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A Slight Misunderstanding

Posted: April 24th, 2013, 8:24 pm
by Skyquake
My level one banker got auto-recruited followed by the message, "We're a friendly guild looking for good people." I replied, "Sorry, I'm a bad person." I then started emptying mail and walked away. I came back to, "Yes you are, and a lazy manipulative greedy one too. " This was followed by no fewer than three full-length whispers in which months' worth of very specific guild drama was dissected. The last one ended, "It was totally classless to quit now, but we'll be better off without you." I replied, "I'm not in your guild. It was a joke about your recruiting add-on."

[Randomname] Is ignoring you.

Well, at least he got that off his chest...

Re: A Slight Misunderstanding

Posted: June 17th, 2013, 10:55 am
by Lysi
Should have just said "MT" instead of explaining about the joke, lol