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Leveling followers

Posted: November 18th, 2014, 5:04 pm
by Saasan
I missed collecting two followers in Frostfire Ridge, and having now added them to my garrison, I am not sure how to level them. All my other followers are lvl 95+ and these guys are lvl 90. I'm not getting new missions that are lvl 90, so I'm not sure what to do with them other than have them fail missions for the exp or have them tag along in a group mission (and possibly drag everyone else down with their failure!). Anyone else run into this? I'm told they don't gain exp from going on patrols with you.

Re: Leveling followers

Posted: January 16th, 2015, 10:25 pm
by Krool
I have not run into this problem and usually only have one or two lower level followers active at a time. They receive 50% of the EXP if they are no more than 3 levels below the mission, and 10% exp if they are more than three levels below the mission. I received four or five level 90-91 missions each day, and they are generally completed during my normal play times. After that, I'll have them either tag along on a higher level mission and soak up 10%/50% EXP. The lower levels do not require a lot of EXP and they quickly level up to mid 90's.

If you aren't using the Master Plan UI addon already, I highly recommend grabbing it. It's made levelling up and managing followers so much easier! It quickly shows you which missions provide the most EXP and different recommended followers for said mission.

Re: Leveling followers

Posted: March 26th, 2015, 8:44 am
by Vigoureux
Saasan wrote:
Harrison Jones is a new follower that comes with the special trait Mentor. He is a reward from Don't Call Me Junior.
Mentor makes it so that accompanying followers will have their level and ilevel bumped to the level/ilevel of the follower with Mentor. That way they can get crazy amounts of experience, especially in eperience missions provided by Barracks lvl1.

Re: Leveling followers

Posted: May 16th, 2015, 8:21 am
by Ryoma157
I still gotta get me that Harrison Jones.

Re: Leveling followers

Posted: June 18th, 2015, 12:28 pm
by Saasan
Months later, I decided to update:

When you get new lowbie followers, more lowbie quests will show up, but they may not appear immediately. You can still get lowbie quests showing up even with all max followers, but you seem to get fewer of them.

And that's my update. :)

Re: Leveling followers

Posted: June 26th, 2015, 3:50 am
by Addseo1115
Glad to see your recommends. I have enjoyed with your posts.
Useful info. :D