Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

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Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Demiano » January 3rd, 2015, 7:34 am

Am I the only one who isnt getting ANY pets from the menagerie bag reward? I mean yes at first I was getting almost 2 a day on 2 toons, then they rightly nerfed it but now... its been like 2 weeks and both my toons have not gotten any pet rewards. Is this similar for others?

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Graven » January 3rd, 2015, 9:55 am

From what people have posted, it seems like the drop chance for a particular pet might go right down when you have had it once. So, dupes are much rarer than the first drop of each pet. There are a couple of threads about this.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Nirnaan » January 3rd, 2015, 12:52 pm

I think we might have had a stealth nerf. I have had the lvl 3 Menagerie since december 4th on one char only but have done the quest every day since then. RNG is random but this is my rewards:
04/12 Sunfire Kaliri
05/12 Puddle Terror
07/12 Albino Chimaeraling
10/12 Sun Sproutling
18/12 Firewing
20/12 Spectral Bell (Ghastly Kid)
03/01 Weebomination (finally!)

Looks like 10% chance per pet you have left, maximum of one a day or something like that.
Last edited by Nirnaan on January 3rd, 2015, 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Badpathing » January 3rd, 2015, 12:53 pm

I am almost 100% confident you can get each pet, one time per character.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Riena » January 3rd, 2015, 3:26 pm

There has been a lot of discussion on the drop chance for these pets. Most of this has revolved around whether or not you can get duplicates on the same character (you could, though they may have stealth-changed this) or if getting all of the pets significantly decreased their drop chance (appeared to be true for most people anecdotally).


Yes, I do believe that we have had a stealth nerf. Neither of these apply to me as I am still missing at least one Menagerie daily pet, but it has been many bags since I have had a pet drop.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Gilneas » January 3rd, 2015, 4:02 pm

Yes, I do believe that we have had a stealth nerf.
The idea of a "stealth nerf" is just something people concoct when they are frustrated or don't understand something. It isn't something Blizzard actually does.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Robotusch » January 3rd, 2015, 4:11 pm

Badpathing wrote:I am almost 100% confident you can get each pet, one time per character.
Wouldn't surprise me at all if that was the case. I've doing it on 5 characters for a week now, and I've started getting 4th copies of some of the pets now. Even got the last of the pets I was missing today (Firewing).

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Moppet » January 4th, 2015, 5:45 am

Badpathing wrote:I am almost 100% confident you can get each pet, one time per character.
This is my experience as well. I have two characters with the lvl3 menagerie and my main has had all the pets drop and haven't gotten any from the bags since. When my alt finally got enough resources to build the menagerie, I started getting the pets from her daily bags only.

However someone on the official forums keep saying he's been getting duplicates. /shrug?

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Demiano » January 4th, 2015, 9:46 am

I know for a fact there was a nerf, I got about 3 of each pet at the beginning, sold them all on the ah for nice profits but not too high as they werent too rare, NOW Im getting none, so blizz obviously realised guys like me with 2 toons were just farming them for gold and decided this was not working as intended and totally nerfed the drop rate or made it check if you got the pet already and if you did then no more for you. Ive since had to buy all the pets back, at least I got them cheaper than I sold them but still its annoying.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Badpathing » January 4th, 2015, 2:44 pm

Demiano wrote:I know for a fact there was a nerf, I got about 3 of each pet at the beginning, sold them all on the ah for nice profits but not too high as they werent too rare, NOW Im getting none, so blizz obviously realised guys like me with 2 toons were just farming them for gold and decided this was not working as intended and totally nerfed the drop rate or made it check if you got the pet already and if you did then no more for you. Ive since had to buy all the pets back, at least I got them cheaper than I sold them but still its annoying.

btw, everything you just said supports what is fairly well known; 1 of each pet per character.

You know no 'facts' regarding the droprate.
Last edited by Badpathing on January 4th, 2015, 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Jazeel » January 4th, 2015, 3:24 pm

RNG with diminishing chances of a drop can play hell i guess, i am still missing 2 of the pets from the daily menagerie reward and its been 3 weeks since i got a drop, really thinking of levelling an alt just to increase my chances of getting those last 2.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Chibimage » January 5th, 2015, 10:24 am

Take every piece of anecdotal evidence on forums with a grain of salt. There are loads of people (not really here, I'll add - warcraftpets don't have too many epeen rubbers I've noticed, which is just lovely) who will straight up *lie* to seem more special than anyone else. So just, don't expect everyone to be telling the truth, particularly on the bnet forums.

I've had my Menagerie since November 24th - I got all 7 pets in a row, 1 a day, every day. Then I've never seen another since.

From my large list of bnet friends, I've seen one person get a dupe, on an alt. A bunch of us check in with each other every few days to check and see how we're doing and if anyone has gotten a duplicate. Just the one dupe - on an alt - before she had all 7 pets.

