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Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 12:45 am
by Drrum
As many of you already know, I've collected armor sets to match my pets for years. With the new transmogrification station, there is a wide variety of custom looks we can achieve. Armor pieces can now be tough to find on the AH, and can be expensive when you do. Farming is a time-consuming alternative.

I would love to see pix of other people's xmog gear and hear stories and ideas on how you're rounding up all your pieces. While we're on the subject, here are a couple links:

I'll post pix of my sets as soon as I get some decent screenshots of them.

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 1:19 pm
by GormanGhaste
Mine was easy to put together, the LW scorpid set and Venomstrike from WC. Probably not to most people's taste,
but it just seems perfect for my practical, stealthy hunter who is especially fond of her invertebrate hunter pets.
The only bit of luck was in finding my telescopic reticle (a monocle from the Outland beholder rare).

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 7:15 pm
by Twilight


I'm not satisfied with the cape and the kilt. It has to be a kilt, because I love that chest piece and hate pants, so it really restricts my options.

I'm really irritated that it's restricted by armor type. I used cloth for ages because I could, but also because it just happened to be better than the leather I had at the time. Now all the cloth I've collected over the years is still stuck in storage.

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 11:21 pm
by Quintessence
Twilight wrote:I'm really irritated that it's restricted by armor type. I used cloth for ages because I could, but also because it just happened to be better than the leather I had at the time. Now all the cloth I've collected over the years is still stuck in storage.
Ditto! I have so many pieces that I can't use for xmogging now :(

Plus I'm just not a fan of most of the leather pieces. To me they look pretty plain and boring, while the other armor types seem to have more "fun" sets or items. Still, I'm pretty satisfied (I suppose) with my leather xmog sets. I'll get some screenshots of them later.

I'm with you on the whole pants vs. robes/kilts. For some reason I can't stand the look of leather pants on my character. That's my one rule for xmogging on my druid: no pants! :P

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 1:20 am
by Drrum
Great looks! I agree with you about armor types. I'd like to see some more interesting cloth and leather sets, myself. I'd sure like to be able to xmog my plate into some adorable mail sets! I'd also love to be able to hide an enchant. I cannot stand the way Landslide looks. Ruins the appearance of most weapons. :cry:

Anyway, here's the two plate sets I've made so far:


Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 8:48 am
by GormanGhaste
Drrum wrote:I'd also love to be able to hide an enchant. Ruins the appearance of most weapons. :cry:
Definitely agree with you there. One option is to go after weapons that already have visual effects that you can live with. There's a topic about this on the Petopia forums. Do you know of anyone who's researched this and made a list?

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 4:59 pm
by Twilight
Oooh, I love that offhand with the phoenix hatchling! Nice. :)

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: December 31st, 2011, 12:52 am
by Twilight
I just realised how much money I'm spending on this ... this is dangerous.


Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: January 3rd, 2012, 5:06 am
by Domie
Quintessence wrote:
Twilight wrote:That's my one rule for xmogging on my druid: no pants! :P
This seemed wrong when i was just skimming the text on this post :P

I havnt really bothered with transmo, cause i think its hard find any leather gear i like, i wanted to get the defias armor set, with some engineer googles to go with it, but then i found out the armor was removed :( (i actualy knew this, but had forgotten ;( ). Also thought about making a rogue tier set of off pieces, but many of them look odd on my tauren, so the only ive done so far was getting [item=]Draenic Wildstaff[/item], because it was easy to get, and i hated the look of [item=]Fandral's Flamescythe[/item].
I have planned to get the tbc rogue dungeon set, and add some off pieces, but i just have some other things that are further up my list, specialy now with darkmoon faire back up.

Anyways you people got some nice sets here, and i really loved your green set drrum, ive never seen those axes before, but they look really nice :)

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: January 3rd, 2012, 12:16 pm
by Quintessence
Domie wrote:This seemed wrong when i was just skimming the text on this post :P
ROFL! Well technically it's true, even if it's a bit dirty when taken out of context. XD

Here are my xmog sets for my druid, as seen from the MogIt in-game addon:

This is what my current getup is except for the mainhand. Picked up a dagger that I haven't bothered to xmog into anything else since it works well enough with this set. Normally I use a mace that's xmogged into the above weapon.

And here are all my other sets, 7 total, all kilts/robes - NO PANTS! :P

Bottom three are complete and I rotate through them every now and then, although 200g for a full set switch does start to add up if I'm lazy and don't bother to refarm the gold heh. I haven't collected all the pieces for the top three sets, but the purple and the red ones are nearly done.

If you haven't checked out the MogIt addon, I highly recommend it!

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: January 3rd, 2012, 4:25 pm
by Sundrop

what else are you using for the mooncloth set?

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: January 3rd, 2012, 9:10 pm
by Twilight
Down with pants! :lol:

Candycat: Your shaman reminds me of Tina Turner in the Thunderdome! :D

Quintessence: Which kilts are you using in the yellow and green sets? I was just looking at those shoulders from the yellow and light sets last night - they're so cool, and I never had the opportunity to get them when I was that level.

Domie: What about different goggles? You should be able to find some somewhere.

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: January 4th, 2012, 1:18 am
by Quintessence
From the yellow set - Warchief Kilt, which I cannot for the life of me get to drop despite running through Scarlet Monastery over and over.

From the green set - Jinxed Hoodoo Kilt

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: January 7th, 2012, 2:07 pm
by Domie
I finally got myself to finish my set, and got rather lucky, got 4 pieces that had 20% drop each in 4 runs (2 in one) :D
Im infiltrating highbank in Twilight highlands with my new fancy rogue set, im druid so its probaly easier to go cat form and stealth, but that would ruin the point of my post! :P

I think i said it earlier in this thread, but i dont find any of the druid set attractive, i dont find them ugly, but they are just dont look good enough for me to bother to reforge into them, so i went with this, that atleast makes me look like something else than an everage druid. I havnt been looking much for a good set, in fact this was one of the first i saw, but not all rogue items works on taurens, but i think this does. :)

Edit; I also need to find a good polearm look, so if anyone got an idea, dont be afraid to suggest something! :)

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: January 9th, 2012, 1:05 am
by Twilight
The idea of Tauren rogues still cracks me up. :D You look good, though!

For polearms, I really like the Sonic Spear, the Flame Wrath, and the Grim Scythes (they go great with an all-black outfit and the Hallowed Helm)!

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: January 9th, 2012, 7:51 pm
by Mezcaal
Hey, Quintessence. How did you show all your outfits like that?


Actually, my gloves disappoint me, I haven't been able to find anything to go with the rest of it and would welcome suggestions. :)

Re: Armor Collecting and Xmogging

Posted: January 9th, 2012, 8:45 pm
by Twilight
OOoh nice set. I'll keep an eye out for navy-silver-gold gloves.