Cross Realm Zones

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Cross Realm Zones

Post by Lysi » September 6th, 2012, 10:48 pm

Sadly, the more I hear, the more cross realm zoning sounds like a nightmare. More people are in your environment, but they aren't people that can join your dying guild, or contribute to the economy by buying and selling on your AH. So they don't do much to help with the real disadvantages on a low population server, but they take away the few advantages those low pop realms have--like getting rare spawns, farming, or winning the fishing tournament. This is something that helps Blizzard manage their system resources, but it doesn't really help us. I'm seeing people from other realms on both my servers, they're both medium population. Someone on WoWInsider mentioned they been seeing more racist comments since cross realm and I realized I did, too, maybe it's just that more of the &%$#!s are in the same place now?! What are other people seeing? How do you feel about it?
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Re: Cross Realm Zones

Post by Feathered » September 9th, 2012, 2:38 pm

I HATE it!

I logged on after patch to farm the Time-Lost Proto and the place was swarming with 30+ people where there had been maybe 5-8 people there the night before. I was like WTF?!?!? Someone, not so kindly, explained the patch changes to me. I've found that there is a lot more rude comments and behavior which I don't care for.

Also, I've been lvling a toon in Outland and noticed that I was unable to pick up quests for an area that was higher lvl then myself. ex: My Priest was almost lvl64 and I was going to move from Zangarmarsh to Nagrand but was unable to pick up any quests in Nagrand until my toon was actually lvl64. WTF BLIZZ?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!? If I want to go into a new area and potentially die that should be my choice! And I should be able to do the quests while Im at it! So back to Zangarmash I had to go, since I hate Terokkar Forest quests >.< Edit:So Im told this has been in game awhile. Apparently Ive never run into this issue since I started playing in wrath. I somewhat find this funny....but still think it sucks. Oh well. I'm sure I'll get over it. >.<

Last, but not least, I logged in to do my last day of DMF dailys and had to fly to Mulgor (am Alli) just so that I could find a portal because the server times are all screwed up! Every time I zone into a new area the realm time changes O.O WHY??? All I want to know is what time it is on MY server. I don't care what time it is on someone elses server.

Last edited by Feathered on September 10th, 2012, 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cross Realm Zones

Post by Lysi » September 9th, 2012, 4:00 pm

The implementation seems sloppy, completely unrestricted. They told us PvP servers would only merge with PvP, RP would only merge with RP, etc, but none of that is true, everything is mixed together. Also time zones are all mixed together, as you say, messing up anything that's supposed to start and end at a specific time, people missing their dailies and such. I also heard the cross realm stuff is contributing to an error I've been getting. (I thought it was my video card, kept trying new drivers.)

But even if the bugs were all fixed, I don't understand how cross realm helps the players. It means you see more people while leveling in out of the way areas, but they aren't people you can get to know and make a guild together. It erodes the sense of community, those servers that still seem to have a sense of community becomes as bad as all the others. They've already changed the leveling quests so you don't need to get groups together to complete them, so it seems odd to push to get more people in the environment now. It doesn't help the economy, which is what the low pop servers really needed. Also it's not restricted to low pop servers.

I think cross realm is here to stay. Blizzard wants it to manage system resources, just like phasing (another thing I dislike). So I hope they fix it so it's not a problem for players.
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Re: Cross Realm Zones

Post by Feathered » September 9th, 2012, 7:40 pm

Lysi wrote:I think cross realm is here to stay. Blizzard wants it to manage system resources, just like phasing (another thing I dislike). So I hope they fix it so it's not a problem for players.

Well, That's unfortunate. Phasing I can live with, it sucks but I can live with it. This cross realm crap is exactly that CRAP!

In my opinion it's caused more harm then is good and should be either, as you put it, "fixed" or just be done away with. I have toons on low lvl servers just to escape the stupidity of people sometimes. If they wanted to fix the low population issue on certain servers they should have put a manditory server transfer for players on those realms and just closed them down completely.

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Re: Cross Realm Zones

Post by Debaser » January 17th, 2013, 10:18 am

I'm not a huge fan of crz, sure you see more people when you're out in the see them tagging mobs you need for dailies (not just one or two, they usually tag everything in sight), ripping off resource nodes you are clearly working towards (in the event you are fighting close to one), camping rare spawns you have been trying to collect for ages, and generally just being douchebags, but I guess that's what happens when you no longer have to worry about your reputation on a server.

My current biggest problem with crz is that it makes getting your Kirin 'tor Familiar an absolutely soul-draining process. :evil:

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Re: Cross Realm Zones

Post by Ashoke » February 8th, 2013, 3:07 am

the worst of it is that the Phasing activates even if its Org or Stormwind, my guild's a world pvp guild: and nothing is more frustrating when I am phased in a massive city assault. Its not nearly as bad as it once was: as when 5.0 popped we'd managed to aggro 3 separate Garroshs that was... painful

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Re: Cross Realm Zones

Post by Everelda » February 11th, 2013, 11:59 pm

i wouldnt have as big a problem with it if it didnt preview the area as if it was your native server before suddenly switching you to the cross realm destination. this aggravates me when i am pet hunting or rare hunting or even just mat farming.

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Re: Cross Realm Zones

Post by Draconigena » February 14th, 2013, 8:13 am

Most people hate it because of one major reason: competition.

Pet collectors hate it because there are less zones overall for the number of players.
Mount collectors hate it for the same reason.
people levelling: more people killing the stuff they need, making it take longer.
people going out of their way for achievements: ...

And let's not talk about lag and random dismountinig when entering such a zone.

For example: If Northrend was not in a CRZ, I would have gotten the scourged whelpling yesterday.
I logged in about 5 minutes after server restart, and upon logging in, I was informed by a guildy (logged in about 2-3 minutes earlier) that I was already too late, and that he had one of the last two whelplings up.
There were around 7-8 people in the zone, and my guildie was the only one from my realm.

I wonder what Blizzard thought when they implemented this: " hey let's find a way to piss people off" ??
Because yes I am pissed off atm, knowing there is a time window of 4-5 minutes every day, which most of the times falls in my working schedule, and which is camped by 80% of people not from my own realm.

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Re: Cross Realm Zones

Post by Makominami » February 15th, 2013, 8:14 pm

CRZ is the bane of my life =(

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