if I heard correctly. Not sure what that means, how many creatures can you turn into? XD

If I had it to do over again, I admit I'd do different class/race/profession combos and have less characters overall. But I'm too attached to abandon them now, lol. (I do have a few I'm not counting, for example I tried a goblin to see what their start zone was like--hated it!) Some things added in Cata make it a little easier to level w/o dungeons (I hope they don't backpedal on any of that in MoP), like the low level cooking and fishing dailies, the monthly profession quests now at Darkmoon Faire, and XP for archeology, gathering herbs and mining. It feels easier to keep everyone moving forward a little, even as I concentrate on leveling a particular character. But many of my toons are still low level, hmmm.. Went to look what I have exactly, combing both servers I'm on, I have 22, 22, 25, 31, 32, 33, 38, 49, 50, 51, 60, 61, 85, 85, 85, 85.
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Domie » February 28th, 2012, 1:36 am

Yeah, its nice with all the daily and monthly quets to just level a bit at a time :)

The druids feral spec is just being splitted into 2, so the cat and the bear have each their spec, instead of sharing it like they are doing now, so they are gonna be the only one with 4 specs ^^

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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » February 28th, 2012, 12:25 pm

Ah, I see. Seems odd to make druid the only class with four. I guess with the reduced number of talents or spells or whatever they said they're doing in MoP, they couldn't make an effective dps and an effective tank in the same spec. And I suppose they couldn't really come up with 4 specs for some classes even if they wanted to take the time, it would get pretty wacky.. Maybe a healing spec for rogues. XD

My hunter got the bronze drake last night! When I soloed with my warrior, I was never able to finish the timed part fast enough. I thought my hunter might have a better shot at it alone (well, with her pet).. But I didn't have to find out, because when I got there, someone else was at the entrance and asked what I was there for.. He didn't need the mount, he wanted a shield that sometimes drops, for transmorg. I guess he wanted company, since he waited even though I was having trouble with my mouse and it took a little time to fix the problem. I'm not comfortable playing with strangers, but I agreed. I did make some dumb mistakes, but it went fine, we got to the Infinite Corruptor in only 15 minutes. I'm almost afraid to show my husband the new dragon, he'll want it too! But I do want to get the drake on our other server, since my warrior is my mount collector. I'm not sure we'll be able to get through fast enough, my hubby is a very casual player and isn't well geared. Also, he can be a bit of a pain when he gets frustrated, lol. See how it goes.
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Domie » February 28th, 2012, 8:26 pm

Lysi wrote:Ah, I see. Seems odd to make druid the only class with four.
Its just so ferals cant change that easy between being tank and dps as fast as they can now, you can do the almost the same dps as everyone else if you go cat form in your tank spec, but in mop, you will only do the same dmg as the rest of the tanks i assume :)

But gratz on the bronze drakes, always nice to get something new to your collection :)

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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » February 28th, 2012, 10:01 pm

Thanks! Yeah, this game is still a cornucopia for me, old content, new content, so much I haven't seen.. Leveling my shammy through Un'Goro at the moment. Have ya'll done the Doloria quests? Hilarious! Oh, and today my oldest hunter was lucky again, tamed Skoll after maintenance. Have to think of a good name..
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Re: WoW Chat

Post by Lysi » March 11th, 2012, 3:31 pm

Yesterday was a good day! The shammy I'm leveling got the One That Didn't Get Away. I'd read fishing on Darkmoon Island was a good way to get it, so I did a lot of fishing there and it paid off on the last night. She already has Master Angler, so now I just need to finish leveling her and work on the rest of Salty achievements to get the title she's always wanted. My level 85 hunter loves dogs. I finally took her into Lower Blackrock Spire (that place is confusing!) to get her a little Worg Pup to keep her canine hunter pets company. Thank you to all the people who suggested it at various times. Yes, I did learn the spider, too, in spite of my arachnophobia, lol. Not WoW news, but I went to see John Carter with my hubby yesterday, and we loved it! I read some of the books years ago and I was worried it wouldn't be good, but it was thoroughly enjoyable.
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