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What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: February 18th, 2013, 7:57 am
by Jumi
I prefer one that requires reputation grinding via dailies as opposed to PvP or farming a boss endlessly. What are my options, if any? Also, if it involves farming a boss, are there any I can solo at level 85 or above?


Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: February 18th, 2013, 9:43 am
by GormanGhaste
Bronze Drake is a guaranteed drop from the Infinite Corruptor, which can be soloed at 90.

Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: February 18th, 2013, 9:47 am
by Gendou
Jumi wrote:I prefer one that requires reputation grinding via dailies as opposed to PvP or farming a boss endlessly. What are my options, if any? Also, if it involves farming a boss, are there any I can solo at level 85 or above?
Easiest Drake to get is the Bronze Drake from a timed run of Heroic Culling of Stratholme.
Any group of 80 or above should be able to get this, and you might be able to solo it at 90.
I haven't tried it, so I don't know.

Alternately, you could grind Wyrmrest Accord rep and get the Red Drake at exalted.

There's also the Netherdrakes in Outland, which are a series of dailies that are easily completed by any 70+, though the quest chain leading up to it will require either a higher level or a group.

I'm not a big fan of proto-drakes, but there are a few that are 'easy' to get (ie: not dungeon or raid meta-achievements).
Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle, Skadi the Ruthless drops a Blue Proto-drake as a very rare item.
And revered Oracles has the Green Proto-drake as rare random loot from the cracked egg.

Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: February 18th, 2013, 5:13 pm
by NathKnave
Don't count out the Albino Drake that's the reward for the achievement for obtaining 50 mounts. I believe there are 47 racial mounts now, and that's just the basic level 20 and 40 ground mounts. The reputation requirements can seem daunting, but you can run low-level dungeons with tabards until you go mad.

The Black Drake and the Twilight Drake are both guaranteed drops from Obsidium Sanctum 10 and 25 man hard modes. You should be able to do this with a pretty small group at 90, I've done these 3-man with a rogue/rogue/warlock team, all LFR geared. The Twilight Drake is a really awesome looking mount too.

Your faction in Tol Barad also has the Drake of the West Wind. The 200 tokens required can take a lot of dailies to get, but you should have the required reputation by the time you get there.

Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: April 16th, 2013, 4:51 am
by Aingealwroth
All the above stated ones are accurate, wanted to also add that if you have enough gold you can just check BMAH each day. :roll: I do that for some of the grind-ier things. :lol:

Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: April 16th, 2013, 7:43 am
by Darmand
Also if gold is not an obstacle, there is the Sandstone Drake. Now you may not like it as much since you aren't actually riding it. But on the other hand it's pretty cool as a 2 seater.

Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: April 16th, 2013, 11:14 am
by Morlis
NathKnave wrote:Don't count out the Albino Drake that's the reward for the achievement for obtaining 50 mounts. I believe there are 47 racial mounts now, and that's just the basic level 20 and 40 ground mounts. The reputation requirements can seem daunting, but you can run low-level dungeons with tabards until you go mad.
This one is much easier now than it use to be. Especially if you have a ton of alts like myself. :P Now that all mounts are shared by account each level 40 of a different race can buy all their racial mounts without having to faction. I leveled a pandaren to 40 rather than try to intentionally crank out the faction (I did end up finishing that too eventually).

I also got the Black Drake with just 2 level 90 hunters (around ilvl 470).


Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: April 16th, 2013, 7:24 pm
by NathKnave
Morlis wrote:Now that all mounts are shared by account each level 40 of a different race can buy all their racial mounts without having to faction.
If you make one of those characters a warlock or a paladin, you'll have another easy two mounts. I figured this out recently, when starting my planning for the new achievement for 200 mounts (coming in 5.3). Right now I'm at 190, but my warlock has 192 because of the class mounts. So I really only need eight more mounts and I can log in on my warlock to get the achievement. Once I do that, the mount that's awarded from the achievement will be in my journal and available to my main.

Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: May 3rd, 2013, 11:37 am
by Dragonwizard
NathKnave wrote:If you make one of those characters a warlock or a paladin, you'll have another easy two mounts. I figured this out recently, when starting my planning for the new achievement for 200 mounts (coming in 5.3). Right now I'm at 190, but my warlock has 192 because of the class mounts. So I really only need eight more mounts and I can log in on my warlock to get the achievement. Once I do that, the mount that's awarded from the achievement will be in my journal and available to my main.

Paladins actually can get 3 extra mounts. 2 class mounts and a special pally only mount from the argent tournament dailies.

Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: May 3rd, 2013, 4:56 pm
by NathKnave
Dragonwizard wrote:Paladins actually can get 3 extra mounts. 2 class mounts and a special pally only mount from the argent tournament dailies.
Maybe you can confirm or deny something for me. I know the regular warlock and paladin mounts can't count towards my mount total on any other toons, but I've been told the paladin charger from the Argent Tournament does. Someone once told me that it appears in your mount journal for other toons but can't be used, similar to the tailoring and engineering mounts. I haven't been able to test it myself (my paladin has been stuck at level 75 ever since they added Holy Power), but I'd like to know for sure. I'm getting really close to the new 200 mount achievement, and this might be a cheap one for me to get.

Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: May 4th, 2013, 8:31 am
by Dragonwizard
NathKnave wrote:
Dragonwizard wrote:Paladins actually can get 3 extra mounts. 2 class mounts and a special pally only mount from the argent tournament dailies.
Maybe you can confirm or deny something for me. I know the regular warlock and paladin mounts can't count towards my mount total on any other toons, but I've been told the paladin charger from the Argent Tournament does. Someone once told me that it appears in your mount journal for other toons but can't be used, similar to the tailoring and engineering mounts. I haven't been able to test it myself (my paladin has been stuck at level 75 ever since they added Holy Power), but I'd like to know for sure. I'm getting really close to the new 200 mount achievement, and this might be a cheap one for me to get.
I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it counts (I'll log in when I get home and check). But it doesn't really matter one way or the other as all the other mounts in game besides class mounts and the end of season PvP mounts count towards your total for all toons. So if your main toon has 197 mounts and your pally has the 3 extra all you have to do is log into your pally and you will have the 200 mounts and get the achievement across all of your toons. This is based on your main not haveing any of the end of season pvp mounts though.

Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: July 28th, 2013, 9:14 pm
by Danturismo
Red Proto-Drake from Glory of The Hero (LK dungeon achivement)

there is one that you will need 5 people for, but i'm pretty sure the rest you can solo

Re: What's the easiest Drake or Proto-Drake mount to get?

Posted: July 30th, 2013, 10:15 am
by Mentalgiant
Definitely the Bronze Drake from "Culling of Stratholme". You can chain pull everything in the instance, even on Heroic. Just make sure you kill the optional boss to obtain it.