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Trading Names? Worth a shot!

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 9:34 am
by Shoot
Preferably, if you disagree with what I am doing or think it is silly, let it be known that:

1.) It is not against blizzard's TOS, as seen here: [url][/url]
2.) I have actually sold names before so yes, people do buy them.

Also, I don't want to hear negative things because you disagree.

Now to the post...

I have some names I am selling for in-game currency or trading for pets. The names will be made available instantly upon deletion by me. The transaction will be done via skype/vent or teamspeak to ensure you capture the name once it is deleted.




You may post here any positive commens and/or questions or you may add my battle tag: Michael#14314

Thank you

Re: Trading Names? Worth a shot!

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 3:30 pm
by Imoverated
I remember way back that when a name is deleted its still reserved to the original owner for a month before its released to another player...did that change?

Re: Trading Names? Worth a shot!

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 6:08 pm
by Sibi
Not entirely certain what this has to do with pet collection.

Re: Trading Names? Worth a shot!

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 11:49 pm
by Shiranui
Yeah Imoverated that's true, you can also get those names with an alt key code to accent one of the letters; also you can ticket a gm if the individual with the name is shrouded (hasn't been on in 6mo+).

Re: Trading Names? Worth a shot!

Posted: July 3rd, 2014, 11:17 am
by Gwenolyn
Imoverated wrote:I remember way back that when a name is deleted its still reserved to the original owner for a month before its released to another player...did that change?
No, it is instant now. Blizz will unlock a name for you if the account is "dead" as said above. But my husband and I reserve names for each other and have them instantly available when we delete the toon.

But now I just add an accent mark ;)