Also, to the guy who said Blizzard never stealth nerfs - you really really need to understand that they absolutely can and do. It's called "hotfixes" and they do it all the time. They don't list them all. They don't have to. They don't ever have to explain every teeny tiny little thing they adjust to their players and they do not. *Particularly* when it affects the economy.

Why, during the first few days of live I watched in my inventory a hotfix roll out that changed Primal Spirits/Sorcerous items form Blue (rare) to Green (uncommon) live, as I was playing the game. Others in my guild watched it happen live as well. So just please take the blinders/earmuffs off. They go in and change things whenever the heck they feel like it and they don't need to sit us down, hold our hand, and explain why or how they did what they did.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Arakaya » January 5th, 2015, 11:26 am

I have gotten duplicates of all 7, but I run the dailies x3 per day, so I cant confirm if they have been on alts or the same, ill start paying better attention. What I have noticed is 0 aquatic stones from the pet bag or the mystery bag. If only I could get syd to drop.......

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Badpathing » January 5th, 2015, 11:58 am

I have gotten all the pets 4 times exactly. Guess how many characters I do the daily with?

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Badpathing » January 5th, 2015, 12:00 pm

Chibimage wrote:Also, to the guy who said Blizzard never stealth nerfs - you really really need to understand that they absolutely can and do. It's called "hotfixes" and they do it all the time. They don't list them all. They don't have to. They don't ever have to explain every teeny tiny little thing they adjust to their players and they do not. *Particularly* when it affects the economy.
I don't argue that unlisted changes are not made, I agree they are. I do however, object to this inane labeling of such changes as 'stealth nerfs' at the drop of a hat. It reminds me of people saying they 'hacked an account' when they sat at the chair when someone was gone and logged in...or they guessed/knew a password.

It's simply misuse of a phrase and/or label and it's just stupid.

Also, I know you weren't referring to me in the quote, was just using it for context :)

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Buruan » January 5th, 2015, 12:37 pm

I have 2 lvl 3 Menageries, below my yield today

Day 1 - Weebomination on both
Day 2 - Sun Sproutling on 1 / Nada on the other
Day 3 - Nada on 1 / Sun Sproutling
Day 4 - Spectral Bell / Nada
Day 5 - Nada / Spectral Bell
Day 6 - Nada / Nada
Day 7 - Nada / Nada

So i have received only dupes on my second account.
I dont mind all that much to be honest, RNG is RNG.

And I dont think there was a nerf, many people + RNG = very different results.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Mantrhax » January 5th, 2015, 1:10 pm

I got all pets, but never got a 2nd one

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Taerie » January 5th, 2015, 3:27 pm

Badpathing wrote:I am almost 100% confident you can get each pet, one time per character.
I got an albino chimeraling 2 days in a row on the same toon. I made note of it because it was on my inexplicably lucky huntard and it was just further anecdotal evidence that she is indeed blessed by the rng gods.
That being said my drops are few and far between now- even doing this on 5 toons there are a couple pets I've only got once.
A nerf seems needed though. The price for these pets is on the floor on my server- as low as 500g often. It seems like the pandaria reward pets held their value a lot better.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by Graven » January 5th, 2015, 3:52 pm

Taerie wrote:It seems like the pandaria reward pets held their value a lot better.
I guess they probably would. Remember you can only do the pandaria tamer quests and beasts of fable once per day, whereas you can do "Mastering the Menagerie" as many times per day as you have level 100 characters.

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Re: Menagerie daily rewards nerfed

Post by GrosBonda » January 5th, 2015, 4:42 pm

Ok take it as you want but here what happen to me.

Before january 1st i had 2 lvl 3 Menagerie and get all pets between both toons since i did not take note on who get what , i dont know if i get duplicate EXCEPT for the [pet]Sun Sproutling[/pet] , i have 3 of them :roll:
I did not buy any menagerie pet and i did not trade any also, so obviously i get one duplicate on one of the 2 toons...... which one i have absolutly no clue .... that's about where i am on the duplicate...

So i level a third toon and decide to start the daily on Jan3 and keep track

here my log so far :
  • I did not did daily on any toon for about 4 or 5 days before that
  • All stone here are training stone unless state other
  • third is the newer toon obviously
  • third toon never do any daily before (lvl 1 /2/ 3)
  • I have all the menagerie pet and some of them in double except [pet]Sun Sproutling[/pet] (i have 3)

Jan 03 - Flying Stone / undead stone / [pet]Albino Chimaeraling[/pet] + Magic stone
jan 04 - Undead stone / Magic stone / [pet]Ghastly Kid[/pet] + Critter stone
Jan 05 - Undead stone / Elemental stone / [pet]Weebomination[/pet] + Beast Stone

I will continue to log my loot

Edit 1 : BTW no pet caged for those 3 days

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