LF Rotten Little Helper as well as a couple others.

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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LF Rotten Little Helper as well as a couple others.

Post by Askastraza » December 26th, 2014, 7:45 am

I'm not really sure what it's worth in terms of trades to get one here are all of the current pets that I have extras of... I can also offer up leveling services, since I think I got the hang of it? I could also be a healer for you for a while for dungeons or heroics if you'd like. Like I said I'm not sure what any of these pets are worth, I'm trying to gather up things I could trade for etc so... please bear with me. If I somehow get the rotten little helper from the daily finally I'll be changing this list up a bit.

What I have
Doom Bloom H/P
Father Winter's Helper B/B
Father Winter's Helper B/B
Cornish Rex Cat P/P
Brilliant Spore P/S
Fishy H/B
Great horned Owl B/B
Green Wing Macaw S/B
Hydraling P/B
Imperial Silkworm H/H
Imperial Silkworm H/H
Iron Starlette P/P
Iron Starlette P/S
Meadowstomper Calf P/B
Orange Tabby Cat B/B
Tiny Snowman B/B
Tiny Snowman B/B

What I want
Rotten Little Helper
Azure whelpling
Forest Sproutling
Ore Eater
Festival Lantern
Lil Leftovers
Magical Crawdad

Pretty much any tradeable pet I am missing.

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Re: LF Rotten Little Helper as well as a couple others.

Post by Skadoo23 » December 28th, 2014, 7:04 am

We could work something out for some of the pets on your wanted list for pet leveling, hit me up Tristan#1581

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