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Proudmoore Pride Parade 2016 (Today at 5:00 PM PST)

Posted: June 4th, 2016, 1:34 pm
by Bazly
Hello WC Pets Community! As some of you may know, the Proudmoore LGBT Pride Parade is tonight! If you have a level 100 toon on Proudmoore, Alliance OR Horde, you are more than welcome to show up. If you don't but still want to come, you still can, as the organizers are setting up raid/party groups so that people can join from other realms. Event info can be found on the Gaymers United website, which I can't actually link because my forum account is too new ( :| whoops). If you go to the website there is a tab at the top labelled "Pride Parade 2016".

Let me know here if you have a toon on another realm and would like to join! If the toon is Alliance, I can invite you personally as I will be attending on a human toon on the server. If your toon is Horde, please specify and I will let you know ASAP how to get invited.