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TCG and HearthStone

Posted: September 3rd, 2013, 8:59 pm
by Roweenna
Not sure if this has been mentioned any where or if Blizzard made any statements about this, but here are my thoughts. Blizzard is ending the TCG to make room for HearthStone, an interactive version of the TCG. Therefore Hearthstone will have loot cards such as pets and mounts. Also, Hearthstone may be playable in game. Anyone who has played SWG in its last couple of years knows that SOE had an interactive TCG game which had some pretty cool loot. Think along those lines. Also, from what I've heard, Blizzard is playing around with an in game market, like the online Blizzard store. If this is true, this only makes sense as a way to sell the hearthstone card packs. So there are my 2 cents. You can agree, disagree, argue, yell at me, call me your favorite insulting name, I'm just saying.

Re: TCG and HearthStone

Posted: October 2nd, 2013, 12:36 pm
by The_trainmaster
Yeah, this is something I've been thinking for a while, as well. It'd make perfect sense, really. You keep the rewards obtainable (and probably more so than in the past) and you incentivize WoW players to play Hearthstone (and even increase your revenue).

Now if they'd just make Mini Tyrael a very rare card...