Need Advice From You Hunter Pros

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Need Advice From You Hunter Pros

Post by Shikon01 » March 16th, 2014, 4:28 pm

I have a little hunter named Faite on bonechewer level 59 that I am interested in leveling. I haven't really done much w/ her since just after vanilla when I made her and didn't have a clue really what I was doing then. I had been leveling her some through pet battles and I have done quite a bit of reading, but I want to get back in the saddle before I REALLY level her.I will be staying w/ BM. I plan to redo some of my talents and gear sucks and I have skinning and leatherwork so gonna try and find something useful there. My pet specialization will be tenacity, but I need some pet advice as well. If you look me up you will see I have 2 pets, Humar and Velocity ( the orginal King Bangalash ). 2 cats for mastery, but I need some pets for tanking like turtle and pets that give crits wolf comes to mind. I am dieing to get a spirit beast, but don't know of any low level ones at this time. So I definitely need some input and recommendations of pets to acquire before I hit the big button :) One of my priorities is going to be collecting rare pets, but at the same time I need good hunter pets. Also how can I get more focus, I'm pretty low. When I made the toon I had more stamina not realizing I needed more agility, crit and haste. I was thrilled to see where Blizz had increased how many pets we could stable and and have w/ us to call. That was an issue back then, abandoning a pet was something I couldn't do, just like our pets in pet battles they become your family...for me anyway:) Any advice is always appreciated by the BIG DOGS :)

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Re: Need Advice From You Hunter Pros

Post by Durwin » March 20th, 2014, 11:08 am

As far as getting a spirit beast you need to be level 69 to tame exotic pets, but the lowest level spirit beast is level 74 and all the lower level spirit beasts are insanely hard to get. Unless you want to devote a lot of your time to get a spirit beast early on I would wait until you get to 85 or 90. My favorite pet just for running around and fighting stuff as I leveled was my cat. And now that you can change your pets spec you can make your cats tenacity. The stat buffs from the pets special ability doesn't matter as much while leveling up so I would just pick whatever pet you like the most and use it to level with. Best of luck leveling and have fun! :D

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Re: Need Advice From You Hunter Pros

Post by Shikon01 » March 24th, 2014, 9:51 am

Thanks for the input. Ya, I run around w/ one of my cats and added rare turtle to my stable. Just hit level 60 so plan to bump my toon to 90 once I get the extra cash. In the mean time will hunt for some rares and add to my stable a bit. Will have to bump my pally as well because its my jc/ enchanter. I have it to level 58 and don't play it worth a damn, but I really enjoy my hunter, shadow priest ( 89) and mage (90 ).

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Re: Need Advice From You Hunter Pros

Post by Digem » April 12th, 2014, 12:53 pm

My two mains are hunters and my guild has three knowledgable hunters.
Digem#1671 is my id.
I would be glad to help hunters are a lot of fun.
And now any pet can tank but turtles are the best with their shield ability.
Going to be harder to get spirit beasts and rares now with CRZ but the patient get rewarded.
Focus will be an issue until one gets more gear and some trinkets really help with cd's of big hitting abilities.
You will have fun though, it is nice to walk around with a pocket tank in ones pet.
Good luck and happy hunting!

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Re: Need Advice From You Hunter Pros

Post by Shikon01 » April 15th, 2014, 12:34 pm

Digem wrote:My two mains are hunters and my guild has three knowledgable hunters.
Digem#1671 is my id.
I would be glad to help hunters are a lot of fun.
And now any pet can tank but turtles are the best with their shield ability.
Going to be harder to get spirit beasts and rares now with CRZ but the patient get rewarded.
Focus will be an issue until one gets more gear and some trinkets really help with cd's of big hitting abilities.
You will have fun though, it is nice to walk around with a pocket tank in ones pet.
Good luck and happy hunting!
Thank you for the advice just got a turtle not long ago since its on the " must have " list and working on some other pets before I boast her. I have really enjoyed playing her again and hoping some gear will drop at timeless for her though I expect she will survive better than what my fire mage has at this point, but I had forgotten how much I really loved playing her. They have made quite a bit of improvements w/ the hunter that has enhance them since when I played one back in vanilla. No more carrying ammo yay !!!!!!! So have been reading up on all the new info and changes and I am quite happy w/ the changes so far.

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